
the truth comes out at last

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I hear guys getting grief all the time about the toilet seat. Most guys do pick up the seat. However, in public places like the dz, women will not.

Instead they do "the hover". Leaving the seat down and hovering about 4 inches over it. This doesn't increase the accuracy and tends to sprinkle the seat. Then they all complain to each other about "the guys". They know it was them. Some make the toilet paper "nest", but most don't.

The truth is out guys. It's the girls fault, quit taking the blame. :)

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If the seat was meant to be down it wouldn't need hinges. It would be down all the time. If we are expected to put it down. They should be expected to check. Don't complain about where you sit if you didn't look. If you did look then why did you sit ?

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I want to know two things:

a) Isn't that kinda hard on the legs? I guess it'll make a good work out.
b) How did you find out?:o:D:D

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Listen Bill,

One can argue that if men are expected to put the seat back down, then women should be expected to put the seat back up. It is common courtesy and involves equal rights.

However...Women feel very strongly about this issue. I don't think they even know why. Just don't fuck with the toilet seat issue. Don't piss them off. They are much better than us at holding back on sex. Plus they are willing to go bi much more freely than we are.



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Where did you do the research, Bill? How did you measure the 4" hover height and details of the spray dynamics?

BTW, I think you are in this picture, but I'm not sure where:


My hand is about 4" wide so I used that as a handy measuring tool. My hands aren't bigger than some people, but they are a little wider (ladies take note here :ph34r: ).

Spray was measured by number of drops. Simple counting. Granted, the sample was under 125 participants, so not statistically valid, but still informative. Who says statistics can't be fun?

I couldn't find myself in the pic. That must have been on Friday. I was on the Saturday and Sunday big-ways. It was good to see ya again.

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However...Women feel very strongly about this issue. I don't think they even know why.

We are victims of our own kindness. You would think that adults would be capable of checking to see if the seat was up or down, but it remains a problem for women. Why? Because we have been doing this for them, they refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and grow into adulthood. Don't you see how our kindness has crippled womens growth? Isn't it time to discuss these issues to help the weaker sex? :ph34r:

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Instead they do "the hover". Leaving the seat down and hovering about 4 inches over it. This doesn't increase the accuracy and tends to sprinkle the seat. Then they all complain to each other about "the guys". They know it was them. Some make the toilet paper "nest", but most don't

And you know this how?:o By planting a hidden camera?;)
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Well, in the TMI department, here goes.

Toilet seat up/down is an etiquette thing. Period. Kind of like announcing "I don't hold the door for woman no matter what" or whatever. Negotiate it with people whom you care about, or who you want to care about you.

"The squat" is just as annoying to women as it is to men. I'd much rather find the seat up than wet. Then I have to go get some TP and soap, and wash it down so I can SIT on that thing.

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Instead they do "the hover". Leaving the seat down and hovering about 4 inches over it. This doesn't increase the accuracy and tends to sprinkle the seat. Then they all complain to each other about "the guys". They know it was them. Some make the toilet paper "nest", but most don't

And you know this how?:o By planting a hidden camera?;)

Inquiring minds want to know. I found that most women don't mind if you watch as long as you don't comment on their butt size. Pics are extra though, same as downtown. ;)

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One can argue that if men are expected to put the seat back down, then women should be expected to put the seat back up.

I am glad that I read your post first before posting mine, but this is exactly what I was thinking. Why can't the women put it up for us. It's common courtesy!
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Women feel very strongly about this issue. I don't think they even know why.

He he he...I'm lucky, I think some girl before me trained BZ well, whether it was a mom or a g/f, who knows, but whoever it was, THANK YOU!

I've never had to put the seat down;)

Don't tell BZ, though, but I don't mind putting it down, either:P It's really no big deal to me, but SO SWEET that I don't have to;)
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However...Women feel very strongly about this issue. I don't think they even know why.

We are victims of our own kindness. You would think that adults would be capable of checking to see if the seat was up or down, but it remains a problem for women. Why? Because we have been doing this for them, they refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and grow into adulthood. Don't you see how our kindness has crippled womens growth? Isn't it time to discuss these issues to help the weaker sex? :ph34r:

Dude, have you been known to stand on train tracks? Yup the trains a coming and I think that you might out to duck for cover;)

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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These girls just haven't perfected The Squat.

I'm with ya, Val. Being the victim of a small bladder (aren't all us girls?) I've learned to be able to pee ANYWHERE;

In a bush,
By a tree,
In a parking lot by an SUV,
In a cup,
I don't care,
Have to go,
I'll go anywhere
In someone's yard
Hope they don't see
Pull off the road
I have to pee
I'll go here
I can't be patient
But I won't go in a nasty gas station

That's where I draw the line....I'll take a bush over some dirt/grime/germ ridden gas station ANY DAY!

He he he...how do you like that? I just made it up...I should get a poetry award or something...I'll call it, "Ode to pee":P
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Toilet seat up/down is an etiquette thing. Period. Kind of like announcing "I don't hold the door for woman no matter what" or whatever. Negotiate it with people whom you care about, or who you want to care about you.

Negotiate? You don't hover at your house too, do you? Of course not, we were talking about the primary hover locales, public facilities. You may not even see the previous occupants.

Besides, statistically there is a larger chance that the next dz restroom facility occupant will be male. It makes more sense to leave it up.

I wasn't really addressing whether to move the seat anyway. I was just identifying the offending parties doing the "sprinkling" are. I think we have identified who the ettiquette offenders are. Us guys just need to be free from the guilt that is being wrongly assigned to us. :)

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Common sense 101;
Before sitting on anything, look first, no surprises!
Before sitting on anything without clothing on,LOOK TWICE!

Why would anyone assume that the seat would automatically be up or down without looking? Would anyone cross a street without looking assuming that there are no cars? If you get hit, do you blame the car for your failure to LOOK? Glad we have separate bathrooms at Spaceland!

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Dude, have you been known to stand on train tracks? Yup the trains a coming and I think that you might out to duck for cover

No problem. Sometimes you have to take a heroic stance on an issue. Self-sacrifice for the betterment of society. :)

They are trying to hijack this thread into a seat-lifting issue. This is to cover their obvious culpability in unfairly placing blame on men. :o:D

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in unfairly placing blame on men

Having just recently entered the realm of co-habitation, I am really seeing that this trend of blame misdirection goes much further then just the toilet seat, "How am I supposed to know where your damn blue shoes are?";)

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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