
Police Shoot Dog During Traffic Stop -- Had the wrong people. (OH MY GOSH!)

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It's hard to believe that people here are arguing that, if you leave your wallet on the roof of your car, having the cops come and shoot your dog is an understandable (even perfectly defensible) outcome. It's fortunate that few people think that way.

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Get real

I have experience. You have an opinion, and an attitude.

I'm done with this thread.

Deuce, I am not anti-police, we need police but do you really think that the average person is worried about there dog when they get pulled over?

I have no attitude but rather a opinion, a opinion based on the fact that I am a average person, who thinks like the average person, and I would not be thinking about my dog. Hell my heart beats through my chest whenever I get pulled over, even when I have done nothing.

I am sorry if I have made it sound like you dont know what your are talking about as that is obviously not the case, my point was to get people to look at this from the drivers point of view.


Don´t belive the hype

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I just don't know how this gap between cops and folks got so huge. It saddens me.


Well pulling over a innocent family and handcuffing them at gunpoint then shooting their beloved family pet don't help. I bet it saddens them worse.

To think all this would not of happened if only one of at least 3 cops had the common sense to listen to the family and close the door, Hell the kid was on his knees by the door and asked if he could close the door if they would not. They would not let him or listen to his pleas even though there where cops right there at the door looking at the dog. Did you see the video? I think anyone who thinks this was proper protocol for the treatment of a innocent American family should be ashamed of themselves. Does anyone remember a old and not used enough saying that goes "Innocent till proven guilty"?.

------Have a good one!--------

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No, it's sad you make it that simplistic.

No, it IS that simple. Actually, it might be a bit more complex. After hearing the voices on the tape it seems like the family is African American. I wonder if this would've happened to a white family?

What part of a family getting pulled over, dragged accross the ground, held at gunpoint, and having their dog shot is justified by a single phone call saying "I saw a car with money falling off it".

The dog was NOT aggresive. You can see clearly on the video, the dog was running in circles - not at the cop, but running in circles the way that happy dogs do. He was jumping up on his hind legs, tail wagging, and mouth slobbering.

I don't care if that cop was scared for his life. I don't care about cops that fear getting shot every time they write someone a speeding ticket. That fear is no justification for treating innocent people with anything but the utmost respect. The fact is, the dog getting shot was the last straw in a series of moves that just blow my mind. I can't imagine a set of circumstances that legitimately and justifiably start with me forgetting my wallet on my car and ending with me going through a fellony arrest - never mind my dog being shot.

If cops are saying that this is a reasonable way to treat innocent civilians, then cops are badly out of touch with the rest of society.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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>>The whole thing would have been prevented if the family had looped the stupid dogs leash through a door handle while they were pulling over<<

Would moving around in the car to gather and attach leashes immediately before, during or after being ordered out not be at least as unwise as following the officers' directions?


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Hey Andy,
The family was white.
Thanks for playing the race card though. It shows how well informed you are. I don't think anyone feels good about what transpired, the cops, the family, and especially the dog!

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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I have experience. You have an opinion, and an attitude.

Yeah, but how much experience?? Dude, my entire family, dating back four generations, has been involved in law enforcement in one form or another. This is a horrible example of lack of training. Sure, fear is an everyday part of a cop's life but when it reaches a point that the fear overrules common sense and decency, it's time the cop quits...


A Hard On Doesn't Count As Personal Growth

"Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."

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It's hard to believe that people here are arguing that, if you leave your wallet on the roof of your car, having the cops come and shoot your dog is an understandable (even perfectly defensible) outcome. It's fortunate that few people think that way.

Once again, our very own Mr. Bill succeeds in putting in print, what I hold in my heart.


A truly wise man never plays leapfrog with a Unicorn

"Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."

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I just don't know how this gap between cops and folks got so huge. It saddens me.

Me too. But imho, the blame for the gap between the public and the police doesn't lie solely at the feet of the public.

The cops who pulled me over (far too frequently) twenty years ago when I was a teenager were all pretty cool - even the ones who gave me tickets. Being the daughter of a former sheriff's deputy I knew all about showing them the proper respect - I called them "sir", I didn't lie, if I knew I was guilty I copped to it. In return I was also treated with respect.

Last time I was pulled over was a few years ago. I showed this officer the same respect I've always shown police officers - my respect was returned with questions like "when was the last time you did meth?" and "are you on probation?" (btw, I've never been arrested, and my days of doing those kind of drugs ended many years ago) Oh, and he also showed his disrespect for me with a bullshit fix-it ticket for a cracked windshield - along with the statement that if he saw my car on the road with that crack in the windshield again he'd impound it.

Why'd he pull me over? He said he saw the crack - that was simply p.c. to find out who was driving that piece of shit car in a neighborhood that wasn't made up of quarter million dollar homes. Did I mention that this traffic stop occured two weeks before Christmas? Peace on earth, goodwill to rich people.

Lucky for me the judge agreed that it was a bullshit ticket and let me walk without paying a fine. But I was still out the $200+ spent to replace the windshield - and it was a pretty damn skimpy Xmas at our house that year.

