skybytch 273 #1 January 19, 2003 Okay, I'll start. :1:1 Fun four way sit fly jump with Betsy, sangiro and Betsy's friend Sara, with Betsy's camera flier Vic filming. I'd be back out there again today but a) I didn't get enough sleep (i.e. had tooooo much fun Saturday night ) and b) sitflying with a sore shoulder wasn't real smart (i.e. I'm hurtin' today...). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mujie96 0 #2 January 19, 2003 0:0:0 Speaks for itself. South winds suck and I'm not getting any. Do I owe a case for drinking a jack and 7 up at the dz when they officially gave up on the weather yesterday morning at 11:09? I'm not sure that I've had Jack at that wee hour before... Just keep swimming...just keep swimming.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zenister 0 #3 January 19, 2003 3 (more Dz.comers met last night at Kapowsin.):0:0 but my rig & gear should be here this week so of course the weather will go to hell next weekend ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stacy 0 #4 January 19, 2003 i'm still sick. apparently i'm allergic to promethazine and penicillins. been sick since Jan 1. more medication and i should be back in the air next weekend. saw a good movie yesterday (ABout Schmidt), nice dinner, and lots of beer and arcade games to sedate me. And some nice guy brought me epsom salts to soak in a bath. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #5 January 19, 2003 Packing for 1 trip to Dallas: 15 feet the Spitfire drug me in the Snow:0 Brian Germain designed a sweet kite... I can't wait till it warms up and I can go pond jumping with it Mad that work is making me travel again... I'm tired of traveling for work... Yesterday is history And tomorrow is a mystery Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jessica 0 #6 January 19, 2003 0:4:0 So I was on a night SCR attempt, and I was going be middle float, climbing out of the King Air after the front and rear floats, then giving the count. It was kind of dark (duh) so when the green light went on I saw two jumpers climb out, so I hustled after them. As we fell away, there was only one person with me. Rear float was still in the plane. I thought the camera guy was rear float. Like I said, it was dark. We built to four. It was hella fun, though. Skydiving is for cool people only Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymama 37 #7 January 19, 2003 0 (Jessica's magic 8 ball was right!):2:0 Met up with Katiebear, Chuckie, Mouth and Happythoughts in Z-hills. We had a great time, and I got my Skymonkey hat. Woohoo! When Katie gets back, ask her what her new nickname is. She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man, because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CanuckInUSA 0 #8 January 19, 2003 1:4:0 - 1 good time on Saturday night becoming the newest member of Team Bellas. - 4 jumps in on Saturday. But I didn't get to jump this morning due to some strong winds. Things died down later in the afternoon but it was too late. I had already poisened myself with some beer watching the Bucs beat the Eagles. - No beer owed this weekend. Try not to worry about the things you have no control over Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
f1freak 0 #9 January 20, 2003 1:3:0 1 time having my eyelids freeze shut during freefall (my gogles blew off...) Made 3 great jumps today (COLD AS HELL, but still a blast....). i would have made more, but we didnt have a pilot on sat... HAVE FUN... ...JUST DONT DIE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jimbo 0 #10 January 20, 2003 0:0:0 Damn all of you people with nice weather. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dumpster 0 #11 January 20, 2003 2:0:1 1 nice morning with my lady, followed by taking her out for a surprise- We bought her a Trailblazer! (Pre-owned, but only 1 year old- So it's new-to-her!) Which made for a pretty good Sat nite- No jumps- But since Saturday was so good, I bought a case of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale anyways! Easy Does It Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skygal3 0 #12 January 20, 2003 hahaha. thats funny. the new trailblazers are pretty nice..funny story it reminded me of. This bitch I work with just bought a brand new trailblazer with the works..anyway. She parked in my parking spot one morning, I was so mad too because thats my parking spot..well anyway, it's about 8:30, freezing cold and pretty icy. I am outside doing something and I see this tractor trailer truck that was dropping off a delivery pull away, and as he turned the corner, bam! he slid on the ice and smashed right into her brand new trailblazer! Her front end was totally crunched..needless to say I had to bite my tongue as she starts crying and not tell her "well, this wouldn't have happened to you if you would have stayed out of my parking spot..." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ECVZZ 0 #13 January 20, 2003 0:0:0 Beautiful weather today, but that damned 6 hour round trip just didn't appeal to me. I must be losing it! G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
