
Homo thread II

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California people do have a rod up their ass when it comes to everything. They just look for a cause. Us east coasters just don't give a fuck about anyone else.

Obviously you've never been to Cambridge Massachusetts. Most blatant example of left-wing puritanism you'll ever see. It kind of makes a mockery of the word "liberal." Because they are as uptight as Cotton Mather (for those non history buffs, Cotton Mather was a super rigid puritan from the 1600s), except that their zealotry is directed at left-wing causes.
Speed Racer

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Sebazz you forgot our new slogan.

"California is a melting pot for gay liberals. Every extream gay liberal looking for a cause knows they can find what ever they need."

WooHooo! Cali SUCKS!!! :ph34r:


Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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Do you mean to say that half o'em are gay? Or that they just hold hands a lot?

I have NO idea if they are gay or not but yes....it is socially acceptable for them to hold hands. OTOH...in South America they will look at you funny and think you are gay if two American guys are just eating together without women. :D Talk about homophobes....SA is bad like that.

It's like a friggen plague man!! ***

Ask people in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana and they will agree with you.....:D

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"California is a melting pot for gay liberals. Every extream gay liberal looking for a cause knows they can find what ever they need."

You know I just donated money to a group that is all riled up because baseball and football teams are wearing U.S. flags on thier jerseys and helmets. Like what about all the other country's? HELLO? Jeez... What a bunch of straighties... We need to end that shit pronto...:P


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....it is socially acceptable for them to hold hands.

Oh that's just wrong... different thus wrong... j/k ;)

OTOH...in South America they will look at you funny and think you are gay if two American guys are just eating together without women. :D Talk about homophobes....SA is bad like that.

Yeah, that's BS! My optimist scan reveals only one good thing about this: It makes for a good excuse to ALWAYS have women around you! ha lol

Seriously though, cultural differences eh? you learn something new everyday :)

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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OTOH...in South America they will look at you funny and think you are gay if two American guys are just eating together without women. Talk about homophobes....SA is bad like that.

shit, well maybe you can explain what happened at my parent's theater one time. There was this group there from Buenos Aires & after the show some of the actors came into the lobby to talk with the audience. I was talking to this one male actor & we were having a few drinks just shooting the s&*t, when suddenly he just gets up & steps up next to me & starts rubbing my shoulders & asking, in a soft, breathy voice "Does this feel good?"
:SEEEeeeeW!! I called him on it & told him I'm not gay at all. He sat back down & looked kinda hurt but I didn't give a fuck. (literally!) Look I have nothing against gays but DON'T try to indoctrinate a straight guy. You're only gonna gross us out. There's a difference between being open to others in terms of not being a homophobe, versus being open to uh, "experimenting"!
Speed Racer

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well maybe you can explain what happened at my parent's theater one time

Well...let's see..you were hanging around a theater.... Hmmm....I can see where the mistake was made. Do you have a slender build or slight lisp maybe? That surely would have sealed the misconception. :D

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For christ's sake! I'm straining to remain polite here, so bear with me if some of my irritation leaks out.

If a gay person makes a pass at a straight person who he doesn't know is straight that is NOT an insult and it's STUPID to be offended.

In the exact same way, it's NOT offensive if a straight woman makes a pass at a gay man. Or if a straight man makes a pass at a lesbian, etc. Look, kids. If you take a guess at someone's orientation you might be innocently wrong. It's INNOCENT!

For god's sake, just be an adult and handle things without getting dramatic. Just say, "no thanks. I'm not gay," and let it drop. Don't make exaggerated emotional response signals like saying "EEEeeeeeW!!!" and don't get worked up. That's so childish.

(Ok, so I failed to remain polite. I'll live with it.)

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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narcimund: OK, you have a point. Just for the record I did not actually say "EEEeeeeeW!!!" I was just being childish when I wrote the post, not in real life. sorry for that. I was actually polite but firm when I confronted this actor on it.
Speed Racer

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Just for the record I did not actually say "EEEeeeeeW!!!" I was just being childish when I wrote the post, not in real life. sorry for that. I was actually polite but firm when I confronted this actor on it.

Hahahaha! When I read your post, I totally didn't think you actually said "EEEeeeeeW!!!" like, right in this poor dudes face. I did however, wonder how long it would take for someone to jump on it though.


My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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Whew. Sorry about misinterpreting then.

It's such a cliche for the gay man to come on to a straight man and get a violent response. The overreaction can range from acting out verbally to murder (Matthew Shephard and god knows how many others, RIP.) That's a hot button for me, as you can tell.

It seems like the dz.com population by and large has their heads on straight. :)

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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First I would like to say I have nothing aginst gay dudes who still act like normal people. One of my closest friends is gay.(No...I am not) But now they are starting kids out early with gayness it seems. What is next...Will they start marketing Ken to the little boys and barbie to the girls. The next generation will be 50-50 gay/strait and the one after that will 70-30. Holy shit!!!! Is there something wrong with me. Why do I love the female species so much????

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***First I would like to say I have nothing aginst gay dudes who still act like normal people. One of my closest friends is gay.(No...I am not) But now they are starting kids out early with gayness it seems. What is next...Will they start marketing Ken to the little boys and barbie to the girls. The next generation will be 50-50 gay/strait and the one after that will 70-30. Holy shit!!!! Is there something wrong with me. Why do I love the female species so much????

I'm sick of this crap too . It sucks how they are forcing acceptance on young children . I'm am glad I don't have kids .

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Am I for real...yes
Am I sarcastic....yes

I really don't give a crap what other people do. Like I said...one of my best friends is "married" to another guy. I hung out with them at the DZ for 2 years before I knew they were gay.(Yeah...I am from Iowa - no gaydar) Anyway their gayness is not an issue because they are both such great people.

They make gay jokes. They make racial jokes. Just like everyone in the world...Jokes are funny. That is why we tell them. I don't believe in hurting other peoples feelings unless they truely deserve it, but I don't hang out with people who can't take a joke.

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