
Does anyone know how to get blood off a couch?

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I came home to a bloodbath last night...all over the beige couch.

My bitchy kitty and my friends kitty got into it and it looks like the TX Chainsaw Massacre. I cleaned off the walls and blinds, but the couch is another story. My friend told me to put hot water and salt on it.

Anyone have any other recommendations?

x's and o's,

Hol :)

PS The kitties are ok and resting comfortably tonight. They thank you for your concern and promise to get along better in the future.
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If you can find it, FOLEX is about as miraculous a cleaning solution as there is. Having a white sofa and an oatmeal carpet, three cats, and me being a klutz, I swear by it. It's fairly inexpensive, and gets pet accidents, knife accidents, and wine/food accidents very well.

Try your local supermarket, with the cleaning supplies (like where they keep the carpet shampoo). I buy about one bottle every two years, and it's saved clothes, drapes, carpets, and sofa cushions.

And keep the kitties seperate until they can play nice together. And you might want to watch the cats for infection - cats' claws tend to be, well, nasty and germy....and infection can be easily spread through cat scratches...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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My friend told me to put hot water and salt on it.

Oops. Bad advice. Always use cold water to clean blood, the heat will just make it set.

Peroxide is great for removing blood, although it might do a number on the fabric. Test on a hidden area first. That Oxyclean stuff might work well, also, I've never tried it. The idea is to break down the hemoglobin, which is where the red color comes from.

Note that even if it looks clean, it is still quite traceable. In the event this is an issue, burning is a good idea. Or, if you can bag everything up and dispose of it where no one will look. Just make sure you get it all. Blood has a way of spattering places you don't expect, and the spatters are a dead giveaway, pardon the expression.

Also, despite what you may have seen on the Sopranos, draining blood down the tub is probably not a good idea, either. The trap can retain it for some time. They tend to use bleach, I'm not sure why...

Hope this helps!

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peroxide helps.

It also bleaches, and like bleach, weakens the fabric. If you want to try something you don't know the effects of, try it on the back of the sofa, in an "inconspicuous" place. Give it 24 hours to do whatever it might do, and judge the use of it from there...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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My trick for most stains requires a few things:

1. Fresh clucb soda - as in a newly opened bottle or can (cans are harder to find).
2. Microwave oven.
3. Shopvac or other wet/dry vaccum.

Open the club soda, put it in a microwave safe container (any glass or bowl, etc) and microwave for about a minute. Pour on stain and let it set for about a minute, suck it up with the shopvac.

This gets out everything I've tried so far - works great on carpet and most furniture (but not my suade armchairs).
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I tore up the Polar Bear in a high speed crash so I've been out of sorts for a while. I'm back, tho, and ready to rock.

Hehe, i pulled RC out of retirement just to say hi to you!! Hi there, how you doin?;)

Hon, I'm doing great...how have things been for you? Are you ready for Christmas? I hope Santa is good to you and if he isn't, I can still arrange that horse-drawn buggy ride through Atlanta. Uhh, that is, if Wildblue doesn't mind...lol.

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Hey I found this thread VERY helpful! thanks!

I usually had to burn everything and hope arson wasnt soon to be my nickname. I will try these Solutiona and see if they work next time I need to hide the bodies!

you guys may have spare my family some jailtime!

Although, if you were wondering,HEAT KILLS DNA evidence!;)

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