
Homo thread II

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Wrong!!! Bi-sexual is a human term. That is a choice, it is not a sexual preference. It is human greed that fuels bi-sexual needs.

Gay or straight. experimentation may be what you think is bi-sexualism.

Well thanks for setting the record straight. I will go tell all the bisexuals that I read the Truth on the Internet and tell them to stop being so darn selfish.

Or were you talking about apes and dogs again?
Freedom -- Expression -- Spirit

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Sorry, but it is true. We are either gay or straight. To have it both ways is only by choice, not by actual "sexual preference". Many "bi-sexuals" will tell you the same thing... that they are "gay" or they are"straight" and just experimenting or fooling around. It doesn't mean they are actually attracted by instincual drives to both sexes. IT means they are attracted by these feelings to 1 sex, but choose to be with both because they enjoy the physicallity.

IMO - that is what is wrong. I do not object gay or straight people based on their sexuality, what i do object to is increae in homosexual activity which is not done by "GAYS". If you don't understand what i am saying.. just ask.

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Sorry, but it is true. We are either gay or straight.

I don't think so. We don't live in a black & white world. There are a million shades of grey in the middle. That applies to just about everything, sexuality included.


I do not object gay or straight people based on their sexuality, what i do object to is increae in homosexual activity which is not done by "GAYS".

Even if we take your hypothesis as true, just for a minute, I still don't see why you object to the activities. If both people are consenting adults, why is it objectionable? Are they "Straight", "Gay" or "Experimenting"? Who cares? I don't understand where you are finding a problem.

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I don't think so. We don't live in a black & white world. There are a million shades of grey in the middle. That applies to just about everything, sexuality included.

I don't know about that.....You know what they say..."A man can build bridges his WHOLE life.....but he goes and sucks 1 dick......"

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Goose, you claimed to be in the sciences I think, but perhaps not as a scientist with the strict training involved. If you're going to make claims of scientific fact, however, it would be nice if you could back them up even a little bit.

Lighten up Narcimund [:/] I said "by this science". I never claimed to be a scientist!


What is your basis for believing 1.5% ...... What is your basis for believing 10%....

These are not my numbers! I didn't provide any number because I don't know the numbers!


What is your basis for believing this increase is caused by peer pressure?

Were you reading my post at all? All I said was the being gay is Trendier in some places than others! The only thing that even hinted at peer pressure in my post was how I was looked down upon just for being straight in the middle of the Village... I guess that's peer pressure but I still didn't claim that It MAKES people gay! It didn't make me gay! You're born Gay, or you're born Straight!


What is your basis for believing that peer-induced homosexual experimentation reduces birth rates? Edited to add: If your claim is the experimenters become permanently and exclusively homosexual, please give your basis for believing this as well.End of edit

And finally, what is your basis for believing that "peer-induced homosexual experimentation" related reduced birth rates is increasing rapidly enough to reverse the exponetial growth in population?

I'm not even gonna touch this. Again, I never claimed to be a Scientist. You cannot put words in my mouth! All I said was that Gays cannot reproduce. If you don't agreee that the birth rate must be lower in primarily gay communities, that's your right but c'mon man! Give it some thought! I have nothing against gays... I do however, get very upset everytime I have to actually say this to a gay because he/she naturally thinks I do!

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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i agree...people do not "TURN" gay. They either are or they are not. That is why Bi-sexuals do not truely exist.

Yes they do, proof is in the attachment.

(With all thnaks to Mike Peters who so convieniently wrote today's contribution.)

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?


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i agree...people do not "TURN" gay. They either are or they are not. That is why Bi-sexuals do not truely exist.

You seem to be insisting on this without supporting it. I think the "spectrum" model more accurately describes the observed phenomena. Could you give supporting evidence why you think your "black or white" model is better?
Speed Racer

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Sorry, but it is true. We are either gay or straight. To have it both ways is only by choice, not by actual "sexual preference".

What a revolutionary claim! It must be wonderful to be omniscient.


Wrong!!! Bi-sexual is a human term.

Most terms are.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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I still don't see why you object to the activities. If both people are consenting adults, why is it objectionable?

Going back through cgross's posts, it appears that he's objecting to peer pressure somehow influencing people away from their natural heterosexuality against their better nature. His primary prediction is that the human race will depopulate.

I've asked several times now why he thinks this. To get there from here he would have to prove that peer pressure to be gay exists, AND that it actually causes straight men to act gay, AND that these victims remain gay-acting exclusively for their entire lives, never reverting to women and commencing breeding. He'd ALSO have to prove that the numbers are increasing at a rate sufficient to catch up to the exponential increase in unconflicted breeding going on.

It would be interesting to get a thorough, reasoned response. I don't expect one however.

(Apologies again to goose491 for mixing up my responses earlier. I had a terrible headache yesterday.)

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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", it appears that he's objecting to peer pressure somehow influencing people away from their natural heterosexuality against their better nature"

I would say that this is done by both gay and non-gay. There is a lot of pressure for sex from everyone. The primary victims are the emotionally marginal. The emotionally unstable will give sex for love and are damaged when the relationship ends.

I have seen it occur in three major areas.
One - the general population of either persuasion is doing the "I love you...have sex with me..." technique a lot.
Two - people in transition. A woman told me of her experience at a divorce counseling center. "Don't date the evil men...come to a party... have some wine... hugs from your sisters... lots of overly affectionate hugs... testing some boundaries..."
Three - an emotionally impressionable age when gender identity is being established. An adult with an agenda. 'Nuff said. This has been shown to have an effect on later gender identity and sexual preference, so inappropriate sexual pressure can change preference. Ask any abuse victim.

Sexual pressure is constantly out there. Guys can spot dysfunctional girls like they are wearing flags. So can lesbians. In the Second Sex, it also points out the emotional manipulation that women are better at.

People aren't always gay/lesbian because of genetics. That seems pretty rare. It can be emotional shock or careful grooming too.

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Guys can spot dysfunctional girls like they are wearing flags

I used to be VERY bind to that. Thanks mostly to my upbringing to treat everyone nicely and we are all created equally. Thanks Mom!!! :D I learned an awful lot from the ex-wife. Now I can spot the slightest hint of dysfunctionality. The worst part is....99% of all people I meet display at LEAST SOME traits of social disfunction. It's pretty scary really. I think I liked being ignorant better....[:/]

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