
BioChemical Vaccinations Question...

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Question: If you had to get a vaccination to protect yourself from BioChemical weapons threats, would it change your stance on the impending war???

Imagine if something like that had to happen. Given the poor state of the current HealthCare system in the US...what a nightmare that would be!!!

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I'd be very nervous taking any vacinations that were recommended before any known outbreaks. I'm not sure I feel safe with the way most hospital warehouses work in regards to preventing drug tampering. Better to leave the storage of these Vacines to someone who can handle it until their use is required.. Having them stockpiled, securly, with a plan to distribute them in a timely manner seems to be a better plan. Once we have enough smallpox vacine to vacinate everyone the chemical weapons of choice will just change. In my opinion vacinations beforehand for the general public provide very little assurance. If we are bothering to vacinate a large population of people (and statisicly killing around 2-3 in a million) we are admitting we do not think we can stop the chemical weapons from coming in. If we can't stop the chemical weapons from coming in someone will bring one that we can't cure.

I'm not going to get vacinated before an outbreak. I don't think it would change my opinion on the war all that much as it would just bring the urgency of our protection a little closer to home.

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If you had to get a vaccination to protect yourself from BioChemical weapons threats, would it change your stance on the impending war???

nope, and nope.............and i will be getting a couple soon......

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Question: If you had to get a vaccination to protect yourself from BioChemical weapons threats, would it change your stance on the impending war???

Like what Anthrax? In the military you have no choice you deploy you will get the anthrax shot series. I know I have a good buddy of mine who it leaving for Turkey any day now and he got his shots Saturday. I got 8 shots as well Saturday- Polio, Yellow Fever, Typhoid, Hep. A, Influenza, MMR (measals, mumps, rubella), Tetnas, and Menincocal. Four in each arm OUCH! I don't care what the Bio Agent is if there is a Vaccination I'll take it.

CSA #699 Muff #3804

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I'll take the shots and roll the dice with the slight chances of a complication with the vaccine in a controled environment (hospital) rather than avoid it and risk being exposed to the real thing somewhere away from immeadiate care.
Hearts & Minds
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> Question: If you had to get a vaccination to protect yourself from
>BioChemical weapons threats, would it change your stance on the
>impending war???

Nope. Keep in mind that there are no vaccinations to protect you from chemical attack. There are some treatments for chemical weapon exposure (like atropine for VX gas) but even those don't work very well, and they are generally given after exposure.

>Imagine if something like that had to happen. Given the poor state of
>the current HealthCare system in the US...what a nightmare that would

Measles, mumps, rubella, diptheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, HIB, polio - all these are given to pretty much every child in the US. Hasn't been a "nightmare."

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