akaGQ 0 #14 January 20, 2003 I got froot-looped this weekend on my one jump in 20 degree weather. It rocked.- GQ ... it was the love of the air and sky and flying, the lure of adventure, the appreciation of beauty ... -Charles Lindberg Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jasmin 0 #15 January 20, 2003 :9(sunday):I had a great sunday: borrowed dad's stilletto135 and turf surfed it. flyboyz exit with chris.dykstra@dz, took 3 docks. 20-way oganised by the nat. coach sweet 16-way with a star as the 1st point!!! (got 2 points) Went out on Wendy's 100th chased out a tandem my Dad was taking out. Also had v/s and another mate with us. Got my new jumpsuit!!!!All in one day!!! Just as well, I'm sick as a dog now xj "I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with the earth...but then I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with a car either, and that's having tried both." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #16 January 20, 2003 :5:0 Not a bad weekend, not as good as I had liked, but hey, it could have been worst.--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BoobieCootie 0 #17 January 20, 2003 What Zenister's saying - 4 dz.comers + beer = one night of endless BSing over pizza. I enjoyed the company of Zenister, Weid14 and Casch after: 1 pretty stable sitfly 1 jump with Casch and Jodie (Casch falls like a bloody boat anchor from the sky), that turned into my first reserve ride. Started out as line-twists, than turned into a radical spin with me on my back. I will probably never forget the sound of the 3-ring disengage and the Raven Dash-M inflate. 1 2-way jump with Casch 2 night jumps (yes, my firsts and I did bring beer) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vallerina 2 #18 January 20, 2003 5 years since I've seen Jackopierce:0:0 My quick sum up: there is something incredible about a band that has meaningful lyrics, awesome harmony and can pull off a duo-acoustic mix while still entertaining a crowd. So, anyways, no interesting jump stories (don't tell Jessica, but it is way too cold to jump), but I did see a darned cool concert, so I will share my story for no one to read! Back in high school, I had a friend who seemed to know all these cool not-so-well known bands (he heard of most of them from Aware Records.) Two of the bands (one being Jackopierce) sounded alright, they had a couple of catchy tunes, but he always told me, "Their music on the cd is nothing. Seeing them live is absolutely amazing." We saw them live shortly before the band broke up, and I was hooked! I still listen to their music often; their one cd in particular I can listen to everyday and still not be sick of it. I heard they were coming to the House of Blues (an awesome venue...I highly recommend finding 9 other people to go with and getting one of their special rooms!) and I immediately bought some tickets and grabbed a hot date for the show! As I expected I had a great time seeing them live once again! The House of Blues had been sold out for their reunion, and I hope this inspires the band to get back together!There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dumpster 0 #19 January 20, 2003 Froot-looped? I must say that's a new one. Definition? Easy Does It Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riddler 0 #20 January 20, 2003 1:0:0 No jumping. Cold. Windy. Spoiled by Eloy - turning into fair weather jumper. Must resist.Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunshine 2 #21 January 20, 2003 Numbers aren't important... My weekend was fun, even if it didn't involve jumping. It's just too damn cold in the midwest. Had numerous fun phone calls. I think Clay called me about 5 times, then there was the great phone call from my favorite couple at 4:30am!! You kids are so silly. ___________________________________________ meow I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dave610 0 #22 January 20, 2003 :5:alot!! so many first I don't want to list them all, but here is a few First jump out of a Casa, for FREE!!! First 4 way First head down, not planned but we just stayed there, and sit, Its cool when people put you in fun positions First Time to be rodeo'd and I bought a new helmit too. GOOD STUFF!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ltdiver 3 #23 January 20, 2003 3 Peckerhead Meat jumps (we medaled!!):1 helicopter jump video:1 500th jump video with a friend. All in all a very relaxing and fun weekend. So, skybytch, did you get that massage for your shoulder ordered yet? ltdiver Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
f1freak 0 #24 January 20, 2003 OH..... I almost forgot, we also hit 1 deer lastnight.....That sucked.... HAVE FUN... ...JUST DONT DIE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
indyz 1 #25 January 20, 2003 Quote Froot-looped? I must say that's a new one. Definition? Belly fly manuever, usually done to newbies but fun with anybody. Basically, when the mark isn't expecting it you fly up, get a good grip in their upper body (arm grippers, shoulder straps, hair), then drop out fast so that you drag them into a front loop. Oh yeah, 0:0:0. Movin' out of the dorms, a lot to do, damn cold anyway. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites