
What type of rig do you jump?

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Javerlin nj(model 96[:/])
Main Crossfire(1) 99 will be replaced whit a Fandango 130 this spring(Stiletto copy)
Reserve:Micro Raven g 120(have landed it 2,and hope i never try it again,it desent like hell)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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don't have my own gear
the student or rental gear i have jumped is the following

Telesis 2 with a manta 288, or a PD260
Reflex with a PD 210
Jav with a Navigator 220
Vector 3 with a Sabre 2 210
Jav with a Spectre 190

my first rig will be used one with a 190 in it. Not sure what kinda rig it will be, what ever i can find that fits me.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Vector III
Spectre 170
Tempo 170

And the best part is, I finally learned the proper way to close the container and route the bridle. :$ Tommorrow (actually today, I guess) I'm ordering the manuals to make sure there isn't anything else that I don't know.

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*Badass Mirage G-3
*World's Fuglyist Sabre 170 -it sends me to the chiro. every now and again
*PD 160 Reserve -which works quite well, as does my...

x's and o's,

Hol :)

PS This is the world's funniest spell checker, it recognizes the word fuglyist, but not skydive.
When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?

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Just wondering what everyone is jumping it may help me decide what my next purchase is going to be. And what type of Main/Reserve you jump.

Rig 1: Mirage G3 PD113R & Sabre 120
Rig 2: Wings PD126R & Sabre 2 107
Rig 3: Javelin PD126R & PS 126 (Lightning-CRW rig)

I went ALL PD with my canopies. I think they are the best. IMO, almost all the containers currently on the market are excellent choices regarding safety. Now comfort, well that's another story.

My 2 cents.

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Miraage G3 MOS (cause I'm short)
Spectre 135

Javelin Odessy TJN A-14
PD 126R
and going to demo a Sabre2 135 before I make up my mind about the main

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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