
18 or under???

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Hey all,

I'm just curious to see how many people on dropzone.com are "underage", having just turned 18 in November I've found it hard to get in contact with jumpers my own age. I'm not sure how much of a problem this is for people in the US or UK where populations of skydivers are much larger than in Ireland but it'd be handy to have a couple of jumping friends who dont try to slap me when I talk about skydiving.

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it'd be handy to have a couple of jumping friends who dont try to slap me when I talk about skydiving.

slapping aint that bad!!! it leads to spanking, then maybe a bit of a wrestle....

Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after

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i haven't met a lot of people skydivers my age and i kinda like it this way, makes me more mature maybe? (if thats even possible ;) )

The words skydivers and mature do not fit in the same sentence together :D

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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this might not be the most popular opinion, but it's what I think. I started when I was 18 also, and I've got to warn you, it's a huge two-edged sword. It's an amazing thing, and the fact that you're young means you've got all kinds of time to learn things the right way--slow and easy (slow and easy, oh yeah, baby...err...dammit back to my thought) If you can afford it, keep it up, but don't let it take ALL of your time just yet. Ya gotta learn somthing to make the cash to jump, after all, and an education goes a long way.

Truman Sparks for President

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I started jumping when I was 16 and I'm now 26 with 400 jumps. I put myself through college and lived out from under my parent's roof while still jumping. I packed parachutes to pay for my jumps. Worked two jobs to pay rent and bills. I now have a good job and good money coming in! It's not all about jumping. You need to make a future for yourself so you can keep jumping! I've had a good life so far!!


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All my documents may say that I just turned 21 (December 31st, how cool is that?), but I actually stopped counting three years ago, so I guess in a way I do fall in your category;).
As for being in the air, I think most of us don't feel a day older than 16 when freefalling:ph34r:.

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