
Do you approve or disapprove of the Bush administration and the way they are handling their job?

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I'm sorry but I can't answer your poll. It's way to broad a question to answer for me.
I like the way G.W is handling Iraq.
I dislike his views on religion, I think the church and state should be totally separated and words of "God" be taken out of everything being not all Americans believe in god.
I like his views on tapping domestic oil, No place in the world would a cleaner/healthier less destructive oil well pump(more reasons also).And oil is a world problem.
But I also think not enough is being done to get away from oil use. (Bill you never asked so I never told.;):D).
I love his way of surrounding himself with intelligent people and listening to them on their expertise.
I know his speaking skills have alot to be desired.
I HATE his way of thinking that a girl should not have control of her own body and her unborn babies she does or does not want. How dumb is it to bring unwanted babies into a over populated world?
AND THE NUMBER ONE REASON I LIKE George Walker Bush, I think he genuinely cares about The American people first, Foreign friends second and will talk straight to our enemies then destroy them if need be. The way I believe it should be.We are not the bad people.
These are only a few, As of now I stand behind him as my president and I'll vote for him again, But I don't know who might prove to be a better man in the future, I'm open minded..B|

------Have a good one!--------

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a resounding "NO" for wyubya and cabinet. he's an idiot, and he's "trigger happy" and he doesn't have a clue what repercussions his actions may cause on innocent civilians. he just doesn't seem to "think things through"
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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What does this mean? I know it sounds like a infants attempt on pronouncing something but I believe it's some sort of disrespectful insult, Immature none the less.

he's an idiot, and he's "trigger happy" and he doesn't have a clue what repercussions his actions may cause

Can you please explain your reasons for feeling this way in a way we can understand.When did he ever prematurely fire anything to say he's "trigger happy".

on innocent civilians. he just doesn't seem to "think things through"


I believe you don't even think your own words through. You tell me how many innocent people are suffering due to Saddam right now, How many more will keep suffering if he stays in power, How many innocent civilians does George Bush want to kill?, He's going way out his way and spending billions on saving innocent Iraqi people, Doing more for them then their own leader, Don't think he wants to hurt/kill innocent Iraqi people, HE DON'T!!!. He wants the people hurting these people to stop and if they don't he will stop them, Atleast he's doing the best he can.
Please don't just type insults, If you don't have a solution or a positive idea then you are part of the problem.

------Have a good one!--------

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If you don't have a solution or a positive idea then you are part of the problem.

it's not my job to come up with a solution. but if i had to offer an opinion, i would say...again, let the UN staff complete their mission before "building up a massive military strike force" and your right, i am part of the problem, i voted for the imbicile. i do have a clue what's going on over there right now, and in the past few months, i have seen it for myself, there have been bombs dropped the US citizens don't even know about, but i'm not going to bother to explain it to you. as i've said in other posts on this issue, if your NOT willing to travel over to any region of the world personally, then you obviously percieve some problem in the area. i don't make comments without some knowlege to back it up. my main concern is the loss of innocent human lives, not anything else. listen to me know, and hear me in two weeks, if we attack Iraq without the proper procedures ie: consent from NATO, etc...trust me when i tell you everyone in the united states will be at risk...randomly. i still don't think everyone knows the magnitude of this situation.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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let the UN staff complete their mission

The UN is a wanna be, power hungry, bunch of wanna be's. lol

We simply cannot depend on the UN to route terrorism. They don't have the capability to do 1/10 of what the US and Britain can do alone.. The UN is a joke...

They allways will be..


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The UN is a joke...

while i am in agreement with this statement, it's still a matter of protocol. i've said before in these forums, "if" they have any womd (and i' certain they do) the UN will never find them, hell, we can't find them. the desert is a vast barren wasteland, just too much of nothing to search. since Iraq cannot afford a gigantic military, how do you think they will retaliate? i can tell you, by killing more innocent americans utilizing different teqniques right here in on our own soil. this is what i DON'T want to see.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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We simply cannot depend on the UN to route terrorism. They don't have the capability to do 1/10 of what the US and Britain can do alone..

The UN is as strong as its parts. Just like the US is as strong as its parts. Since we're not behaving like part of the UN a lot of the time (other than housing them), we obviously weaken them.

Then we complain that they're weak.

