
Homo thread II

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People aren't always gay/lesbian because of genetics. That seems pretty rare.

I have no bias one way or another on the question of how many gay people have a genetic predisposition, but I'd sure love to know how you come by this conclusion. It's not obvious to me.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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The worst part is....99% of all people I meet display at LEAST SOME traits of social disfunction

I think we're all dysfunctional in at least some small way....I'd be worried about either extreme; either REALLY dysfunctional, or REALLY undysfunctional.

OK, so I load EVERYTHING on my plate with salt, and I eat one thing at a time, saving the best for last...yes, it's dysfunctional, but it's THE WAY I LIKE IT!;) (with the exception of Mexican food...it all tastes the same so I just mix all the shit together and load it w/ guacamole:P)
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yes, it's dysfunctional, but it's THE WAY I LIKE IT!

Since you seem to have been to college a lot I'll assume you have taken at least one psychology course. :D You can learn a lot about a person by watching them eat.......

I was really reffering to traits of "Anti-Social" personality disorder and Border line personality diorder. It's a little shocking the amount of people that display at least subtle indicators of this. Especially the manipulative traits. Kinda scary really.

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Yup, taken psychology, double majored in Communications and Sociology.

I think that only half the time do things like that apply. For example, during the week, I'm all business/responsible, etc. but on the weekend I jump my ass off, party, etc. I never seem to fit into one category. Every personality test I've ever taken, Myers-Briggs, etc. place me a little in every damn category....but I wouldn't have it any other way...it makes me, me;)

How would you psychoanalyze me, Clay?:P

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He he he....cute!

Actually, though, I'd never heard of the eating thing...the only thing that might concern me is the lack there of:S;):P I have heard you can tell about a person by their handwriting. But, again, I write differently every time, depending on mood, if I'm in a hurry, sometimes I write in all caps, etc. So I tend not to put much credibility to those things.:P Sociology, on the other hand, I've found VERY useful in learning about and dealing with differenty types of people:P

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People aren't always gay/lesbian because of genetics. That seems pretty rare.

I have no bias one way or another on the question of how many gay people have a genetic predisposition, but I'd sure love to know how you come by this conclusion. It's not obvious to me.

Being on the outside, I don't think that I could intelligently draw valid conclusions from discussions with the flamboyantly gay any better than the assertively hetero. That would give me one small part of a population. Perhaps my opinion is a bit skewed though because the information that I have is from people who are openly gay and willing to talk to me. To balance that, I have spoken with nurses, counselors who deal with related issues, and dedicated websites.

I grew up with men and women who were openly gay as teenagers. Because of the viewpoint of society, there were, of course, the non-open ones. If you start out with a clear identity in your youth, I think that decides the genetics question.

However, I have met a significantly larger number who have gone from hetero to gay/lesbian based on events in their life. Anger, abuse (phys and/or emotional), inappropriate coping methods...endless list. I have had people tell me that they were hetero and one of those events was directly related to their choice to change.

To answer your question, my source is my own life experience. Admittedly not statistically fair. Not inscribed in stone anywhere.

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because that is not natural... and plainly put WRONG

Are you saying it is biologically wrong, socially wrong, religiously wrong, or some combination thereof?

If you are an authority on how other adults may act in their own homes, are you willing to accept my authority on how you may act in your own home?

Somehow, I doubt it. As long as the participants are consenting adults, I don't see how you, I, or anyone else has the right to judge their behavior as "wrong". We may choose not to like it. We may choose not to participate in similar behavior. Those are our preferences, just as the desire to engage in them are theirs.

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because that is not natural... and plainly put WRONG.

Odd, your profile says you are from New York, but you must be new to our country. In our democracy, we have a strong tradition of personal freedom and the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of hapiness", which many of my ancestors, relatives and close friends have fought and died to protect. Authoritarian states who dictated morality and "correct" behavior have crumbled under the strength and power of these beliefs. Countries around the world have either followed our lead, or been laid to waste by the power of the premise that people are free.

You may want to learn a bit about these important ideas before you start telling other people what they are doing is or isn't WRONG. It's simply none of your business.

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because that is not natural... and plainly put WRONG.

Jumping out of a plane isn't natural....some people think that burning that much fuel is wrong....You are not perfect. You can't judge anyone. If you think people can be bi or not is not something for you to decide.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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because that is not natural... and plainly put WRONG.

Jumping out of a plane isn't natural....some people think that burning that much fuel is wrong....You are not perfect. You can't judge anyone. If you think people can be bi or not is not something for you to decide.

