
The Plagues of Egypt, Courtesy of the USAF

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For your viewing pleasure :)
it's one thing to watch it over the FLIR/thermals, it's a whole different world when your the one on the ground directing it. I've had the pleasure of directing the U model and the old PUFF the magic dragon. Here is your sea of light that was mentioned. Freedom in action.

"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream


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I'm with sudsy and goose on this one. Your comments there are disturbing. Along with that footage.
You say that you were shown no mercy, and that you don't feel bad for them. That they don't deserve mercy. But it's sad that you don't understand that that is the mentality that will feed this conflict. Your lack of sympathy for them "ragheads" is what just might get you, and more of your friends killed at their hands. And what will you do then?
An eye for an eye does leave the whole world blind.
I don't have answers, but I know that rejoicing and reveling in more death is not the path our society should travel on. Cuz it's a short one.

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"You can fly, you can fly, you can fly!"

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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For your viewing pleasure :)
it's one thing to watch it over the FLIR/thermals, it's a whole different world when your the one on the ground directing it. I've had the pleasure of directing the U model and the old PUFF the magic dragon. Here is your sea of light that was mentioned. Freedom in action.

Actually, that is a Life Magzine photo of a C-47 in Vietnam.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I agree, the term "Raghead" is offensive to me and the people in the video, and I certainly would not want to offend someone before I help maim and kill them!! I prefer the term "shitheads" or "pieces of shit". They are much more middle of the road references.
As for the blame America crowd, I have ABSOLUTELY nothing against peaceful Arabs or Muslims however, those radical shitheads that choose to attack us or support those who attack us, better be ready to meet Allah, because we are more than willing to arrange the meeting.

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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I'm with sudsy and goose on this one. Your comments there are disturbing. Along with that footage.
You say that you were shown no mercy, and that you don't feel bad for them. That they don't deserve mercy. But it's sad that you don't understand that that is the mentality that will feed this conflict. Your lack of sympathy for them "ragheads" is what just might get you, and more of your friends killed at their hands. And what will you do then?
An eye for an eye does leave the whole world blind.
I don't have answers, but I know that rejoicing and reveling in more death is not the path our society should travel on. Cuz it's a short one.

Sympathy, in their book, is a sign of weakness. They think we're fat, soft and stupid.

I admit that there are odious US policies in the Middle East, but there are ways of dealing with such things without hijacking planes and flying them into buildings.

The time for restraint is long past, and it's payback time.

May Almighty God damn them all. They've had it coming for a long time. They asked for this. It's my sincere hope that our forces will give them all that they can stomach. When I see footage like that, I feel nothing but grim satisfaction.

Despite what you may think, however, I'm not hateful. What I am is furious.

It took a while, but we whacked Tojo. We'll get Bin Laden too.

In the meantime, I hope the ragheads get to see what happened to their fellow thugs and cowards in the Mazar-i-Sharif that night, and I hope it will give them pause, and make them think that the same thing might happen to them if they keep fucking with us.


"O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth,
That I am meek and gentle with these butchers!

Blood and destruction shall be so in use
And dreadful objects so familiar
That mothers shall but smile when they behold
Their infants quarter'd with the hands of war;
All pity choked with custom of fell deeds:
And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge,
With Ate by his side come hot from hell,
Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice
Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war;
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial."
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I agree, the term "Raghead" is offensive to me and the people in the video, and I certainly would not want to offend someone before I help maim and kill them!! I prefer the term "shitheads" or "pieces of shit". They are much more middle of the road references.
As for the blame America crowd, I have ABSOLUTELY nothing against peaceful Arabs or Muslims however, those radical shitheads that choose to attack us or support those who attack us, better be ready to meet Allah, because we are more than willing to arrange the meeting.

I would never refer to a Sikh as a Raghead (as just one example of religious headwear. Heck. Jews have the Yarmulke, after all), but I think it's a very good generic term for our Islamic Fundamentalist whacko enemies (and make no mistake, they hate us with every brain cell in their twisty little minds), and frankly, I don't care if some people find it derogatory. We're in a cultural war here as well as a shooting war.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I feel I should jump in here.
Sometimes war is a necessary evil and I agree with what the US military is doing. But it IS sick to get off on the carnage of war. There is a big difference between justice and revenge. If we're only getting even then we really are just spreading hate (crap, I sound like a hippy).:)It doesn't really matter what either of us think, but I really hope our country's leaders aren't drooling over these videos as much as you are.

Here's a question for you:
Do you think they should have struck the mosque?

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For your viewing pleasure :)
it's one thing to watch it over the FLIR/thermals, it's a whole different world when your the one on the ground directing it. I've had the pleasure of directing the U model and the old PUFF the magic dragon. Here is your sea of light that was mentioned. Freedom in action.

Actually, that is a Life Magzine photo of a C-47 in Vietnam.

The C-47(dc-3) was the predesessor of the AC-130A which debuted in Viet Nam. The airframe obviously changed as did some of the armament and avionics. The addition of the computer assisted targeting greatly increased the interdiction capablities and the tighter impact fan.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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...That they don't deserve mercy. But it's sad that you don't understand that that is the mentality that will feed this conflict.... Your lack of sympathy for them "ragheads" is what just might get you, and more of your friends killed at their hands. And what will you do then?
An eye for an eye does leave the whole world blind.
I don't have answers, but I know that rejoicing and reveling in more death is not the path our society should travel on. Cuz it's a short one.

I wouldn't have chosen the exact words involving "rag" or "head", but there are far more explicit terms than that available. Other than that, Mark needs no defense.

What I do take issue with is what appears to be a compassionately soft perception of what we're (the free world) are facing.

