
Homo thread II

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I do understand the context of your discussion with Wendy.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion. While it may baffle me and leave me disagreeing, that isn't a problem. I just see the whole range as being legitimate. It doesn't really matter if you don't, as long as you don't try to infringe on their right to carry on as they see fit.

There are plenty of heated threads, with lots more flaming (in the Internet sense) than in here. The gun control/gun rights ones tend to get particularly fired up. But eventually we get sick of explaining our views and trying to politely convince the other side how wrong they are in our opinions. Then we talk about something else, like RSLs or the pros and cons of Cypres'. Yeah, like those are calm... ;)

If you are thoughtful and civil, people shouldn't write you off, no matter how strange your views are. At least that is the way I see it. There are plenty of people that I post with and in response to a lot that have pretty fundamental differences on some issues, yet remarkable similarities in others. If someone forever disregards a another's opinion because of their take on one issue, they aren't much of a person to begin with, IMHO.

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I agree, there are plenty of thread "hotter" than this, but I don't want to stress my views too much, because they do not rule my life. I think by rehashing the issue, it will make me appear as if I am trying to push my thoughts on other people, and I am not. I leave that up to the jahova's witnesses that knock on my door at 7AM on a sunday.:D

We are going to dissagree, and I love the arguements, but i do not want t come off as some radical right wing coservative who wants to put the country back to the time of the puritans. As much as I judge, I don't want to be judged that way, and I am therefore allowing this thread to drop off for now. It will come up again, and I will be stupid and put my nose into it (it is just so tempting). And the debate will continue. Maybe I will even start a thread entitled "Why the world is Black and White":D:D:D.

You and I will have a post whoring competition on the topic. We will have to schedule for a weekend though, when I have time to quickly respond.


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Maybe I will even start a thread entitled "Why the world is Black and White"

I, for one, would look forward to that. I think if we could convince you, even just a little bit, the true beauty of the world would open up to you.

BTW, I don't think of it as shades of gray, I think of it as spectra of colors, sounds, scents, feelings and other dimensions we have yet to discover...
Freedom -- Expression -- Spirit

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I AM NOT GAY. I AM NOT STRAIGHT. I am BISEXUAL! Clean enough for you? I am not "fooling around" or "experiementing". I have known this was who I was since I was 17 and it hasn't changed. I would be equally happy in a relationship with a man, or with a woman. ***

Well said!!;)

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I AM NOT GAY. I AM NOT STRAIGHT. I am BISEXUAL! Clean enough for you? I am not "fooling around" or "experiementing". I have known this was who I was since I was 17 and it hasn't changed. I would be equally happy in a relationship with a man, or with a woman.

Just out of curiousity, how old are you now? I only ask this because I'm not sure I knew who I was at 17! I'm 23 now and still am not positive of "who" I am!

Stirring the pot here yet again:
Humans are "Mate-for-life" animals! There is no denying that! Though some cultures have allowed bigamy to occure, Naturally, the human being is made to find a partner and stick with that partner for life... Like otters :)
Speed Racer,
I would agree that if taking a pole of "Are you attracted to a)Members of opposite sex b)Members of same sex c)Both, you would find your "Spectrum".... This does not mean however, that some people are born Bi-sexual... Of course I have about the same amount of proof to support my statement as you do yours but I truly believe that one is born straight, or one is born Gay. The existence of bi-sexuals is a direct result of the human desire to have it all!

Flame away all!

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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"Just out of curiousity, how old are you now? I only ask this because I'm not sure I knew who I was at 17! I'm 23 now and still am not positive of "who" I am!"

I'm turning 25 in January. If I were 16 confusion might (I said might) be an argument, but at this time in my life I'm pretty clean on what sex(es) I'm attracted to.

