
Flat Packing

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I am new to the sport and having a difficult time with my packing skills. I am looking for a video specifically "Flat Packing" to help me with this. I only get to the DZ about once a month with the winter hours of the DZ and my job. I just completed my 13th jump and need to get my packing mastered as soon as possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If anyone has a copy of "Packing Made Simple" and would like to sell it please let me know. Also if you have seen the video is it worth the purchase to a new jumper? Thanks, Jim

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Excellent will check it out. But I have to learn to flat pack as I am using a student rig yet and they have to be flat packed. That has been part of my problem one person packs this way the next guy packs a different way. I need "Flat Pack" and get that down and than I can try others. Thanks for the link.

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Yes I believe it is. ALL student rigs are flat packed. I just joined this DZ after I finished my AFF at another DZ long story. I downloaded the "Packing Made Simple" app but all I got was a black screen. No video at all. I have not heard back from anyone as of yet. I was hoping someone on here would have a copy they were willing to sell. or give to a new jumper.

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I had the exact same problem. You get with one person to see how they pack and they are different than the other person you just watched do a pack job. I ended up hiring the DZ rigger for a private hour class. Best $60 I spent. Not only did we cover packing but he showed me how to really inspect my rig and canopy.
My goal is that when all is said done I will have a big pile of well used gear and a collection of great stories.

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At my home DZ anyone who takes the packing course gets given a small book with their method of flat packing student gear laid out step by step. Admittedly, the illustrations are for static line gear but the only difference is the closing of the container. I'll see if I can get a scan of the various pages for you.
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Excellent! The start of my jumping has been difficult to say the least. I started at one DZ and took their AFF course and passed, but moved to another DZ to finish my "A" license. I learned NO ground skills at the first DZ and my second DZ believes I should have already mastered the packing skill. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Not sure how I would get the scan but my email is: liloz26@hotmail.com
Again thank you very much for your response. Jim

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See Section 6 in the manual at this link http://www.performancedesigns.com/docs/Reserve_manual.pdf for flat packing instructions.

Found this video online showing someone flat packing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-ts=1421782837&v=CmEhZVLnM28&x-yt-cl=84359240

If you have access to a VHS player I have a copy of the video "Pack Like a Pro!" by Billy Weber I can get to you. It shows how to flat/side pack and PRO pack.

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Thank you so very much the manual is great. The video I have seen before but the music just throws it off for me. I enjoy the music, but it makes it hard concentrate on the video.
I do still have a VHS. In fact if you would like the VHS put on DVD I have the equipment to do that. I would greatly appreciate the video. If you would like it on DVD just let me know. Thank you again for all the help. Thanks, Jim

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Better than nothing, but maybe someone can find an old manual that has been digitized, that shows main flat packing?

The PD manual will have a few gotchas for someone who doesn't already understand packing. Exposing the leading edge, and molaring it for example.

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I have a copy of packing made simple, great video that has helped me when I was struggling in your shoes. I would recommend buying it. Its only $20 w/o shipping from paragear, and covers various methods of packing in detail in case you ever wanted to know how to Pro-pack or psycho pack. I would give it to you for free, however I'd like to keep my hands on it in case I ever want to try a different method of packing.

Good luck, I know how daunting it feels to start learning to pack. After jumping your own pack-job a few times, you'll realize it's not too bad.

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I have a copy of Packing Made Simple now. I had trouble with the download, but the guy I purchased it from got it figured out. It is a little different than what I have been shown at my DZ, but the difference is minor. I think I have it, now it is just being able to do it over and over again until I am sure I have it. That has been my biggest trouble is I am shown different ways than it is weeks later that I get to do it again. Winter hours are tough on my work schedule. I will get through this with all the help I have been receiving. It is amazing the support I have received. I thank everyone that has replied and has helped me out. Always looking forward to my next jump.

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