
weekend numberz

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1 new dz:10:0 Went to Monterey for the weekend. Weather was great! The otter went up light all weekend to 15k. Jumped with young jumpers all weekend introducing them to the dark side. Saturday sunset load was a beach tour. Flew the otter down the beach seemed like 50 feet off the water with the door open, and we're all waving and making happy noises at everyone on the beach. Went from Marina all the way down past cannery row and over Pebble Beach. It was awesome.
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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"there was the great phone call from my favorite couple at 4:30am!! You kids are so silly"

So glad you didn't get pissed and hang up on us! ;) And you were such a good sport for talking to our drunk asses for so long!! But you did get us back with the 6 phone calls you made the next morning to remind us of how hungover we were. :S

Well...might as well post my numbers...


Too bad it is so cold here in the midwest...I wanna jump!!

When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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But you did get us back with the 6 phone calls you made the next morning to remind us of how hungover we were.

Umm...when i called it was the afternoon. You should've been awake by then anyway!! And you know you love my voice mails.:)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Did not jump, went up north. Did not owe beers as result. But.....the third number? i have nooooo idea:$ it was just a blur - firday night and saturday. basically no sleep:)


Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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No beer, but I had reserve ride #7 on the second jump Friday (a little mixup with Mike Muscat & Brett Clark :S). As I'm walking in there's Chris W. (the rigger that did my last I&R) jumping up and down saying how much he's going to enjoy the bottle. He also offers to get me repacked by morning - cool!

So I buy him a bottle of Gentleman Jack and head over to his hotel room later Friday evening. While Chris is in the hall tending to my reserve he says "Hey, don't wait for me - go ahead and crack that open". I don't usually have to be told twice, so his roomies and I start drinking Jack & Cokes ... until midnight when the Jack is gone ... then he finishes my reserve. :P Thanks again Chris!

All in all another wonderfull weekend in Perris ... now back to the 40 days / 40 nights thing here in Seattle ...


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visited some friends in florida and had to make at least one jump down there, went to Zhills on sunday afternoon that place is great i cant wait to spent a more time there wish i could have stayed all week.
Blue Skies
"Knowledge is the antidote to fear."
--- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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368 miles to our youngest son's house:0:0

Spent a very nice weekend with our youngest grandson (21 months) and saw the preparations made for his little brother (C-section scheduled for the 27th of Feb). All of my grandchildren are smart, of course, but this one is frighteningly so, his vocabulary is way beyond his age and he is bilingual to boot.

Should get plenty of jumping in the coming weeks what with the PIA Boogie/Grand Opening of JAX ExtremeSports.

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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1 (board broken

wow that was your board i saw some dude throwing down infront the last door on the outside of the hanger....wow......i didn't know...

now my nubers:
1(messed up landing):2:2

was stupid and stupidity is painfull so i owe beer for my first injury from landing, and a first for my ballon jump............1800 miles and oly two fraking jumps...but the company made up for it....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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i'm still sick. apparently i'm allergic to promethazine and penicillins. been sick since Jan 1. more medication and i should be back in the air next weekend.

Bummer. Same with me, although mine started 29 Dec 02. I finally, on 16 Jan, went to the Doc and got my Prometh and Pen. Only been taking it since then, but feel much better. Got a hop-n-pop Friday after work, 4 jumps in the 10 way speed meet Saturday, did 2 aff level 3s, and a coach jump on Sunday, then spent Monday doing ground preps and emergency proceedures with 2 hotties, and finally an A License check dive to close out the weekend. So, 9 jumps in 4 days isn't too bad.:)

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Have YOU ever jumped a board?
>>no, but some of us werent there and wanna hear the story too!!

>i assume your ok cause your here posting about it, did you do it in freefall or cutting it??

Okay, here you go. I didn't cut the board away, and I have figured out what I was doing wrong. Hopefully no more adventures like I had on Sunday!

The board that broke (Saturday) was basically a piece of plywood with foot gear - it's a learning board and it gets dropped from various altitudes when we come in to land. I noticed a little crack in it after my first jump of the day but didn't say anthing because the board looked like shit anyway. At the end of the day I took it back to the school and mentioned the crack. Crack turned out to be terminal, board was broken in half to be safe. I wanted to hold a funeral for it but the boys laughed. :P

Oh, and the "bigger" board that I had so much trouble with, was only 3 inches bigger. So 3 inches really does make a difference! Or, as someone else chimed in, it's not the size of the board but how you ride it!



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My first number never changes so I'm going to have to change that to something else. At this point number of miles I drove will work.

912:3:1 Much better!

One wonderful trip to Z Hills. What a blast. A really neat place with lots of kewl people. Met Derek Thomas (Sun Path) who along with about 5 others helped me pick out the sutff for my NEW JAVELIN ODESSEY and my NEW SABRE 2. Thanks Bill, Nicole, Katie, Chuck and Pat. Way to much to choose from but the personal attention was great cause I know it will fit. They also helped katie get her stuff straight and made sure she was squared away.

3 fun jumps as Bill has already attested to, but winds were nasty. Next time I come I would like to place an order for calm winds and warmer temps.

Now Bill you know you enjoyed our sneaking up on you and making your day. :$ That had to be the highlight of the weekend seeing your eyes get so BIG. Glad you enjoyed dinner. I had fun cooking and listening to the yums. PM on it's way, just remember I don't measure much.

As for perfection....let's not even go there...I'm not.

I guess I owed beer for a new DZ. I'll pay up for my rig and main when I get them. I bought some beer at the DZ and some at Bill and Nicole's plus the bottle of Vodka so maybe I'm almost even.

All in all a wonderful weekend. B| Hopefully the doplar will be fixed before I get back! You guys kill me. I was CALM there compared to Eloy.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Next weekends Super Bowl party promises to have an outstanding amount of beer. Remember when Paul said he would put up one case for every POINT scored? Not much of a beer drinker, but I will definitely hang out for the party.

Hopefully, the weather will be better. Glad we got those 3 in on Saturday.

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1) is for the bottle of blue rasberry Phillips vodka consumed by myself, mouth, and Keith and then having to explain to them both the next day what the hell happened... B|

3) skydives in the freakin cold and wind when it was supposed to be nice in Florida... :S

0) beers bought because Chuck wouldn't let anyone else buy... technically it should have been 1 case for my first jump on a 135! :ph34r:

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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1,000 : 5 : :)
1,000 miles driven over the entire weekend

5 jumps organizaed by Tony D of Square 1. Bill Von and Amy where on all of those dives as well. We where having a good time I'd say. Got to meet HH, JTVal, and Airmail for the first time. And of course Skybytch, BBarnhouse, Viking, Quade, SudsyFist, and more where there. Beautiful weather and light winds make for a happy SebB|

:)the first time I left the DZ early and sober:S

It was just a great vibe at the DZ. My only regrets where not being able to jump and hang out with everybody more. Until next time!

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Katie: I am assuming that jump 100 did not happen? Is that true?

Tis true... the weather gods were not with me! >:( I'm in sham mode all week and the weather's shitty here too! I might have to start jumping off the back end of Chuckie's pickup truck! :ph34r:

When do you leave.

I leave Sunday for Ft. Benning and will probably be there until Thursday. I'm hoping to be in an airplane by the end of the month... makes the whole month tax-free!!! ;)

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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