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Anyone interested in doing night jumps this sat. at Skydive America call Tammi at 561-924-2020 by Friday. It's an awesome view (you can see both cost on a clear night). Temp. should be around 70. And after you can get some of that famous Carbone Zone food from Scotti and Tammi.

See Ya There

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By the looks of the caps and exclamination points in your subject line, it seems like you are saying this is a good thing. I think I'd rather put bamboo shoots under my finger nails than do a night jump- too scary! :P

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Though it's a little chilly here in Tampa tonight I was just looking at the beautifully bright full moon and thinking it would be a great night to do a skydive! Night jumps are yummy! :)

Ive done 4 night jumps and I still dont care for them. Well maybe out of a cessna, but an otter with 21 people in the air you cant see, Uh huh no more. The only Night jumping I want to do has nothing to do with skydiving;)

Small and fast what every girl dreams of!

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It's not like a normal load out of an otter. They do several passes and stagger them a lot and also stagger openings (3k, 4k, 5k). So surreal. Nothing like it! And it's fun to have a bit of fear gnawing at your belly too! I miss that sometimes!B|

Fall in dove.

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