
Does anyone know how to get blood off a couch?

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Good Lord, I thought my eyes were deceiving me as I was rubbing the sleep out of them this morning! Welcome back, FFF! :)

For all of you who don't know FFF, he's a legend on the site, going waaaaay back to when the users were a small, tight group. I think he pretty much had the best boobie thread ever dedicated to him.

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I hate cats, but I do know how to get blood out of fabric (huntin' clothes & game bags)

Make a solution of water and Adolph's meat tenderizer, apply to the stained area - soak it good.

Then wash as normal.

"I think that was the wrong tennis court."

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Good Lord, I thought my eyes were deceiving me as I was rubbing the sleep out of them this morning! Welcome back, FFF

Just proves they all come back eventually. It was fun to pull RC out of retirement just to say hi to FFF. Oh the good ole days when he pursued me relentlessly with tales of carriage rides through atlanta....:)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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dude at the dz was tellin me bout one time when on a night jump thought he'd be cool and swoop the bonfire. he lifted 10 feet in the air and then sunk down to a rolling finish on the other side :D


Now that sounds like something I'd try (understand, sometimes I lose it and do dumb things, lol).


"Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."

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Good Lord, I thought my eyes were deceiving me as I was rubbing the sleep out of them this morning! Welcome back, FFF! :)

For all of you who don't know FFF, he's a legend on the site, going waaaaay back to when the users were a small, tight group. I think he pretty much had the best boobie thread ever dedicated to him.

OHMYGOD, a greenie...(spank me, please, yes, spank me).

Darling, a legend in my own mind maybe but thanks for the cudos, lol. And yeah, that thread was kinda' fun, huh? How ya' been, big M? Ready for Chrismas? I heard the snowman was getting excited...he heard the snowblower was coming...


"Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."

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.i never knew sunshine was rc.... wow, that's cool to finally find out

Tee hee. I can't beleive you never knew. I thought all the "old timers" were aware of my identity change. :P


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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to all moderators---- yes i know this if offtopic with the tread....sorry...

well fff,

lots gone on in my life this past year, to make a long story short, trained for a new job with the airforce (ground fac) and got hurt in training....herniated a disc and had surgery in july. moved from germany to colorado and now i just moved to utah 4 days ago but i leave tommorow for eloy and all will be good this christmas!!!! sorry to hear about the polarbear.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Maybe they (the mod squad) won't mind just this once if we kinda' highjack this one...lol. Man, I'm sorry to hear about your back. I hope it doesn't interfere with your jumping. The Bear will be back in fine form in a couple of months but I'm not building it this time...I'm having a body shop put it back together. I kinda' ran out of braking power and road at the same time and t-boned a farmer's fence and field. Hey, I needed a new paint job anyways, lol. Have fun at Eloy (I'm jealous). Anyway, I hope you are doing great. It's good to see your name here.


"Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."

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