That has to be one of the biggest gray areas that people see. Are you a bi girl if you...hug another girl? dance with her? kiss her on the cheek? lips? a drunk just-for-fun 3-some with her b/f? ...errr...never mind. Anyway, drawing that line can be a little tough.

Most girls have a deeper level of emotional involvement with the women in their lives than the men because the conflicts, problems, and needs are shared and easier to understand. Guys aren't always as affectionate or tender as desired. The solution may present itself in unusual circumstances.

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OK, so I'm jumping into this one a little late, I try to stay out of these debates, but I really can't any longer, in good consience stay silent.

"Sorry, but it is true. We are either gay or straight. To have it both ways is only by choice, not by actual "sexual preference". "

OK, this is rediculous. I'm attracted to whom I am attracted to - that's it. I don't go around sleeping with people I'm not attracted to - it really doesn't matter what sex they are.

"Many "bi-sexuals" will tell you the same thing... that they are "gay" or they are"straight" and just experimenting or fooling around."

I AM NOT GAY. I AM NOT STRAIGHT. I am BISEXUAL! Clean enough for you? I am not "fooling around" or "experiementing". I have known this was who I was since I was 17 and it hasn't changed. I would be equally happy in a relationship with a man, or with a woman.

"It doesn't mean they are actually attracted by instincual drives to both sexes. IT means they are attracted by these feelings to 1 sex, but choose to be with both because they enjoy the physicallity."

Well, obviously I enjoy the physical feelings that having sex brings - this is pretty obvious. But sexual attraction goes beyond that. I know a person and I'm either attracted to them or I'm not. This desicion happens way before getting naked.

"IMO - that is what is wrong. I do not object gay or straight people based on their sexuality, what i do object to is increae in homosexual activity which is not done by "GAYS". If you don't understand what i am saying.. just ask."

My sexuality is healthy, happy, and mine. You can objest to it all you want and it won't make a bit of difference to me. My sexuality is every bit as valid as yours. Parties must be consenting adults, but apart from that - who are you to judge?

My own thoughts are like this, many people are attracted to one hair colour over another, say blonde. Others prefer brunette. No biggie. Some people say it doesn't matter the hair colour at all. Well, I'm just one of the people that doesn't care about the hair colour.

Sorry, for the ramblings, but this is important to me,

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Ay yi yi...it goes against my nature to post to a serious thread in a serious way but here is the only response I will make:

I always believed, having a few gay friends, that they were born that way. In addition, after I took extensive biology, human genoma, etc. over the summer, I only confirmed that belief when we learned just how often new genes are formed, how gay or straight genes, etc. can exist, and so on. In addition to that, a while back in greek mythology, I learned of evidence of many greek people being gay way back in those times. Again, in addtion, any history book will show evidence of some people being gay dating almost as far back as when humans first started roaming the earth.

To me, it's a natural thing that exists now and has always existed, only now, people are finally feeling comfortable enough to say so.

I was born straight. I believe others are sometimes born gay. :P;):)

Whew! That's enough serious talk for me today....time for a beer, I need to relax:P;)B|

Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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I only confirmed that belief when we learned just how often new genes are formed, how gay or straight genes, etc. can exist,

And here's proof!
From The Onion:
VOLUME 31 ISSUE 13 — 8 APRIL 1997
Gay Gene Isolated, Ostracized
BALTIMORE—On Friday, scientists at Johns Hopkins University isolated the gene which causes homosexuality in human males, promptly separating it from normal, heterosexual genes. "I had suspected that gene was queer for a long time now. There was just something not quite right about it," team leader Dr. Norbert Reynolds said. "It's a good thing we isolated it—I wouldn't want that faggot-ass gene messing with the straight ones." Among the factors Reynolds cited as evidence of the gene's gayness were its pinkish hue, meticulously frilly perimeter, and faint but distinct perfume-like odor.

Speed Racer

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Justin, see you are taking this the wrong way.

When I said it was wrong, i did not say it was legally wrong, and truthfully i don't care what you do in your house.

It being wrong is "My possition" on morality. Not nessesarily yours or other peoples. My goal here is not to get you or anyone else to agree with my view, because it is infact my view.

I am tolorant of people that are different then me because I also believe that, in this country you should have the ability to say and do what you want, as long as it does not maliciously hurt others.

I never claimed to be an authority, or a persecutor.

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please read my last statement... you obviously do not understand what i am saying.

To me it is morally wrong to commit homosexual behavior if you are not gay.

If one is gay, there action is not opposite of there preference, and I do not feel that is wrong.

As far as what goes on in peoples house... I don't care. In my house I do. My morals reflect my beliefs, and in no way do I expect the country or world for that matter to adopt my morality.. I am not a complete moron, I respect other rights to do what ever they want, just as I have that right.

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