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kallend 2,067
"Follow the money."
It never fails.
It never fails.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
Gawain 0
I can cite a couple of things which I take issue with on your post:
This is wholly incorrect, and I would like you to provide an example. The Gulf War was not "legal" terrorism. The US does not pay the families of homicide bombers sums of money for their "service". The US does not gas its own citizens.
That is a UN program, which, as it happens, is administered by Europe. The program doesn't work anyway.
Again (now blue in the face), everyone knows that oil is a factor. Again (all together now), oil is not the only reason for this campaign.
Folks, yeah, it's about oil. Big fu*k*ng deal. You're just realizing this, and feel the need to trumpet it to the world? The Gulf War in 1991 was about oil too. It also happened to be about lancing a festering boil that is Iraq and getting its infection out of Kuwait (where the Kuwaitis were horribly tortured BTW). It was also about ensuring that there was stability in a region which the world economy can no longer afford the shenanigans of a civilization in decline (and yes, the Middle East, as a whole, is a civilization in declinen and has been for some 400 years). Sh*t Libya was named the head of the UNs Human Rights Commission, and you think the UN has relevance?
Yes, it's about oil. Yes, it is, in fact a good thing that the US continues to import oil without tapping into the strategic reserves (that's why they're called reserves) and yes, the world will be a better place without Saddam tinkering with WMD.
I believe that we didn't dispose of him in 1991 had to do more with Iran than with the UN resolution. Apparently there is thinking that a vacuum in the fertile crescent does not pose the threat that it once did.
I can cite a couple of things which I take issue with on your post:
QuoteUs also support teroism,but its a kind of legal terro...
This is wholly incorrect, and I would like you to provide an example. The Gulf War was not "legal" terrorism. The US does not pay the families of homicide bombers sums of money for their "service". The US does not gas its own citizens.
QuoteWhat kind of Terro is it to offer oil for food...
That is a UN program, which, as it happens, is administered by Europe. The program doesn't work anyway.
QuoteLets not be better than we are..
And i still dont like Sadam,but i dosnt like either that US want this just for the oil..
Again (now blue in the face), everyone knows that oil is a factor. Again (all together now), oil is not the only reason for this campaign.
Folks, yeah, it's about oil. Big fu*k*ng deal. You're just realizing this, and feel the need to trumpet it to the world? The Gulf War in 1991 was about oil too. It also happened to be about lancing a festering boil that is Iraq and getting its infection out of Kuwait (where the Kuwaitis were horribly tortured BTW). It was also about ensuring that there was stability in a region which the world economy can no longer afford the shenanigans of a civilization in decline (and yes, the Middle East, as a whole, is a civilization in declinen and has been for some 400 years). Sh*t Libya was named the head of the UNs Human Rights Commission, and you think the UN has relevance?
Yes, it's about oil. Yes, it is, in fact a good thing that the US continues to import oil without tapping into the strategic reserves (that's why they're called reserves) and yes, the world will be a better place without Saddam tinkering with WMD.
I believe that we didn't dispose of him in 1991 had to do more with Iran than with the UN resolution. Apparently there is thinking that a vacuum in the fertile crescent does not pose the threat that it once did.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!
rhino 0
Thugs and bullies???
Saddham finances and rewards suicidal bombings... Families of people that blow themselves up are paid by Saddham.
He is a known backer of terror groups. He has uses chemical weapons on his own people.
As much as it may be about oil it is also about preventative maintenance.
I for one SUPPORT our President.. He said that this was like a bad movie re-run and he isn't interested in watching it again.
Last year around 9/11 everyone was in support. Congress OVERWHELMINGLY passed a bill giving President Bush SOLE power to declare war on Iraq. Their are reasons for this.
I hope we do it right this time...
Saddham finances and rewards suicidal bombings... Families of people that blow themselves up are paid by Saddham.
He is a known backer of terror groups. He has uses chemical weapons on his own people.
As much as it may be about oil it is also about preventative maintenance.
I for one SUPPORT our President.. He said that this was like a bad movie re-run and he isn't interested in watching it again.
Last year around 9/11 everyone was in support. Congress OVERWHELMINGLY passed a bill giving President Bush SOLE power to declare war on Iraq. Their are reasons for this.
I hope we do it right this time...
QuoteLast year around 9/11 everyone was in support. Congress OVERWHELMINGLY passed a bill giving President Bush SOLE power to declare war on Iraq. Their are reasons for this.
I hope we do it right this time...
Cool...did we find Bin Laden in Iraq? Other Al Queda operatives? Any evidence of connection to the 9/11 attacks and Iraq?
Oil is not the only reason for attacking Iraq. Another is to divert attention from our inability to achieve the goals that GW was charged with when givn those powers by congress.
billvon 3,031
>I support our president and support our military...
So do I. But if you have kids, you will realize that you can support them even when they do something stupid, and trying to change their minds about it does not mean you don't support them any more.
>bottom line.. Iraq supports terrorism...
So do we, except we put a thousand times the effort into it. We created Al Quaeda when we gave the Mujahidden billions in weapons to pull off terrorist attacks. Since those attacks were against people we didn't like (the USSR) we felt perfectly justified. We've bankrolled people who try to assassinate leaders of other countries. We used drug money to illegally finance the contra terrorists in Iraq. Heck, we've even dropped nuclear weapons on civilians and killed a third of a million of them.
So we do all the same things we accuse other people of doing. The difference is that we claim we're right. Which may be, but don't forget that they think they're right, too.
So do I. But if you have kids, you will realize that you can support them even when they do something stupid, and trying to change their minds about it does not mean you don't support them any more.
>bottom line.. Iraq supports terrorism...
So do we, except we put a thousand times the effort into it. We created Al Quaeda when we gave the Mujahidden billions in weapons to pull off terrorist attacks. Since those attacks were against people we didn't like (the USSR) we felt perfectly justified. We've bankrolled people who try to assassinate leaders of other countries. We used drug money to illegally finance the contra terrorists in Iraq. Heck, we've even dropped nuclear weapons on civilians and killed a third of a million of them.
So we do all the same things we accuse other people of doing. The difference is that we claim we're right. Which may be, but don't forget that they think they're right, too.
12bhi 0
Well his dad should have taken care of it the
first time there wouldnt have to be a re-run...Whos
running this country is it our president,or our
presidents father...Go son..fix daddys fuck ups...
make me proud
first time there wouldnt have to be a re-run...Whos
running this country is it our president,or our
presidents father...Go son..fix daddys fuck ups...
make me proud
Interfax news agency's specialist military news wire AVN quoted an unnamed high-ranking source in the Russian general staff as saying, however, that U.S.-led operations would be launched once an attacking force had been assembled in the Gulf.
"According to the information we have, the operation is planned for the second half of February. The decision to launch it has been taken but not yet been made public," the source told the agency, which has generally authoritative contacts in the Russian military and political establishment.
Interfax gave no indication how the military had obtained its information -- covertly by Russian intelligence services or by a tip-off from Washington, which would be keen to avoid any misunderstandings with Moscow if it does launch a war.
The source said the main aim of a strike was not so much to topple Iraqi President Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) as to secure U.S. control over Iraqi oilfields. Russia has a major commercial interest in Iraqi oil and has made clear its eagerness to exploit Iraq's huge reserves once U.N. sanctions are lifted.
Oil prices eased Wednesday as dealers took profits from a two-month bull run sparked by the momentum for war, while gold, seen as a safe haven, hit its highest price in nearly six years.
"The war will be short, lasting about one month," the Russian source was quoted as saying.
U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage flew to Moscow to try to convince officials that diplomatic options were "just about exhausted."
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