Right now we're an extremely powerful country. Someday we may not be. Actually, that's almost certain -- things change. The Soviet Union used to be about as powerful as we were.

What happens when a bully suddenly isn't the biggest and strongest any more, or when the rest of the class realizes that together they're stronger than the bully? I don't want my country to act like a bully who puts his or her own interests above everything else.

Of course our own interests are important to us. But my individual need for money isn't great enough to make me break the law for it. It's not just fear of getting caught that keeps me from being a bank robber. And it's not a sign of fear or weakness when a country compromises.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I think the day that the US isn't the top superpower will be the day Jesus comes to town..

The British thought that 150 years ago. The Spanish thought that 450 years ago. The Mongols thought along equivalent lines 800 years ago. The Romans had similar ideas 2000 years ago, the Macedonians 2400 years ago, the Egyptians 3000 years ago...

Empires come and empires go...

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I'm not going to quote and reply so much as I'll just rant a little and answer questions I think I may know and ask questions for anyone to answer with their opinion, And that is all I have is my opinion. I come up with my opinion by listening to EVERYONE, Not just to people that share the same views as mine.

The U.N inspectors would not even be in Iraq right now if we did not build up the military to the point that it scared Saddam into letting inspectors in. The inspectors will eventually find weapons if they are allowed to look. And they will go to those weapons when The Military is ready for the resistance that they know they will get and be prepared for what it may lead to.(reason I got fluffed when you called G.W "Trigger Happy". He's not)

Saddam was born in a country that the person with superior violence rules, He grew up with this and gained his power with this superior violence. That is why he only listens to people with superior firepower. Really it's not his fault, He's a victim of his surroundings, but we can't help that. But we might be able to fix it, at least we should try. Because this ignorance and violence is spreading over onto really true innocent people across the world. Problem is you have to fight fire with fire sometimes.

I think we have to get rid of the leaders that with hold information from their people, Free the people so they can learn what they want and befriend them with education and peace (They want both). It works.

And it is not all desert.Did you know that one of the biggest marsh land area in the world is in South Iraqi? I forget the Arab tribe's name that live in this marsh but they are one of the world's oldest group of people. There are people who say these "Marsh Arabs" invented "The Wheel" and the"Plow". Saddam has been killing them for years and draining there land/marsh just to kill them.

I don't believe Saddam will hide ALL his WMD's in the barren desert, I think he will keep some close to get to and keep away from his enemies,he as alot of enemies, way more then George Bush.

------Have a good one!--------

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I think we have to get rid of the leaders that with hold information from their people


if this is your opinion and your view, kewel. but if it is, you'd have to get rid of wyubya,powell,rumsfeld et. al. if you think for a moment they're telling you 1/4 of everything they know i'll jump out of a plane without a visible parachute. by the way, have you been to Iraq, Saudi-Arabia, Quatar, Kuwait, Bahrain? if you haven't your not qualified to offer an opinion on where they can hide anything. i keep saying, do your research, you obviously haven't. and if you think wyubya isn't "trigger happy" time will prove this statement one way or another. this situation is very serious, the Iraqi's are assuring the USA that if it comes under attack, "New York will seem like a picnic" rest assured that is the truth. would it not be for the fact that thousands of innocent americans would be slaughtered right here on our own soil, i'd have to be of an opinion to blow them up myself, but it is for this reason, and this reason only my opinion is to proceed with extreme caution.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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I am not going to disagree with what you are saying, but why are you under the impression that if we leave the UN to find weapons, that this will end the problem?

What I am asking you Rgoper is, do you think if we leave Iraq alone, innocent american will NOT die? The longer this guy has to plan, w\the worse it will be for us here. IMO


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would it not be for the fact that thousands of innocent americans would be slaughtered right here on our own soil, i'd have to be of an opinion to blow them up myself, but it is for this reason, and this reason only my opinion is to proceed with extreme caution.

this is what i'm saying, i'm not saying that if we leave them alone they won't do anything. and, as i've asked for other's to ponder on before, i'll ask again "who's policing the police?" everyone has a hard on for the middle eastern regions of the world, yet most of these people only know what they're being told, and are not even considering traveling there themselves. right now, (i have a 23 year old son over there right now) Iraq isn't doing anything to anybody, thus the old adage comes to mind "never kick a sleeping dog" he'll only wake up and bite you in anger for waking him up. at some point and time common sense must prevail in this most serious situation.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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Roy, very well said. I could not agree more. GW has his faults, some of his policies are way too conservative, but overall I approve and don't regret my support. He's a good president.

