
Military NB8 Parachute

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I have a Military NB8 parachute (in service 1986). It is a backpack type typically used for crew members on larger U.S. military planes. It appears to be in excellent condition and doesn't look like it was ever used. Probably repacked and inspected regularly while it was in service. I am curious as to the value and market for such a parachute. Are there jumpers particularly interested in collecting or jumping with military chutes? Thanks!

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I have a Military NB8 parachute (in service 1986). It is a backpack type typically used for crew members on larger U.S. military planes. It appears to be in excellent condition and doesn't look like it was ever used. Probably repacked and inspected regularly while it was in service. I am curious as to the value and market for such a parachute. Are there jumpers particularly interested in collecting or jumping with military chutes? Thanks!

It wouldn't in itself be legal for an intentional parachute jump. Only legal for emergency bail-outs.

As far as collecting, there are a few people out there that like to have oddball stuff, but the best place to list it would be in the classifieds.

Don't expect too much money for it though. It is going on 30 years old after all!
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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Thanks for your perspective on this chute. Would it be legal for aerobatic planes sine it is only legal for emergency use?

Any idea what it would be worth?

Due to the (assumed) age, many US riggers will not service it.

Due to the (relative) wieght, bulk and lack of comfort (compared to the modern sport-pilot emergency parachutes on the market), it would be less appealing to most pilots.

My _guess_ is that you will ask $1500-$2500 for it, but not get it sold until you ask <$250.

Personally, I would not advise my pilots to buy it except as a momento for those who collect them.

Always remember that some clouds are harder than others...

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The NB8 is not a parachute, but rather a parachute container or "rig".



The NB-8 Personnel Parachute Assembly is a back type parachute assembly which includes a 28-foot diameter, flat, nylon canopy with 28 gores. The canopy is packed in a container assembly which is secured to the aircrewman's back by a harness assembly.

I'd give him credit for that one. ;)
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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Here is one on ebay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pioneer-NB8-Backpack-Parachute-/310185888601?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4838850b59
They are routinely put up for sale at prices like this and higher. I don't know how often they find a sucker.

It's not something I'd ever recommend to a civilian pilot. IF someone wanted to be cheap but legal and could find a rigger that would pack it I'd tell them to spend $150 on one as old as yours.
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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You might be able to sell that to a warbird owner.
They are accustomed to paying twice that much for new production Aviators, Butlers, Para-Cushions, etc.

Few pilots civilian airplanes have room for the extra bulk and bumps.

Rob Warner
FAA Master Rigger (back, seat and chest)

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Thanks for all the info. My fallback plan is to remove the canopy and give it to a retired army jump master friend of mine. He was psyched to put it up in his man cave to aggravate his wife.

I will stuff the rig with newspaper and be DB Cooper next halloween.

Be safe friends!

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Hi Terry,

Well, I do believe in being optimistic. :P

That thing looks like something patched together; an OD container & a Sage Green harness.



On a happy note that means it may not have been stolen from the Gov't.

Wonder what a dust cover is worth on craigslist.;)

BTW the pic i saw was a B4 container.:$

We carried NB8's on C-130's in the 60's:$
One Jump Wonder

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