Al-Qaeda does not need to be understood. The mentality you fear will feed this conflict, is what, in fact, started this conflict...and it started long before 9/11. They have been fighting us for a long, long time...

I don't expect you to fully understand because these things don't happen to Canada...there aren't movements (that's right movements) to destabalize your government, your country, your society, which cannot be settled by a vote, like Quebec's desire to withdraw from the federation.

Who are they?

James Woolsey, former director of the CIA believes there are ...

"...principally three movements, all coming out of the Middle East. And the interesting thing is that they've been at war with us for years. The Islamist Shia, the ruling circles, the ruling Clerics, the Mullahs of Iran, minority -- definite minority of the Iranian Shiite Clerics, but those who constitute the ruling force in Iran and sponsor and back Hezbollah, have been at war with us for nearly a quarter of a century. They seized our
hostages in 1979 in Tehran. They blew up our embassy and our Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983.

They've conducted a wide range of terrorist acts against the United States for something now close to a quarter of a century.

The second group is the fascists - and I don't use that as an expletive - the Baathist parties of Iraq and really Syria as well, are essentially fascist parties or modeled after the fascist parties of the '30s. They're totalitarian, they're anti-Semitic, they're fascist. The Baathists in Iraq have been at war with us for over a decade. For Saddam, the Gulf War never stopped. He says it never stopped. He behaves as if it never stopped. He tried to assassinate former President Bush in 1993 in Kuwait. He has various ties, not amounting to direction and control, but various associations with different terrorist groups over the years, including al-Qaeda. He shoots at our aircraft, again yesterday, over the no-fly zones. He's still at war. He signed a cease fire, which he's not observing, and so it's even clearer that he is at war. And he has been so for at least 11 years.

The third group, and the one that caused us finally to notice, is the Islamist Sunni. And this is the most, in some ways, I think virulent and long-term portion of these three groupings that are at war with us, and will be at war, I think, for a long time.

Portions of a speech given at the National War College 11/16/2002

The point is, the people are attacking US. They are killing US. They are after US in every way possible, including women and children, because the "American taxpayer" supports the machine. Well, like Japan in the 1940s, they have waken a giant that will not sleep again for a long time.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I feel I should jump in here.
Sometimes war is a necessary evil and I agree with what the US military is doing. But it IS sick to get off on the carnage of war. There is a big difference between justice and revenge. If we're only getting even then we really are just spreading hate (crap, I sound like a hippy).:)It doesn't really matter what either of us think, but I really hope our country's leaders aren't drooling over these videos as much as you are.

Here's a question for you:
Do you think they should have struck the mosque?

Jezzzz.........nobody's gettin off on the "carnage of war"..ok, maybe a little....And who do you think orders the U.S. military into battle? Themselves??? Hell no, we are ordered/directed by a bunch of civilians.. And you better hope like hell you've got a bunch of warriors and warfighters on your side when the shit hits the fan.....And, uh, don't forget about the over 2800 dead at the WTC.............So, get off your high horse.........

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This is all fun and games, but I preffer the traditional method.

Armoured Personnel Carriers surround a village. You round up all the civilians and suspect partizans. You make them did a ditch. You place a couple of MG 40 in fromt of them. You kill every man woman child. You take pictures with the corpses. You burn the village and take the cattle.

It's just more fun that way.

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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I don't expect you to fully understand because these things don't happen to Canada...there aren't movements (that's right movements) to destabalize your government, your country, your society, which cannot be settled by a vote, like Quebec's desire to withdraw from the federation.

Of course he doesn't understand. There is no NEED to have movements when you can basically just show up and the Canadian Gov't will allow you to stay and house you for free. There are more KNOWN terrorist organizations and the support mechanisms for terrorist groups operating in Canada than any other country besides those that are state sponsors.

Some background info: http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=2545
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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In that case let's surround Canada with Armored Personnel Carriers. Lets round up all the civilians and suspect partizans. Lets have them dig a ditch. Lets place a bunch of MG-40 in front of them. Lets shoot them all, men, women, children. Lets take pictures with the corpses, burn their villages and round up their cattle.


Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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In that case let's surround Canada with Armored Personnel Carriers. Lets round up all the civilians and suspect partizans

Well...lets keep the beer brewers out of this...:D

PS...Gee yes...I do have sympathy for those rag heads. They were born evil and now the USAF has set them free. We even did it in a culturally sensitive way. You heard the pilot relay the restriction on the Mosque to the sensor operator right? :D

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That was incredible! All I could think about was 9/15/01, when I went down and saw the gaping, charred hole in the Pentagon. I've waited since then to see something like this. Now I want to see the mushroom cloud over Riyadh. Those primates have learned to use real weapons instead of clubs and daggers, it's time to exterminate them.

Of course PETA will get upset and claim it's cruelty to animals to kill terrorists.

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Or do those rounds explode too?

It's called HEI. High Explosive Incindiary rounds. As you can see....they are very effective. Now you guys know why I liked my job in the Air Force so much...;)

Umm.. I really can't understand what kind of person would like having that kinda firepower in their use. This is just a sick way of thinking (or maybe it was just a very poor joke?). And also, what was this kind of movie linked here for? A lot of "war-crazy" people in skydiving community? [:/]

Greetings from Finland anyway, Blue Skies!

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Umm.. I really can't understand what kind of person would like having that kinda firepower in their use. This is just a sick way of thinking (or maybe it was just a very poor joke?). And also, what was this kind of movie linked here for? A lot of "war-crazy" people in skydiving community? [:/]

Greetings from Finland anyway, Blue Skies!

IF I Have to explain you probablly wouldn't understand.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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