"How can any one person say what you have said knowing that they are ment to be with one person in the end? This reminds me of an Oprah episode I saw once. One thing that was a major issue was "Just because you call yourself "Bi" doesn't necessarily mean you can have you can have both?" If a bi-sexual male is in a meaningful relationship with another male, he does not automatically have the right to cheat on him with a woman! "

OK, first off, I think it's a big assumption that everyone ends up with one person in the end. Heterosexuals and homosexuals may or may not find this to be true.

However, assuming this is true, I say the following: Just because I have the possibility of being with either gender it does not mean I have to be with both. I said I would be equally happy with a man or a woman, not both.

This is, in my opinion, one of the biggest misconseptions of non-bisexuals. Just because you're attracted to more then one sex (or person) doesn't mean you have to have them all at once. It's rather like saying that because a heterosexual man is attracted to 2 woman he has to have them both. I choose who I want to be with and am quite capable of being in a monogamous relationship - I'm in one right now.

I do not cheat on anyone - period.

As far as knowing who my life partner is going to be, well I think I have about as much clue in that area as anyone. None of us know until we are there. And by the way, that goes for bisexuality as well, it's hard for you to say that bisexuals don't have innate sexual attractions for both sexes when you're not in my head or my heart.

I'm drowning...so come inside
Welcome to my...dirty mind

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I'm 23 now and still am not positive of "who" I am!


How can you not know who you are attracted to yet? If you find men attractive, then you are gay. If you find women attractive, then you are straight. If you are willing to explore whomever you find attractive, then you are bi.


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You crack me the fuck up! What are we going to do when you're gone?

Skymama's all serious now that she is a greenie. Nathan is missing. Lummy is missing lately. JT still posts, but I can't understand him. Skybytch has been so quiet lately. Some nutty people have arrived lately. BillV is off breaking world records.

I guess all that's left is therapy.:P


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OK, first off, I think it's a big assumption that everyone ends up with one person in the end. Heterosexuals and homosexuals may or may not find this to be true.

I do not assume that everyone ends up with one person in the end... I said that humans are "mate-for-life" animals! Thus, the ideal is for each one person, to find their one counterpart. I'm well aware that some people make their own arrangements. I'm also well aware that "Variety is the spice of life" (well put Clay ;)). And I'm also well aware that some end up alone :(. However, this does not change the fact that HomoSapiens are "mate-for-life"! That is what the majority of us do naturally... not by choice.


However, assuming this is true, I say the following: Just because I have the possibility of being with either gender it does not mean I have to be with both. I said I would be equally happy with a man or a woman, not both.

No, as far as physical pleasure goes, maybe. But even while not knowing you, I can say with certainty that you would not be EQUALLY happy with a man or a woman. One person will make you happy and others will not be able to contend! And until you find that PERSON, you will continue to experiment, trying to find him/her (even "it" if that's what your into...j/k :D) This is not the homo way, it is not the hetero way, it is THE way. (I was going to say God's way but who are we kidding? We make the rules as we go right?)


This is, in my opinion, one of the biggest misconseptions of non-bisexuals. Just because you're attracted to more then one sex (or person) doesn't mean you have to have them all at once. It's rather like saying that because a heterosexual man is attracted to 2 woman he has to have them both. I choose who I want to be with and am quite capable of being in a monogamous relationship - I'm in one right now.

It is not my assumption that "bi-sexuals" must have both at the same time. All I say is that, in the long run, you will spend your life looking for that one person. When you find that one person, there will be no straying (In a perfect world). Thus, you will no longer be able to call yourself "Bi"... Not actively anyway.


it's hard for you to say that bisexuals don't have innate sexual attractions for both sexes when you're not in my head or my heart.

No it's not. You don't have innate sexual attractions for both sexes. Which isn't to say that they aren't real... The just weren't programmed into you when you were conceived.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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"However, this does not change the fact that HomoSapiens are "mate-for-life"! That is what the majority of us do naturally... not by choice. "

Hmmm...statistically speaking "a majority" is usually a lot more than half. 51% or 52% isn't a clear, definitive majority. In the US, half the marriages end up in divorce.

Sorry guys, 200 posts, this is too much fun to give up.

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