
I'm ready......

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.........to take names and KICK ASS!!!!

This divorce crap has been pure HELL!! Talk about being stressed and unable to focus or function:S. With him taking my car in the middle of the nite and all the other stunts he's pulled this has been horrible!

Well the cloud moved this morning and I'm ready to kick some 6'4, 300lb ASS!!!

I have divorce mediation to try and reach a financial settlement today at 1. If no agreement reached we duke it out court on February 5th.

Wish me luck!!!


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Kick it, baby! You'll be fine - and I am sending you all the luck I have! As well as good vibes, thoughts, hugs, and whatever else you can use.

We're here for you, darlin' Sassy. Just remember your nickname - Sassy - is a great one to have.

You rawk, girlio! You will be most fine!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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At least you get to go to court.I've been seperated for 2 yrs and have paid 10,000 in att fees and am still waiting for a uncontested divorce.
And I know what you mean about stolen cars.my ex stole my truck and took it back to her apartment.Then she put a club on the steering wheel to try and keep me from getting it back.Well,let's just say that the club does'nt stand up to a good pair of bolt cutters.ANd you should see the police reports that I have for harrassement.About all thier good for now is emergency toliet paper.Hang in there and don't let 'em get you down. That's just what he wants.And if you need someone to vent to, look me up.I've got a great ear for listening and a good shoulder you could borrow to cry on cause I know exactly what your going through.

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I've been there and done that. I know exactly what you are going through. Mediation was NO fun but we finally settled it after 2 days. That at least put a final spiral to the marriage from hell so I knew there would be an end thankfully. Things will get better after the dust settles.

Hugs and best wishes.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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