
Damn you cypres

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@ DocPop:

[warning] Personal attacks are prohibited in the forums. [/warning]

Like this you mean?


Instead of pissing and moaning on an interweb forum like a 12yo child.

That wasn't directed towards you specifically, (although feel free to think it was), but towards the increasingly more common posters who do not research before throwing large sums of money about then complaining that things dont work the way that they would like.
Your post is a good example of it, so to the OP.

Persons who do actually research BEFORE they buy things like a Cypress AAD would already know what the maintenance schedule is, and the options available to them. Then when they choose to buy, they're less likely to piss and moan in the inteweb forums like a 12YO child:|
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Didn't mean to hurt anyones feelings with the title. I just bought this unit, its a cypres 2. I knew it was coming up on its 4 year, i just wanted to make sure i had ample time to figure out a window i wont be using it. So it looks like my question was answered, thank you all that contributed!

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Likestojump wrote

Ever hear of a car service place providing free rentals when your car needs regular maintenance ?

Yep. Steven Creek Audi, San Jose CA. They loaned me a 2012 Audi A8 with 20K miles on it FREE while my Audi was in for maint. Needless to say I was in no rush to get my 6 year old second hand car back. The A8 was insane. It has radar cruise control that can follow traffic and even do stop and go. Also has a wheel shaker that warns you if you drift out of your lane. Many more amazing features.

I think SSK Cypres should have free loaners. Just get a huge deposit fully refundable when returned. Customer should pay shipping both ways.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Likestojump wrote


Ever hear of a car service place providing free rentals when your car needs regular maintenance ?

Yep. Steven Creek Audi, San Jose CA. They loaned me a 2012 Audi A8 with 20K miles on it FREE while my Audi was in for maint. Needless to say I was in no rush to get my 6 year old second hand car back. The A8 was insane. It has radar cruise control that can follow traffic and even do stop and go. Also has a wheel shaker that warns you if you drift out of your lane. Many more amazing features.

I think SSK Cypres should have free loaners. Just get a huge deposit fully refundable when returned. Customer should pay shipping both ways.


You should get into politics. Those guys are also very good at taking things out of context or only quoting partial statemetns.

Note where I stated "please don't bring up posh luxury brands" ? A customer with an Audi, even a 6 year old one, is a potential customer for the $70K+ A8.

I stand by my statement. Pay more, get better service. Or just add the cost of the rental to the cost of the maintenance, and consider it like getting a free loaner.

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I think SSK Cypres should have free loaners. Just get a huge deposit fully refundable when returned. Customer should pay shipping both ways.

The link I posted said it costs $2/day plus shipping. That is really cheap. Perhaps they would be better served in terms of customer service to not even charge the $2, but that is insignificant. $2/day might seem more appealing to customers than a large deposit. A person might have to pay as much as the rental costs to their rigger to open the rig and reinstall the thing.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Yep. Steven Creek Audi, San Jose CA. They loaned me a 2012 Audi A8 with 20K miles on it FREE while my Audi was in for maint. Needless to say I was in no rush to get my 6 year old second hand car back. The A8 was insane. It has radar cruise control that can follow traffic and even do stop and go. Also has a wheel shaker that warns you if you drift out of your lane. Many more amazing features.

I think SSK Cypres should have free loaners. Just get a huge deposit fully refundable when returned. Customer should pay shipping both ways.

Hardly anything is actually free. Some VWs Audis (like the B5 A4 and same vintage Passat) share the same platform, although the Audi with its higher end dealers which tend to provide nicer loaner cars also comes with a bigger price tag.

A rental program is fine which allows people who want the service to pay for it and people who don't to skip the necessary up-charge (have another rig to jump, live someplace which gets cold enough they don't want to jump in the winter, grew up jumping without an AAD and don't mind having it out for maintenance).

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Can't you just leave it turned off?

Specifically for you in the UK, no. If your AAD is out of date here, you can't jump with it in your rig (although if you take it out and keep jumping, if your dropzone doesn't require AADs).
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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Hardly anything is actually free. Some VWs Audis (like the B5 A4 and same vintage Passat) share the same platform, although the Audi with its higher end dealers which tend to provide nicer loaner cars also comes with a bigger price tag.

