
Honey-dew wagon....

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Friday morning, while driving into work, I was behind a Porta-pottie pumper truck... This guy will surely be successful. Whatever you do, be the best at it.

His slogan read, "Your #2 job is our #1 job."

This guy is going places!


I was passed by a honey wagon a few weeks back that had a variationon that theme "We're Number One in Number Two". But that wasn't the funniest thing -- on the back bumper was printed "Free Snow Removal". In Jacksonville, FL?

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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I like the trucks that say "Passing Side-Suicide"on the back.
Was driving to Amarillo and saw one that said"This Truck Makes Ridiculously Wide Turns"

I would love for my company to get mudflaps on all our trailers with the ""(We operate flatbeds so stickers are out) this really does catch peoples attention and increase safety awareness.
I also like the ones showing are 4wheeler (car) getting creamed by the 18wheeler after cutting inside while we're making our wide turns.
Most folks really have no clue:S about how to drive safely around bigtrucks and share the road, I'm very much into educating people about the "NO ZONE" around trucks.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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I would love for my company to get mudflaps on all our trailers with the "<---Passing side-Suicide--->"(We operate flatbeds so stickers are out) this really does catch peoples attention and increase safety awareness.

Yep,it catches drivers attention and its extremely self explanatory.

The Dude Abides.

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I worked with a guy who was rather egotistical and the biggest backstabber I have ever met. Most of the people in the group hated him. That is not too strong a word, trust me. Anyway, he kissed the directors ass at every opportunity (to the point of obvious and embarrassing). I mentioned to him that he was kind of like Lt. Riker. "Make it so". I commented how he was like the number 2 man and the director could just say "Make it so, number two." This guy and the director liked the idea so much that they started saying it all the time. After it was well ingrained for about a month, I mentioned the old childhood definition of number two. Over drinks, everyone related this to our "number two".

Meetings for the next two weeks were constantly abuzz with snickering. "Make it so, number two". The best practical jokes always are done by the victim to themselves. :D

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