
weekend numberz

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NO jumps, first time my 6 year old daughter sung in the choir (her twin was surprisingly supportive)


That means my f*cking rig has more jumps than me this weekend! I got Sangiro in my pocket, he's gonna want a Wings rig with the low-profile pullout handle for sure, now.

I'm glad my buds are jumping in the sun, the weather has been poopy up here in Norcal, inland.

I want a report from the Monkeys in Florida! Details!

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I want a report from the Monkeys in Florida! Details!

They're not going home until tomorrow, so they're not online very much yet. When I left today around noon, Katie was still 6 jumps shy of her 100th (high winds slowed down her jumping), Mouth was happily ordering a new rig, and Chuck was fat and happy after eating a meatball sandwich. There was some drinking like Vikings done, and I got my Skymonkey hat!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Night Jumps Baybeee! I finally got that requirement out of the way on Saturday night! Absolutely amazing! The view and the feeling were incredible with OKC lit up in the distance with the moon above it. How did I land? Swooped and stuck it!

I had been putting that one off for a couple of years but big thanks to Marcus Thornton for finally kicking my ass and throwing me on the airplane.:$ I didn't kick...much.

Beer owed for my nocturnal jumping and for my D license that I just faxed off for. I've had all the other requirements for ages except for the night.

Oh, and I'm also officially an Instructor now.



Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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3 (consecutive days at the dz):6:4

Weekend Summary
Showed up at Kapowsin Friday afternoon to take care of my recurrency jump (first jump in 2 months). That went well so I jumped on the Otter for the sunset load, ABSOLUTLY BEAUTIFUL sunset. Everyone was down jackin off...err everyone was at JackOff to Perris so there were only 6 of us on the Otter load. Nice and roomy :)
Saturday I ask a 4-way if they would mind me lurking them, just so I could have something to reference off of and work on my fallrate etc. Well I end up getting worked into the jump and 2 more people join in, so my first RW ended up being a 7-way. FREAKIN' AWESOME! I need to work on my fallrate though because I drop like a rock. We turned 2 points before I couldn't float with the group and they had me pull in place almost in the center of the circle and I watched them fall around me which was the coolest feeling ever!

BoobieCootie (Wlie) showed up and we did a 3-way with Jodie (not a DZ.com'er) but Jodie couldn't keep up with my fat ass :D and then I got ditched by Wlie because he flew back up to Jodie and I couldn't slow down. Then Wlie had severe linetwists/spinning mal and had to cutaway...then had minor linetwists on his reserve :S. The free-bag has yet to be found.

Next jump Wlie rented gear and we did a 2-way working on fallrate, which in turn improved my tracking drastically (but it's still crap).

That night I got to watch night jumps which was pretty cool. Watching someone's video it looked like he was a plane landing on a runway at night, very cool. Beer-thirty came along and about 10 of us hung out at the bar for 3 hours. Whohoo! I'm 18 and they never asked for ID. I sat in the bar with everyone else downing beers and eating pizza. I know most of you have done that once or twice before you were 21 but it was my BEER time...:D:P

Next morning I wake up and Jessie's (DZO) got freshly baked cinnimon rolls for the people that stayed over night. Now how many DZ's out there do that for they're overnight guests?

This turned out to be a great weekend, now I'll just have to top it next weekend :P

Oh yeah, we had at least 5 DZ.com'ers there on saturday. BoobieCootie(wlie), Zenister, Narcimund and Weid14

Wlie - Post Night Jump.jpg

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Lets see - I got a Protrack DIRT cheap. ;)

Made my first wingsuit jump. And then my second, and third, and fourth, and fifth and sixth. ;) I guess I kinda liked it. had a great weeked - chilled with the PD Factory swoop team some. Badass. ;)

What else. Umm I think thats it. Spent the rest of my rent money. ohh well.

Life is good D.

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0:7:0 B|

And my weekend still isn't over, as I'm taking Monday off from work. The plan was Perris, but plans change. Elsinore will start off my week. :)

So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I don't know what the order of the numbers mean, but here we go...

1 (board broken) 5 (jumps on prebroken then bigger board) 1 (terrifying fall thru sky can't get stable, lose 3,000 feet trying to pitch from bigger board) 1 (3way for Sky's 200 jump) 1 (sunset clear and pull from 13K - oh my god it's cold)

What order would those go in?


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Have YOU ever jumped a board?

no, but some of us werent there and wanna hear the story too!!:)
i assume your ok cause your here posting about it, did you do it in freefall or cutting it??
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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No jumps, but a really cool weekend in Chicago :)Next weekend should be better - have a 'floating holiday' to use now, so a long weekend someplace warm sounds like a good idea right about now!

it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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1st time jumping in Perris...did 3 jumps there on Friday and had a fabulous time!

made the drive home from down south yesterday and passed through hollister just in time to make the sunset load

i had such a great weekend...and now i have to work on what is supposed to be a national holiday :(

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2 risers changed to 'new' canopy. (thanks, mujie).
5 wonderful jumps with 5 wonderfully uneventful landings, 3 in peas.
1st time i ever turned 35.

found keith, lost keith, found keith, lost kieth
found wingnut...... story at 11:)

jump #200 started out as a 3 way BELLY jump! and just to give you an idea of the crowd at eloy sunday, a 3way belly dive was LAST out of the plane! Imagine that. It quickly turned into a 3 way round head down.

then we did a sunset load clear and pull at altitude. exquisite, as usual. highly recommended any time you are in eloy. WEAR GLOVES.

got righteously pied by 2 hot chicks, no names, but they initials are m.a.n.d.y. and k.r.i.s.t.y., who then proceeded to alter my mindset and kept me there until it was tomorrow. things could be worse;)

namaste, motherfucker.

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Standing by the fire Saturday morning and 2 strange micro-women came up and groped me. (I wasn't offended, I'm used to women treating me like a piece of meat. ;) )

It was too darn cold on Saturday. Jumped with Boxman, Mouth, Skymonkey One, KatieBear. Fun stuff. I did 3 jumps by 2pm and then called it a day. The wind got too bumpy. Don't mind breezy, but the bumpy part was getting scary.

When it comes to cooking, Mouth is The Woman. Thanks for the tasty dinner. (Remember I asked you to PM me the recipe.) After one of Mouth's "woo-ooh"s, Tampa Doppler radar is now on the blink. ;)

My roommate said Skymama was sneaking up on him in the dark and scaring him. :D

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