Don't take your children for granted!

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Most of the regulars on these forums have patiently listened to my ranting about the trials of raising a 14 year old son, and many have kindly offered their advice and contemporary wisdom on the subject.

Tonight, I hope to return the favor with a new perspective, and appreciation for the gift of having a child to love.

Shortly after nightfall tonight, I received a call that my son had been the victim of a pedestrian hit and run. I don't remember much of the conversation after that, except that he was at Washoe medical center being treated for injuries.

All the way to the hospital I thought of him, and how he has changed my life forever. Where would I be without him? Suddenly our differences; his hairstyle, the way he dressed, his music...all were insignificant and meaningless.

I realized how he has helped me to grow, and learn, and see life with new eyes, as he has grown himself. I realized that he is the one constant in my life that keeps me grounded and rational. He is literally my reason for living.

I thought of how much he has grown in his 14 years, and how much introspection he has offered. Things through the years that I never would have given a second thought, but for him.

When I arrived at the E.R., I was relieved to find that he was alert and talkative, with only an injured arm.

He was walking to the local Wendys with a friend when he steped off the sidewalk to cross the street. A pick-up truck had swerved nearly four feet over the "fog line" and clipped him with the side-view mirror.

The impact ripped the entire mirror and bracket from the truck, and threw Nick to the ground. After x-rays and a thorough exam, the only damage was a severely bruised right arm.

A second later, or a step further, and my son would've been dead tonight. The police never caught the driver.

Tonight I thank God for the gift of having a son to love, and my message is this: Parents, tell your children you love them every day, and show them. Spend every minute you can with your child and realize the gift you have been given.

Grow with your child, be tolerant, and ask yourself; where would I be without them? I will never, EVER, take my son for granted again!


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Greg, Glad that your son is OK and I hope they catch the SOB that did that, that is just evil cruelty. All in all I thank God that all you and your family are taking away from this is experience and new found love.

This is me ------->:)

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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Wow ... scary moment! I'm very pleased to hear everything turned out okay! I don't have any children yet, but I can't imagine how I would feel if I got a call like that! All is well, hope his arm gets well soon!

Trailer 11/12 was the best. Thanks for the memories ... you guys rocked!

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Do you/they still have the mirror? Im sure your son know the type/color of the truck.
Go To ALl the Junk yards and part store and speak with the owners.
tell them what happened and if they sell a passenger side mirror to a (*DESCRIBED) truck. to get his/her info.

This scumbag deserves to rot in prison! I had a similar thing happen to me, years ago! But I got away with a ripped sleeve!
most casesd like this arent solved by cops. they are solved by someone who cares enough to get involved!
brign the mirror to the junk yards/part stores with you they m,ay be able to IDENTIFY the exact year and make! good luck
I'm glad all you got was a chance to value your sons life!
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So glad to hear he is ok. Getting one of those phone calls is definitely a parent's worst nightmare.

I am so glad your son is okay, ECVZZ. I have gotten one of those dreaded phone calls before and my heart goes out to you. Just reading this post brings back the memories, my son also was okay after a stay in the hospital.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Greg - Thanks so much for your post. Like someone else said, it applies not only to children, but all the important people in your life.

I would think it wouldn't be too hard to find a truckwith a missing mirror, especially since you have the mirror and hence possibly the make and model. Do the cops alert local car repair shops in such an incident to look out for someone needing a new mirror?

Fall in dove.

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Back in 1984, the phone rang at our house. I answered. "Are Mr. or Mrs. Muenkel home?" "No, they are not, who is calling?" "To whom am I speaking to?" "This is Chris, their son". "Is Barbara Muenkel your sister?" "Yes, who's calling?" "This is Nurse so and so from Smithtown General Hospital, Barbara has been in a serious head on collision and we need a family member's consent to perform any procedure necessary". "You've got it. What condition is she in?" "It is quite serious." "Is she conscious?" "No."

I was numb and trembling from head to toe. Fortunately, my 17 year old sister survived after a long recovery.

I have received that phone call. It is horrible. I am so glad your son is going to be OK. He was very fortunate.

Good vibes to him and your whole family.


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Some of the worst that can happen..Glad that he is as okay as he is.I hope i never will get one of thouse calls.
I hope the person who just run away,will have a mental-scar for the rest of his days.Running away after an incident,leaving wounted pepole beheind,is just so chikken to do.

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Back in 1984, the phone rang at our house. I answered. "Are Mr. or Mrs. Muenkel home?" "No, they are not, who is calling?" "To whom am I speaking to?" "This is Chris, their son". "Is Barbara Muenkel your sister?" "Yes, who's calling?" "This is Nurse so and so from Smithtown General Hospital, Barbara has been in a serious head on collision and we need a family member's consent to perform any procedure necessary". "You've got it. What condition is she in?" "It is quite serious." "Is she conscious?" "No."

I was numb and trembling from head to toe. Fortunately, my 17 year old sister survived after a long recovery.

I have received that phone call. It is horrible. I am so glad your son is going to be OK. He was very fortunate.

Good vibes to him and your whole family.

Deja vu (sp?) Whoa, I've been there, only with my son! I still tremble when I answer the phone and get that response:(. Then on our way to the hospital, we had to pass the wreckage of his car. He survived, with minimal permanent damage.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Actually, it was my brother. However, I was in one of the most SPECTACULAR wrecks ever while my Mom was driving. She hydroplaned and jumped 3 driveways. BIG ONES!!! Then side swiped a tree and back up onto the road. No one was hurt in that one.....except the car was totalled. Must have caught 8 Ft of air or better off each one of those driveways. It would have been much cooler if I hadn't been about 8 years old and pretty scared for about 30 seconds. :D Strangely enough that was only about a half mile from the one with my brother about 5 or 6 years later. In that one I got a nice ambulance ride and spent a couple days in the hospital. Bad road!!! I also learned to ALWAYS wear a seat belt.

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dude, I think our mothers would share some good stories.
I swear my mother tried to kill me. I got into about 27 accidents with her before I owned my own car!
SHE WAS DRIVING! I dont drive with her in behind the wheel anymore!
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