
CIA Assasinates US Citizen

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1 innocent life to save potentially hundreds..They made the right call.

I though Americans lived by the creed "innocent until proven guilty" ... in fact, isn't that what you go to war for -- to defend the right to a fair trail?

And now suddenly it's alright to kill a carload of people because 1 or more might be the bad guys?

Seems hypocritical to me ...

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If you ever find me in a car with even ONE other terrorist you are welcome to take both our asses out. I'd give my life to save hundreds to thousands others in a heartbeat.

Very selfless sacrifice. Can I nail you to a cross?

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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All of the terrorist strikes against the USSR by Al Queda were sponsored by us. We helped form and fund the organization for the purpose of carrying out terrorist activities against the Soviets.

Please, you are mixing times, dates, organizations and countries. Next you will claim that during the French Revolution they beheaded Louis XIII. Tut. tut.:S

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Wow Skydekker, I cannot believe how off base you are on this whole thread. I think the main point here is that seems to be missed is that the U.S. citizen was simply collateral damage. Shit happens.

As he wasn't the target you cannot say the CIA assasinated him. the CIA targeted a ligitimate terrorist. Earlier you asked what gives them the right to do this?? I believe it's the U.S. Constitution!!

Isn't there something about use of deadly force when there is a "Clear and present danger" (apologies to Tom Clancy:ph34r:)

And who decides this......The President of the United States has already declared Al Queda and the Taliban to be enemies of the U.S.

Someone also stated earlier that in WWII we killed millions of civilians......well again.... SHIT HAPPENS!! Now we've gotten alot better technologically. We only take out a car or maybe a complete building if necessary if a US, Canadian, British or any other citizen happens to be there, TOO BAD!!!!

What you have to remember is that we are at WAR and WAR SUCKS!!!!>:(>:(

However it is sometimes necessary. When a group or an organization (Nazi's/taliban/al queda) commits itself to the death and destruction of innocents you have to fight back and that is what the U.S. is doing!!!!

By the way, assasination works!!!!

Tell me about the millions of lives that could have been saved by one bullet in 1935!!!

Although we will never know, it is possible that thousands of lives have already been saved by taking that particular terrorist off the face of the planet.

Just another Canadian's opinion.

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No, found no challenge there. I just like ritual sacrifices. Throw someone to the lions, burn someone, stone someone, nail someone to the cross. Just quality entertainment, you volunteer?

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Hellfires are laser guided missles that need no assistance from the ground as long as the plane still can maintain a lock on the target.

THe great thing:| about being an "Air combat controller is that you get free jumps but, after you paint it, the survivors are looking for you and "you're on you're son". The $15 per jump I pay is worth the safe comardery when I'm on the ground at my D.Z.
I opt "no playing in the SANDBOX" for me.
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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A few months ago they said they had OBL targeted in a vehicle with a UAV, but a CIA lawyer (And if those two terms together don't scare you, then you don't understand either one of them.) refused to give them the go-ahead to roll hot. To quote Jakob Dylan's father, the greatest of protesters, "These times they are a changing".
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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