
Ideal jumpship

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Doors add so much difficulty. Gotta get up, get in position, and all that. I'd go with trap doors in the floor. They could be connected to the GPS and just drop everyone right from their seats when the spot is right. Landing gear arrangement (unless its retractible), wing configuration, and the stabilizer wouldnt matter. Seen the show Russian Roulette on the gameshow network? Same idea. Think about it... solves a lot of problems. Center of gravity issues can be managed by having everyone drop in the proper order automatically. Think of all the other uses too! Drug smuggling, 1920's style airmail delivery, propaganda scattering, and more! It's such a great idea I think I better stop now before someone gets too many ideas and copies it. By May I should have a degree in aerospace engineering. I'm gonna design it! Then build it out of macaroni!

I'm taking an aircraft design class now. We have to design a jet transport that'll fly around the world nonstop unrefueled. So boring compared to the ideal jumpship. :)
Yeah, I'm a little tired.


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I am watching Air America right now and was thinking that a Fairchild C-123k Provider
would be a nice jump ship if they replaced the piston motors with turbines

You know that "THING" was orriginally designed as a glider right? And those wing pods out board of teh nacelle are JATO engines, yuo can have that POS. There is a reason that the C-130 has been flying as long as it has and the -123 no sits on a hill behind the museum at Ft. Bragg.

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there were like a dozen caribou parked at Cape May airport in NJ, one of them used to be a jump ship, I heard they could be retrofitted with turbine's. that would be a pretty decent jump ship. there's two parked right behind work here, too (along with a DC-3, adn a B-17 during the winter)

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ok you got me there. those damn announcers at the air shows have warped my mind. I always thought JATO pods were the rocket bottles that Fat Albert uses for short runway take offs and showing off for the crowd.
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>I am watching Air America right now and was thinking that a Fairchild
> C-123k . . .

That's a C123BK actually, a version that has both jet engines and radials. (You have to look hard to find the jet engines, they're hidden in pods.) I've jumped out of those; in fact, I think I jumped out of that one when it was at Eloy. It is one of the loudest and messiest planes in the world. Other than that it's pretty nice - I think the only larger tailgate than that I've ever jumped is the C130.

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most of them do need 2 pilots but you can get a modified LET that only requires 1 pilot.

We have had both types at Hinton and I think the single pilot LET 410 is flying at Cark in the UK at the moment.

I'm not sure of the technical details , maybe some one else knows the difference.

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Hell if I know. But they do make engineers to figure out that kind of thing. I would imagine that they could speed it up quite a bit and have some kind of shock absorber mechanaism in the chair assembly that would slow you down until you were up to speed. like the old T-bar ski lifts wit the springs in them. Once your going you could theoredicaly get out at any altitude or ride it back down if you puss out. Then it would be up to the JM to through your ass off the ride.

Just a thought.


btw where did the spell check go??

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