
Cypress II

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You can get help by contacting support@dropzone.com or by private messaging MESO who is admin support on here, he may be able to help.


Sorry about your Cypres.
We're not fucking flying airplanes are we, no we're flying a glorified kite with no power and it should be flown like one! - Stratostar

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I have one other question and I don't know where to ask it and this is probably not the right place so I hope it doesn't get locked.
I reported my AAD stolen on 11/30, but it's not listed in the database. Who do I contact?

If you haven't already, you should also report it to Airtec or SSK.


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Mark (or any good rigger)can probably answer this better, so I'll just ask the question, do riggers check serial #'s of parachutes and AAD's against the data bases?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Depends on the rigger, the rig and the person that hands it to them.

There is no requirement for riggers to check for any stolen gear.
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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It wouldn't matter if they did check. I know who took it. It was given to me as a gift and then stolen. My rigger is his rigger.
The only reason it was out of my rig is because I bought a new one and it needed to be sent in for it's 4yr. My old rig would have the serial # on it, but the dropzone won't give me that information.

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ok that helps, but where is the main Cypress page, so I can figure out how much a new one costs?

Call a few places and find the best deal on a new one.

Fifteen years ago there were DZOs who thought having an AAD was such a good idea that they'd sell you a CYPRES at cost which was somewhere either side of $900 depending on how strong the dollar was against the Deutsche Mark.

I haven't a clue what the case is now although there should be some situations where you can do better than list price.

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The only reason it was out of my rig is because I bought a new one and it needed to be sent in for it's 4yr. My old rig would have the serial # on it, but the dropzone won't give me that information.

From the sounds of things, you have a domestic-type dispute on your hands and you are taking legal action to correct it. It's very bad form for a DZ to get in the middle of this, and I to would like to know which DZ thinks it has the right to withold this type of information.

I could see if you were using it to slander or commit fraud on the DZ, or a staff member, but if you're taking it to court, the proper legal channels, the DZ needs to step aside and let the court review the facts (all of them, to include serial numbers) and decide who is right and who is wrong.

Do you have any laywer buddies? Have them call the DZ on your behalf and explain the you need the info pursuant to this lawsuit, and they can either provide now aka 'the easy way', or they can provide it later, when he issues a subpoena for the info later on in the lawsuit. It might be BS, and it might not, but chances are the DZ would rather not get 'officially' involved.

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Yes it is an ugly domestic situation. All I want is what is rightfully mine. You don't give someone a gift and then steal it back. If the AAD was still in my rig, it would still be MINE. I think it's horrible that the DZ (SDM) is blocking me from getting the serial #. I have talked to a lawyer-who sadly lives out of state and not in MN, so he's not much help. He has told me that the DZ is technically aiding and abetting a legal situation.
I REALLY wanted to take it to court, but it's been such an emotional horrible battle this far, that I don't know if I have the energy left to do it. And so far, all of the lawyers that I've contacted, said that it would cost about $7500 for my whole case....that's money that I don't have. :(

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