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Crush the infidels!!!

in-fi-del \'in-fed-l 1: one who is not a christian, or opposes christianity 2: an unbeliever in a religion esp. in respect to a particular religion.

we've covered the "religous" topic(s) in these forums before, do you really mean this?
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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Let me just remind everyone.. We didn't take Saddham last time because the Saudi's asked us not to. If we would have marched into Baghdad Iraq as a nation would have been done and the land split. Remember that True Iraqi's only make up 40% of the population in IRaq. Iranians make up the rest. Iranians are pretty damned dangerous themselves..


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I think we have to get rid of the leaders that with hold information from their people


if this is your opinion and your view, kewel. but if it is, you'd have to get rid of wyubya,powell,rumsfeld et. al. if you think for a moment they're telling you 1/4 of everything they know i'll jump out of a plane without a visible parachute.


Your right, I used the wrong word,Instead of the word "Information" I should of used "Basic education".. Thought you would of picked up the broad meaning, I was wrong.

by the way, have you been to Iraq, Saudi-Arabia, Quatar, Kuwait, Bahrain? if you haven't your not qualified to offer an opinion on where they can hide anything.

That is just wrong.

i keep saying, do your research, you obviously haven't. and if you think wyubya isn't "trigger happy" time will prove this statement.


Your right again, Time has already proven he is not "Trigger Happy" being that he did not fire yet.Do you know what "trigger happy" means? When has he fired to soon?


one way or another. this situation is very serious,

Your right again.

the Iraqi's are assuring the USA that if it comes under attack, "New York will seem like a picnic"


Yeah they said that, Also swore the same threats before Desert Storm, Kinda like how we talk about nukes, It's called "Saber Rattling".


rest assured that is the truth. would it not be for the fact that thousands of innocent americans would be slaughtered right here on our own soil,

This is not "assured", It is a possibility that we all need to realize, But that chance is slighter then the certainty that chance will grow if we let these people build/hide/have the weapons that could do it.

i'd have to be of an opinion to blow them up myself, but it is for this reason, and this reason only my opinion is to proceed with extreme caution.

These reasons are the reason we should proceed with extreme caution. But proceed we should do, Not bother due to fright is not the way.

------Have a good one!--------

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>I am not going to disagree with what you are saying, but why are you
> under the impression that if we leave the UN to find weapons, that
> this will end the problem?

No, but if we support the UN in finding, documenting, and removing the weapons, then we _will_ control (not end) the problem. Nothing we can do, ever, will stop the problems in the middle east, and if you think that military force is the answer, see how well it's worked for Israel.

>What I am asking you Rgoper is, do you think if we leave Iraq
> alone, innocent american will NOT die?

If we enforce the UN resolutions, innocent americans will not die due to Saddam's WMD's. Of course, since we never got Bin Laden, innocent americans will probably die again, although we can try to prevent such acts in the future. Right now that attack is way more likely to come from Kuwait than Iraq.

>The longer this guy has to plan, w\the worse it will be for us here. IMO

North Korea has nukes, and is building ICBMs, and has said they will tear us limb from limb. Pakistan and India both have nukes, have been warring over Kashmir for years, and we're allied with both of them, sorta. The Saudis have still not cooperated much in going after anti-US terrorism in their own country. Kuwaitis are killing Americans in Kuwait. An Iraq that is open to inspection doesn't even make the top five in terms of threats to the US.

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Let me just remind everyone.. We didn't take Saddham last time because the Saudi's asked us not to. If we would have marched into Baghdad Iraq as a nation would have been done and the land split. Remember that True Iraqi's only make up 40% of the population in IRaq. Iranians make up the rest. Iranians are pretty damned dangerous themselves..

So I guess what I was saying is that Bush Sr didn't make a mistake per say. He was trying to give the Iraqi's a chance to get Saddham out themselves.

Bush Jr isn't fixing Bush Sr's mistakes.. We tried it the easy way.. Now we have to exercise plan B.


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