
Caught up again

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Ok well the topic doesn't give much idea as to what I have gotten caught up in.

To put it short. I've fallen back into an addiction I had broken about 2 years ago. It's called EVERQUEST there was a post here on the DZ Forums awhile back that got me to thinking about that evil game again. So I figured ok what the hell I'll reinstall it an play for free for awhile again. Just to see what it was that had me hooked for so long. I found some of the players I used to group with an hunt the baddies with were still around. I got caught up in the action an interaction between players an the thrill of knowing your only a few coppers from getting that badass nuker spell....


So if you play EQ {EverCrack} lemme know. I'm back on The Tribunal server as Bagoknen. Someone took my old name.. Come an say hi. I'll probably be playing more an more again because I'm starting to level up again an it's getting interesting. They've made alot of needed changes in the format an game play that I used to bitch about.

Ok, now I got that off my chest.. Let's see who else is addicted to EQ as me.. C'mon I know there are some out here that are UberGeeks like me an play MMRPG's

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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Well I can't be at the DZ all the time.. I have been working about 60hrs a week an when I get some downtime during the week I enjoy some online entertainment. This has nothing to do with Skydiving it was meant as a way to find other EQ players among us skydivers.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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I have that game-
It pissed me off so I put it back in the box and locked it in the closet.

Not so with men, thats easy...
"You know what, leave your key on the bar, Goodbye."
He yelled at Skeet cause he was lurking about his steak. Lozer.

Zero tolerance on yelling. Look at that face over there... :).


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I see I've gotten some helpful comments.. 2 I think an one woman who lost a man..

nacmac - I have completed Halo an Munch alooooonnnggg time ago :P

Does no one play this game?

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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