
Gypsy's SCR B E E R !

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Hehehe, I had a blast! That beer - I bought Milwakee's Best, heheh the BEAST - was freakin COLD! But it was all in fun. Remember the Alamo is a building ... not a direction :D:D.

Thank you again to everyone that participated in the SCR I know some dz.commers are jumperconway and gemini, but not sure if anyone else has a sn. And thanks to all that poured too!

Hi Rebecca! :)
BTW my jumpsuit is black with blue sides and grippers .. I had on a blue/red/white container.

Crys and Larry drenched.JPG


Crystal-Conman-Mike - base.JPG


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OK, in the first pic they MADE ME pour that one:ph34r:
pic#2-That's Lary, not Col. Sanders!;)
And yes that was me and "Snowy" saving your "Maggot" ass!B|
"Do you know what direction you are facing?" Doc S
"The Alamo...I mean, I don't know" Crystal
"The Alamo is a building, not a direction!" Doc. Sherry
P R I C E L E S S!;)

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