
headlines in 2035

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Newspaper Headlines in the Year 2035

Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, California.

White minorities are still trying to have English recognized as California's third language.

Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United States crops & livestock.

Baby conceived naturally.... Scientists stumped.

Authentic year 2000 "chad" sells at Sotheby's for $4.6 million on E-BAY.

Last remaining Fundamentalist Muslim dies in the American Territory of the Middle East (formerly known as Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and Lebanon).

Iraq still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least ten more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels.

Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking.

George Z. Bush says he will run for President in 2036.

Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $7.89 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesday only.

35 year study: diet and exercise is the key to weight loss.

Massachusetts executes last remaining conservative.

Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals violates their civil rights.

Upcoming NFL draft likely to focus on use of mutants. Average height of NBA players now nine feet, seven inches.

Microsoft announces it has perfected its newest version of Windows so it crashes BEFORE installation is completed.

New federal law requires that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters, and rolled up newspapers must be registered by January 2036.

Congress authorizes direct deposit of illegal political contributions to campaign accounts.

Capitol Hill intern indicted for refusing to have sex with congressman.
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
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>Skydivers in Eloy AZ build a 1,000 person formation in freefall for 7.4
> seconds breaking the old world record of 949 people.

After landing, one of the organizers, Jeff Mullins, is overheard to say "I'm getting way too old for this shit."

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"Famous 300-way participant from back in 2001 was quoted saying 'back in my day we did it with multipul planes from the low altitude of 18k...you yung'n don't know how good you have it!' He proceeded to toss his walker into the landing area, sit down and mutter something about downsizing to quickly."


--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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