
Official "Blurt it out" Thread

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This thread has been scientifically designed to allow you to blurt out things that you want to say to other dz.commers, but don't, for whatever reason. Just spew it out here, get it off your chest: insults, invective, vitriol, public displays of secret lust, insults, tirades, insults, rants, insults... whatever.

You'll feel better for having gotten it off your chest, Think of this thread as a virtual punching bag.

Only one "rule" (I hate rules): name no names.

(this has probably been done before, as there's nothing new under the sun, but... deal with it)

I'll start the ball rolling: you're not as cool as you think you are

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"this has probably been done before, as there's nothing new under the sun, but... deal with it"
actually i don't think this has been done before!
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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A "Logic" question.

I Love my wife.

My wifes Loves me.

I Love skydiving.

I Love skydivers. (And even lust after a few- You might know who you are, but maybe not-)

My wife hates skydiving.

I refuse to quit skydiving.

Question is--

What should the next line read?

And one more thing-


Thank You for this opportunity. I feel much better now!

Easy Does It

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Hey boss!
You are not a very good lyer.
You can't even fool someone as naive as me.
When you lie like that I always catch you.
Lying like that is like pissing in your own cornflakes. Yesterday I might have respected you, but now I know (from experience) that you are a pathetic lying loser.
Now fuck off asshole!

Whew! I already feel better. I quit that job 16 years ago but would still punch out my old boss if I ever met him again.

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keeping the option open to "bump" this thread back to life when needed

ok, I can think of a few..

* your posts have scared the hell out of me in the past:|*

* I wish you could see yourself as the person I see you as and get all of the clutter away from your self perception because it is your biggest downfall*

* arrogance is a huge turn-off*

* I wish you felt you could trust me *

* I think you are self destructing and hope you get through this soon*

* you are one of the strongest women you inspire me to look at things differently*

* It hurts my feelings when we chat and you are almost always distracted by something else. [:/]**

*I know you didn't mistakenly pm me*

and this one goes for a lot of people

* don't worry about how others see you, juswt be yourself, dn't pretend to be something you are not and if they don't like you for it, screw them! someone else will. so have a coke, have a smile and relax!!!*

* I wish more people could be honest-with themselves and others*


*and I am so sorry I haven't sent your duck yet:(*

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A "Logic" question.

I Love my wife.

My wifes Loves me.

I Love skydiving.

I Love skydivers. (And even lust after a few- You might know who you are, but maybe not-)

My wife hates skydiving.

I refuse to quit skydiving.

Question is--

What should the next line read?

And one more thing-


Thank You for this opportunity. I feel much better now!

you take the left orr and I'll take the right orr....'cause we are in the exact same boat[:/]
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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