
The Non-Americans.

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I have deduced that you are also from that small place the Americans think of as "the rest of the world"

Well, I did have the following conversation in the states a couple of years ago :

yank (upon hearing my seth efriken accent) : "Where are you from?"
me : "South Africa"
yank : "Where in Africa is that?"

I shit you not!!:D

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I read on the APF site that AADs are now mandatory for all unless you have a D-license....Maybe the rest of the world should know?

>>>Nacmac dusts off his faded D-license

Yeah I know. If only I'd kept jumping after I first started in '76. If I had I'd probably have an E or an F by now and still be immune to AAD disease. As it is I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll never jump without some battery powered, man-made electro mechanical device allegedly looking after my welfare. When I used to work in the explosives industry that category of thing was considered to be almost certainly lethal...
NEVER take a battery powered gas tester into a bunker. Take a balloon and a pump and test the gas where there isn't as much bangy stuff...:)
On another note... I've just watched a doco about Monsanto. Suffice to say that I have even less respect for them than I used to. It was close to zero. Now it's considerably less than zero.

+++?out of rum error?+++
+++?need more Bundy OP?+++

Mark F...

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The place the rest of the world refers to as the end of the world:P

One of our OWN Prime Ministers (Paul Keating) referred to Oz as the arse end of the world. Today bits of the north western arse end of the world got up to 47degC...Whew. One of the locals said on the radio "...if there's any shade then sure as shit I'm in it...":)
Mark F...

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I read on the APF site that AADs are now mandatory for all unless you have a D-license....Maybe the rest of the world should know?
>>>Nacmac dusts off his faded D-license

Yeah I know. If only I'd kept jumping after I first started in '76. If I had I'd probably have an E or an F by now and still be immune to AAD disease. As it is I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll never jump without some battery powered, man-made electro mechanical device allegedly looking after my welfare. When I used to work in the explosives industry that category of thing was considered to be almost certainly lethal...
NEVER take a battery powered gas tester into a bunker. Take a balloon and a pump and test the gas where there isn't as much bangy stuff...:)

That brings up an issue...how safe is it to bring a carry a battery powered device on a plane that has people letting out explosive fumes on the way up. Seem's like that asking for more trouble?

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"That brings up an issue...how safe is it to bring a carry a battery powered device on a plane that has people letting out explosive fumes on the way up. "

I could wax technical on this....Anybody care to listen?
I'm preparing a presentation on electrical devices in flammable atmosphers right now, even as we speak...
Upshot is, the smell is likely to cause dillution of any flammable atmosphere present, cries of 'open the door for gawds sake' normally work....;)
But if you are truly concerned....


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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You guys crack me up. I am so glad you are up and motivating this early as I need entertainment.

BTW...the US is full of stupid people, just like the rest of the world.


Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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"Go on, give us a snippet of this presentation then... "

well you did ask, this is from the inroduction.....

Model Code of Safe Practice for the Petroleum Industry: Part 15 Model Code of Safe Practice Part 15: Area Classification Code for Installations Handling Flammable Fluids
This new publication is the eagerly awaited update to the well-established and internationally accepted IP Model Code of Safe Practice for the classification of hazardous areas in the petroleum industry. The new edition provides a demonstrable methodology to comply with the area classification requirements under the UK’s new Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR), which implement the safety aspects of the European Chemical Agents Directive and Explosive Atmospheres (Protection of Workers) Directive. The new Code will be of particular interest to those responsible for managing installations handling flammable fluids, engineers with responsibility for hazardous area classification and consultants advising on safety at petroleum, petrochemical and similar installations. The IP’s new Code: - applies the latest understanding in modelling two-phase releases - takes account of high-pressure releases and mist and spray formation - has been broadened to encompass petrochemical as well as petroleum installations - now specifically covers LPG Subjects covered by the new Code include: - scope, applicability and definitions - step-by-step guide to classifying hazardous areas - the technique of hazardous area classification using direct example and point source approaches - how to classify typical facilities such as storage tanks and road tanker loading - the classification of drilling rigs, onshore and offshore - basis and application of point source methodology - the effect of ventilation - the selection of electrical equipment - ignition risks arising from non-electrical equipment..yadda, yadda, yadda, more heavily plagiarised text follows

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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That brings up an issue...how safe is it to bring a carry a battery powered device on a plane that has people letting out explosive fumes on the way up. Seem's like that asking for more trouble?

Once at a Snake Valley boogie long ago, me and Ed sat next to a girl. The plane was a South African Airforce C-130. She was "The Girl That Does Not Sweat" from Bloemfontein in the Orange Free State. She had shortish, black hair a tight black jumpsuit with orange trim, and a perfect backside.

Well, then Ed let one rip, managed to shift the blame to me, and f@#ked it up.


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While we're on the subject of politicians, here's something from our esteemed health minister ....(prev one, I think, don't follow these things ....:P)

Artery : The study of paintings
Bacteria : Back door of the cafeteria
Barium : What u do with dead patients
Bowels : A E I O U
Caesarian Section : A suburb in Rome
Catscan : A search for kitty
Cauterize : making eye contact with the nurse
Colic : A sheep dog
D & C : Where Washington is
Dilate : To live longer
Enema : Not your friend
Fester : Quicker
Genital : Not a Jew
Impotent : Distinguished and well known
Labour pain : Getting hurt at work
Medical Staff : Doctor's walking stick
Morbid : Higher offer
Nitrates : Cheaper than day rates
Node : Was aware of
Out Patient : A person who's fainted
Pap Smear : A fatherhood test
Pelvis : A cousin of Elvis
Post Operative : A letter courier
Recovery room : A place where you do upholstery
Rectum : Damn nearly killed him
Sciatic : An attic with a a view
Seizure : The roman Emperor
Tablet : A small table
Terminal illness : when u get sick at the airport
Tumor : More than one people
Urine : The opposite of "you're not"
Varicose : Very angry or close bye
Vein : Conceited
ZUMA : Zero Understanding of Medical Affairs


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Of course there are lots of stupid people left over there for ya'll to enjoy

Lisa, are you a Texan? I must say, if I had to be an American, I would prefer to be a Texan. But are Texans really Americans? ;) I guess we could consider letting Texans be Honorary Non-Americans :)


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