
Fun with Hellfires

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My cousin, who is a Blackhawk pilot sent me
this pic of some of his buds having some sick
phallic humor w/ a hellfire missile. Thought
some of you would enjoy it. The Apache id and
faces of the guilty have been smudged for
obvious reasons.


-the artist formerly known as sinker


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Another reason I love paying taxes!!! It's good to see people screwing off and smiling on my dollar. Makes me feel like I just fed an orphan.

definatly not gona post any pics o have then....... you don't wana hear about my 3 trips to vegas or my trip to switzerland!!!!!! or the 2 years i was in germany!!! lol....some screwing off.....LOTS of work!!!!!!

"i have no reader's digest version"

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This is an exercise in self control. Just look at it and force yourself not to make a bad joke;)

Got it off PlanetBW, of all places.

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.


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those two are pretty damn strong guys!

They weigh 100 lbs. each. We used to put one on each shoulder and walk down the flight line to our aircraft to load them up. Didn't do that w/ the live ones though ;)


hold up. the electronics, the solid fuel, the warhead, the casing all only weights 100lbs!!!!!!!
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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