True. Cant argue with that, but even the illusion of free feels good to customers. I am a Cypres fan, see gear reviews. Their customer support is very good.

I think free loaners could actually save a life or two. Many jump w/o an AAD while their Cypres is in for service. Some of them would get a loaner if it were free.

I've never owned a new car and never will. I also know that certain expensive Audi parts appear to be the same as cheaper VW parts, eg vacuum pump. When I do my own repairs I hit all the user groups and get the scoop on interchangeability. I once found an American in tank fuel pre pump for $39 that was a perfect plug and play substitute for a Bosch one that cost 5x.

Some things are free, really free. Like mfr give away T-shirts at boogies. I came back from WFFC with a ton. On the last day they were giving out 5 or 6 at a time so they wouldnt have to pack them up.

How many of you have jumped the SSE original Sentinel AAD? Crude dirt simple device. It was a mechanical altimeter with a switch closed by the needle as you descended below a preset altitude. Switch closure fired a pin puller. You had to shut it off once your main opened above the reserve fire altitude. If you forgot, then two canopies out.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Some things are free, really free. Like mfr give away T-shirts at boogies.

They're only free if you cut them up and use them to insulate your house.

Otherwise you provide the manufacturer the non-trivial service of advertising their product, in exchange for having a T-shirt to wear.

There is arguably free stuff in the world, but it's not your PD shirt :P
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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Hello Adrian,

at first many thanks for contacting us in this matter....the model change won´t be a problem...this is service and so free of charge, we will need approx. 4 weeks for this. If you need a loaner unit during that time you can also let me know....

For your unit please fill out the attached form and send it together with your unit to the address below my name...

If you need further informations please don´t hesitate to contact me anytime....

Kind regards and i wish a nice day....


Received this email after contacting Airtec Germany with regards to a speed mod.
Guess you can say i'm happy i went cypres:)


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Can't you just leave it turned off?

You could:
- if the DZ allows jumping without one
- if you don't care about it getting serviced

If I was in this situation I'd rather send the Cypres to Airtec to have it inspected as soon as possible ;)
The sky is not the limit. The ground is.

The Society of Skydiving Ducks

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No it will not give you an error code

It may not be an error code as such, but a cypres2 DOES show messages about the maintenance window.
I let mine get to "NOW" lol it is at airtec right now ;)

And that's a jolly good feature, innit?

No for the public audience...
Just the same with my SKODA (belongs to VW group) - indicates: Maint due DD MMM or in XXX km and if the due date is reached it just reads "Maint NOW" but doesn't refuse to work.
My CYPRES however does not have a "variable maintenance period" as my car has which allows for much more effective planning ;)
I wonder nobody complains about the necessity of maintenance inspections for cars. Overly regulated!!!! Abuse of power!!!! INCONVINIENCE!!!! Got to pay for rental car!!!! Costs!!!!!!eleven :S;)
The sky is not the limit. The ground is.

The Society of Skydiving Ducks

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Well, it's legal to operate your car (in the US at least) if you haven't had the maintenance done. Happens all the time -- just listen to the call-in radio shows about fixing cars, or go watch Bonfire for some car questions :D

Wendy P.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Can't you just leave it turned off?

You could:
- if the DZ allows jumping without one

This is not actually true, at least where Adam lives!

Having said that, you're right... send it off to the nice Germans and they'll get it looked at, then you can have it back ASAP.
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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Well, it's legal to operate your car (in the US at least) if you haven't had the maintenance done.

Yupp. My bad. I tried to make a point about the company producing the equipment. If you don't have your car maintained within due time you usually lose your right to warranty claims. This could be seen as "Mom, they use their power to make me spend money fo' nuttin' but a ridiculous check!!!!" :D
The sky is not the limit. The ground is.

The Society of Skydiving Ducks

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Jollercoaster observed


They're only free if you cut them up and use them to insulate your house. Otherwise you provide the manufacturer the non-trivial service of advertising their product, in exchange for having a T-shirt to wear.

Damn. How could I have been so naive and gullible?

I'll teach them to exploit me. I'm wearing them inside out from this day forward. ;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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