
Any other pipe smokers out there?

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I just got a couple new pipes for myself and my brother for Christmas and was just curious if anyone else also enjoys the gentle art of pipe smoking. :)
The pipes I got are a Highlander churchwarden and a Paronelli dublin with the laser photo-etched marble finish which looks so cool.

I enjoy smoking MacBaren Dark Twist, the MacBaren Highland Mixture, and Escudo Navy Flake mostly.

As a side note, who else can't wait to stand in line for the next installment of the LOTR trilogy smoking a 'wizard pipe' looking churchwarden?! B| Pictures are posted below.

Feel free to share your fav pipes and tobacco. hehe




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LOL! However, I must say that if you haven't tried some quality pipe tobacco in a good pipe then you don't know how potent and mellow and enjoyable it really is...

In fact, it has inspired me to sing a song.

"In the middle of the Earth,
In the land of The Shire
Lived a brave little Hobbit,
Whom we all admire.
With his long wooden pipe,
And his fluffy woolly toes,
He lives in a hobbit hole and everybody knows him,
Bilbo, Bilbo Baggins,
Only three feet tall.
Bilbo, Bilbo Baggins, The bravest little Hobbit of them all."


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There must be orcs near by cos the the first one is glowing blue

HAHAHA B| good one!
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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There must be orcs near by cos the the first one is glowing blue

Orchrist, the Goblin-Smoker!
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Yes, I keep a pair of good clay tavern pipes in Aviators to help pass the evenings. Nice molds based from mid-1800 century common room pipes found in most colonial american taverns. Usually a good cavendish or dark aromatic blend from the local humidor is acceptable to the nightly gatherings. Interesting that since the movie came out, more folks are turning to the older form of relaxation...

Hearts & Minds
2 to the Heart-
1 to the Mind-
Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range

Taven Pipe 2.jpg

Tavern Pipe.jpg

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oh please, and like skydiving isn't inviting a broken leg or worse ;) In any case:

"The end of the last century saw the birth of two Germans who are among the most famous
individuals in history: Adolf Hitler, the bloodthirsty dictator, and Albert Einstein, the peace-loving scientific genius. Both men held strong views about smoking, and it is worth examining their opinions as we approach the end of the current century.

Hitler was a zealot about many things, so it is not surprising that he was an extremist on the subject of smoking, which he considered vile and disgusting. "Adolf Hitler was a fanatical opponent of tobacco," reports Time.

Einstein, on the other hand, was very passionate about his pipe smoking. During one lecture, he ran out of pipe tobacco and borrowed some cigarettes from his students so he could crumple the tobacco into his pipe. "Gentlemen," he said, "I believe we've made a great discovery!" :)
'I believe that pipe smoking contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgment in all human affairs', he said in 1950 at age 71." (source)

Well, I don't know about you, but I think Einstein was a very bright chap indeed. :P

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nothing wrong with that. heck. i used to only smoke corncob pipes because they are cheap, light, cool, and dry!

(I agree about the Silmarillion too. "Therefore he willed that the hearts of Men should seek beyond the world and should find no rest therein; but they should have a virtue to shape their life, amid the powers and chances of the world, beyond the music of the Ainur, which is the fate of all things else;"
Illúvatar, The Silmarillion)

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"And it is said that in that time Ulmo came to the Valinor out of deep waters, and spoke there to the Valar of the need of the Elves; and he called on them to forgive them from the overmastering might of Morgoth, and win back the Silmarils, wherein alone now bloomed the ligh of the Days of Bliss when the Two Trees still shone in Valinor. But Manwe moved not; and of the counsels of his heart what tale shall we tell?" Of Tuor and the Fall of Gondolin, The Silmarillion.

I have the book infront of me, 3rd reading, tough book, it took twice before I was really able to deal with the writing style used in it

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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