
New Year's Eve parties

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Last year I worked. The year before that I had a fight with the guy I was dating. The year before that I worked, got off at 11, and hauled ass to a lame party.

I generally don't enjoy New Year's Eve very much.

This year I plan to hit the gay bars with my posse. Drag queens know how to party!
Skydiving is for cool people only

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OMG - never even occurred to me! Why wouldn't it be okay to go single unless specifically mentioned on an invite? Else, who gives a rats ass what anyone thinks? I'll be drunk off my gourd shaking my booty up on the tables!B|

Fall in dove.

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If New Year's Eve was for couples there would be no parties. Parties are for everyone to celebrate TOGETHER, not in twos.
Are you Americans only friendly with words? Go kiss everyone you know at midnight, and call it New Year friendly ;) If it's a good party, no one will remeber anything anyway :D

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I have an angel status to keep up....
Screw it... I wanna have fun instead!


I don't mind doing all the "dirty" work.

*making mental note to have plenty of blank tape New Year's Eve....*
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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drag queens at gay bars? now, that sounds like a party! Seriously, this will be my 25th new years eve, and I have never once done anything special. This year, more than anything I want it to be a special night, because I have been through so much in this past year, so much good!

Also never had an eventful Valentines Day...[:/]

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I'm comfortable going alone. This will be my 2nd year going alone and my 2nd year going alone to my DZ Christmas party. I don't feel that any holiday (excluding Valentine's) is a couple's holiday.
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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I'll be in Eloy with Wendy and all the others having a wonderful time.

I don't have a date so I guess I'm going alone; however, I don't plan on being alone cause I'll be with all you guys and gals.

19 more days and counting!

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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