
Marital Status???

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My first jump she bought for my birthday so she sorta put the crack pipe to my lips.

Same story here except it was for our anniversary. B| She has done two tandems and is going to get her license as soon as we get settled in our new house.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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Married for 21 years. My wife doesn't jump and is a little upset a birthday present turned into an addiction.
D28695 PoPs #9237
"Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
— Bruce Landsberg

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........ Single -- and for now I'm happy just skydiving,:) That's such a neat feeling when you meet someone that just makes you shake with excitement inside everytime you first see them and you just want to be close enough to them to be breathing the same air................. I guess it's been a while for me:S

Steve M
>^..^for me -- SkyDiving is a life sentence -- for it has saved my life.

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On the way to being single again...

Saaaay what?

I thought you just got unsingle?

edit to add: Me-married, and I'm the only jumper. She won't even get on a plane.....that's good though, cheaper that way....
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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I thought you just got unsingle?

You got to love when life really complicates life...I'll give you more details if you track me down at the Convention...
Took the trip, didn't take the leap...

Gotcha. I understand totally.

Details not really needed, but tracking you down at the convention is a given!

p.s. Bring hats!
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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After 8 years of marriage I took up skydiving. At first she was upset and didn't want me to, but after she came out to the dz she made friends and went with me nearly every time(every weekend.) After almost 4 years she still has not even been in the airplane and I gave up trying a couple of years ago, however I could not have a more supportive partner.


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you ought to add another spot to vote. i am divorced, but i started diving after the divorce. id like to see how many people, who are divorced, were diving before the divorce versus who started after the divorce. that would be interesting

hey, i was stupid before stupid was cool!

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If anyone can talk her into a tandem, I will buy all the beer everyone can drink that night! Still nothing. How can I up the ante?

how 'bout buying HER all the drinks she can hold, then talking her into it. the trick is throwing her out before she gets sober, then not being there when she sobers up and realizes what the hell you did!

hey, i was stupid before stupid was cool!

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Ive noticed that the majority of the dzcommers here havent made the mistake of tying the knot thusfar...hehehe I know there are some god ones and bad ones out there marriage being my point but Ive heard so many bad things that have happened to people in marriages like the lack of sex after children and so on and I dont think I could handle that. :P

- GQ

... it was the love of the air and sky and flying, the lure of adventure, the appreciation of beauty ...
-Charles Lindberg

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I know there are some god ones and bad ones out there marriage being my point but Ive heard so many bad things that have happened to people in marriages like the lack of sex after children and so on and I dont think I could handle that

Marrage is just like skyding!! its all what you make it!!! You can make It be fun ,safe and exciting or misserable, dangerous and boring!!! Of coarse even in a good marrage its fun to get dangerous somtimes......jsut hope the cieling fan is anchored nice and tight!!:o:S

Freedom of speech includes volume

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Marriage is what you make of it! It's harder than any job I've ever had but also much more rewarding:P!! Marriage and/or any relationship is a full time job for both partners.

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions. -Oliver Wendel Holmes

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