
blue man group

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anybody else see their show? what can i expect? me and the missus are heading to boston this weekend to see them. we're just out of the pancho section, but still quite close to the stage. not sure why i'd need a pancho though...
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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Oh, they're hilarious! I saw the show in Vegas, and after laughing my ass off the entire time, I realized that they were able to do this incredibly funny show without ever saying a word. I watched them eat Cap'n Crunch cereal, and it was funny! They have some awesome live music going on throughout the show too.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Blue Man Group is the best! It's performance art that started in small parties and eventually moved to the stage. If you can think of a continuum with Les Miserables on one end, Stomp in the middle, then Blue Man Group would be all the way on the other end. You are in for a great time, my friend. Enjoy!
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yep, blue man rocks...I saw the show in Boston which is much smaller...but they rock none the less. I like going to the latest show...the poncho? Just in case they masticate a marshmallow on you...they also spew a lot of "blue"...lol...it *really* is a great show!:)

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There is very much a STOMP feel to the show. Its strange, funny, and bizaar. I do believe they are the fist mimes I have not wanted to kill bare handed. :P

Even the commercials are great. One the way to Vegas my wife and I heard a commercial in which they use phrases like "Ultra Bass Thunder Monks". When you leave the show you understand that the commercial was right.B|

D.T. Holder

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I saw them in Chicago this past May with my wife and Andyman. I wish I had not gone now. The reason is the ticket price to fun ratio I had.

I guess the percussion got old after about 10 minutes for me. Personally, I wouldn't have gone if I could do it over.

Ah well. That's just me. [:/]


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does anyone know who the hell those guys actually are, or is it a big secret?

johnny is the one in blue face.
bill well he also has the blue face.
teddy is the...well you get the idea!
I doubt they are the same guys all the time.
thes the beuaty of that type of gig. they are interchangeable and no-one is the wiser.
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okay, i went, and they ROCKED!!! couldn't even begin to describe the act though... ya gotta see it. i've never laughed so hard in my life. gotta go again!

nathan, thanks again!B|
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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