
The Non-Americans.

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07:28 here in chilly Aberdeen.

Morning all....Now to spend thenext couple of hours distilling the wisdom form last night postings....

Bagels w cream cheese and espresso cholcolate for me....

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Sush.......there is an American watching us.

I don't wanna quit, quitting sucks. I wanna SMOKE.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna suck a stompie through it's own asshole and chew on the filter.:S:S

Let me go pick a fight with some helpless employee.
Yeah that is a plan.........that is a good plan.
In fact it is a wonderful plan.:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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>You trying to quit? Why? I tried, and my entire office pushed me
>outside, and lit one for me. It was either that or kill me

I "quit" last... February I think. I've managed to only smoke a few times after that, when I've been ridiculously drunk.

>On a happier note: Which non-Americans won a tshirt? ME ME ME ME ME M

Yay for you. I never win anything goddamit.:(

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Yay for you. I never win anything goddamit.

Count yourself lucky... 'I once won the puke before party award'

Hey Kerry....too late:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
I gave old Robert another 'biblical' lesson.
Last I heard is him shouting "Satan!!!! I catch you outside with my panga" :ph34r::ph34r:

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"So what will you be doing after 07:30???"

Post whoring with you guys.....after posting on various forums, adding my tuppence (2.8 us cents)worth wherever it may or may not be welcome.;)


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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I read on the APF site that AADs are now mandatory for all unless you have a D-license....Maybe the rest of the world should know?

>>>Nacmac dusts off his faded D-license<<<

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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