I know not all police officers are like this one, and I'll continue to be respectful to any officer that pulls me over in the future. But no longer do I back the cops 100%, no longer am I surprised when I hear about incidents like the one in this thread, and no longer do I feel that the cops are on my side.

Yup, it's sad. But it's not the fault of the public.

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Ya know what's funny, there are alot of people on here giving opinions because they know someone or are related to someone in law enforcement.
I personally have 16 yrs of inner city law enforcement experience, and I believe these guys made a major mistake. And believe me they are paying for it in many ways, especially the national media attention.
I put myself in fucked up situations daily while working. I've drawn down on the wrong people before, and yes, even a family once (without the dog though). I felt really bad but, given the circumstances at the time, I'd do it again.
These guys were just trying to do their job and things went horribly wrong, their bosses will look at their records, probally discipline them according to any past troubles and move on.
I can speak with authority on this issue,

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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And yes i do agree with the bytch, (sounds kinda funny huh?) Sometimes we (the police) are our own worst enemies.
I'd invite anyone on here to ride with me for a shift (excluding convicted felons, people under the age of 18, and freefliers). Then maybe you could walk a mile in my shoes.

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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Thanks for playing the race card though. It shows how well informed you are. I don't think anyone feels good about what transpired, the cops, the family, and especially the dog!

That's pretty weak. Is that the best you can do? I told you my sources, which is what I heard and saw on the video. I said I thought it sounded like an African American male voice, but I was pretty clear that was just an assumption.

Once you've gone up and looked up the words 'ad hominem' in the dictionary, please come back and let us know if you've got anything contructive to offer.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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And yes i do agree with the bytch, (sounds kinda funny huh?) Sometimes we (the police) are our own worst enemies.
I'd invite anyone on here to ride with me for a shift (excluding convicted felons, people under the age of 18, and freefliers). Then maybe you could walk a mile in my shoes.

That's exactly what I do on rainy days in the summer. My boss, as in the guy that owns all the trucks, is a 16 year veteran of our County Sherrifs Department. I know exactly what he goes through, and I respect it.

What really kills me in this thread is the parallels that are almost drawn. People have said many what ifs, including the "what if the dog were a mentaly handicapped kid, cunfused and running aroud."

These are people who just don't get the fact that to many, many people, the pets are family. My Cocker is another daughter to me.

When my fathers Golden Retriever suffered kidney and other failures, and had to be put down, I went with him to the vets office. Why did I go? For one, I knew he wouldn't be able to drive back home. For two, I needed to say goodbye to my "sister" one last time. You see, this dog was my sister for 11 years.
That day at the vets office, I witnessed my father cry. Big deal you think? It is to me. It's the only time I have ever seen him cry in the 32 years I have been alive.

This cop didn't just shoot a dog, he shot a member of a family. A son to the parents. A brother to the teenage boy. A friend and confidant. It may be just a dog to you, but to them it was family.

To the person who said they shouldn't sue, since the cop will get the raw end of the stick, I ask you this; Would you tell them not to sue had it been the 17 year old that was shot? In my mind, there is no difference.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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I couldn't agree more. There will be a lawsuit I'm sure. Hell, I'd think about it if it were me. But dogs don't understand the use of force continuum.
These guys had a job to do and the dog got in the way.
I'll say again, I've shot several dogs during my career, and I'm an animal lover. In every case the dogs presented a danger to me or some else.
When I had to put my greyhound down, I cried like a freakin' baby but, that doesn't stop me from taking action at work.
Four more years of this shit and I'm DONE!!

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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You know I don't see anywhere the one simple thing that could have prevented the dog from being killed in this thread. TRAINING

My dog will not get out of the car unless told to, will get in the car when told to, will sit when told to, will stay when told to. Any and all of those 4 things would have prevented the death of that dog.

Who is responsible for the shooting??

The cop - yes....he shot it, wether he over reacted, I don't know

The owners - yes....Proper training would have kept the dog in the car.
Fly it like you stole it!

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You missed the point entirely...totally...TRAINING would probably have prevented this. It's called accessment...Three seconds is an eternity when a firearm is involved...and I have experence in that field. In fact, more than I would ever wish on anyone. Like most veterans, I've seen my share of what a firearm can do to the human body. I've watched others make a bad judgement call and die for it. The whole point I was making is simple. Training in a small town police force is not like a large force where money is available for training. But let me digress for a second and bring up something that hasn't been mentioned - the Video camera - In cases where video is shot, the cops always claim "video doesn't lie" - but the cops damage control excuse is "the video doesn't show it all". Ha, what an excuse. Seems a case of poor damage control, fear and lack of proper training...Bottom line is, if a cop can't control his fear and the rush from the adrenaline, he shouldn't have the gun.That, IMHO, goes for the cop in question, you, or anyone else that pulls a weapon on anyone.


"Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."

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Just don't take a wallet..............or a dog!

Wallet? Dog? I'm a skydiver ... and I do CRW ... making me a skydiving CRW dog :S ... I've seen Deliverance B| ... I can just imagine what would happen to me.


"Just because your paranoid, doesn't mean people aren't watching you!"

I know they're watching me!


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