
Is it just me or do Skydivers KICK ASS!!!!!

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On Saturday i went up to Perris with enough $$ to rent a rig and make one jump. It sucks that i have to rent gear all the time. I did get to the first jump of a brand spanking new Sabre 2 210. That has to be the best opening i have ever had!!!! omg it was sooooo soft!!! Anyways, i am down there hanging out and Lisa shows up and says she has the old talon that i asked her to bring out so i could look at it and try it on. I try it on and it fits kinda tight but not painfully so. I keep going about my day, i get my jump in (a fun two way with Kathy Skie:)
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Not a problem Viking. I'm happy it's out of my closet and will be back in the air soon, and it's owner is making the big bucks in China so he won't care either way...

Anybody out there have a Talon main d-bag and p/c Viking could use (I think the container is an E/11)? That's the only other thing he's going to need to be able to use the rig.

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Lisa i looked at the label inside the reserve flap and it said reserve capacity:D main capacity: 8

Lisa was this made in 91 or 88? the reserve repack card says 88 but the rig says 91 (i think, the ink is faded)
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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owner is making the big bucks in China

Just did a search on DZ and saw that they have no dropzones in China. Well, I guess they're off my list of places to visit!

That is extremely cool of you to hook Viking up.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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Skydivers just kick ass! It's a given.;):)
After losing my freebag and reserve PC on Saturday, I just had to call the DZ and speak to my rigger. He was not there because he and a bunch of other people were out looking for my lost pieces.:o:)
The DZ was on a weather hold at the time, but to go out looking for my stuff, tracking through the weeds in the cold?:oB|:):)

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Hey thats not what you said when you had your legs wrapped around my waist!!

What is it about you that makes all the women wrap their legs around your waist? I noticed all the action you got in Eloy too!!:)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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65 for the whole day, they don't rent by the jump. The school does but i really don't feel safe jumping a rig where the main flap pops open if i shrug my shoulders.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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$65 to rent a rig? Holy shit!

That's $65 to rent a complete rig, Cypres equipped, your choice of a variety of mains, for the whole day - one jump, ten jumps, doesn't matter. The majority of the containers and mains and all of the reserves were built after 1999.

I'd bet that $5/jump gear isn't nearly as new, nor does the person renting have quite the selection that's offered at Perris. I've talked to a lot of people that are stoked to hear $65/day, instead of the $30+ per jump their dz's charge...

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Man that rocks...
2 weeks ago i was going out to my "new" home DZ (skydive the point), i had to drop my rig off for a repack, well i was hanging out drinking a beer, i didnt know anyone there but i figured i should meet the people, well the coolest thing happened.
one of the people there asked if i was going to be jumping the next day and offered her extra rig so i could get in the air...
(Carol Clay, ROCKS....)
I mean they didnt know me at all, and hell by the end of the night (an extremely intoxicating night) i had a couch in the clubhouse and a rig to jump the next day....
That's what this family is all about....
Ya gotta love it...

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