
The Non-Americans.

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Specially if you can speak Platt. Its a dialect used in the marshes of East Frisia. Right on the Dutch border.B|

Peace Bro! Just could not help myself;). Will buy you a beer one of these daysB|, a proper American beer!

Is there such a thing....;)

Never fear we will include you along with Erno on our culinary tour!

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter

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Come you poor lost soul to the land of Bierdom. Try for once a beer not made by SAB. Crafted with pride and joy. Where the brewmaster tastes EVERY batch before it is released. America - the land of small and tiny breweries resurected. Is there a proper American beer? Hundreds at least.
This is America - the land of diversity. If you chose you may eat at McDonalds and drink Budweiser. Most tourists do. However you have the choice of eating the best prepared and most diverse food in the world and splash it down with an amazing variety of beers.
This is what this country is all about - choice and cultural diversity.

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Yo Ferdi, what are you, an insomniac or what? It's 11:45 PM.
As to the culture part, its futile. I am a natural born savage. You may try to make me take Soma, but I wont. I live in my lighthouse, separated from all that is happining this year After Ford.B|


Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Morning from a blue and sunny JHB

Who is making the coffee today?

jraf......how can you take the name of SAB in vain??

I know when I was in NY I tried some of the smaller breweries.....not bad!!

A beer that I enjoyed and brought back to SA from Finland was called Lapin Kulta. Erno buddy, you guys make a great beer!! :)

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter

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Morning! I've just had a half litre of super moo choc flavour .... coffee on it's way .... yippeeeee! It's stinking hot in Durban - had the aircon blasting the entire 7 minute trip to workB|

Air time? What's that? I've forgotton... and another weekend rolls by without the smell of jet A.... I think a trip down the coast is in order


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Yeah, since we won our independence from Mexico a while back, Texan is a nationality.

Did you know:

Texas is the only state in the Union that can legally quit the United States? This is due to the fact that we were a nation before we became a state.


--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Ah you poor thing .... well seeing as you're from Texas, we'll hold thumbs for you. Good luck!

Same here....I know the pain of cramming!!

SA guys...should we give some egte regte bos koffie? That stuff can keep you awake or run a Samel!!

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter

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Erno AND JRaf .... nobody can accuse us of being inhospitable .... he he he he *rubs hands together with glee* .... ah what we can subject them to, all in the name of culture ...... *siiiiigh* .....:ph34r:

You said it.........takes a strong man to stomach witblits and mampoer!!

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter

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Yup, come to the Cape and we will teach you the joys of playing WOP.

How do you play it? I have heard all about it but never the rules and need to avoid a funneling when I come to the Dal

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter

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Why on earth do you want to avoid the funnel?;)

The rules of WOP are simple.......you learn them as you go:ph34r:

Actually it is easy. A minimum of five people stand in a circle and kick a soccer ball around. The ball may bounce once and may only be played once.
If you make a mistake you take a letter, starting with W. Once you get to WOP you step out and remember if you were first out or second or third etc etc. When everybody is out the first person places himself up against the hanger door as a target. The second places the ball, kicks it as hard as he/she can and tries to hit said target. If you score you get to stand down. If you miss you join the line by the hanger door. It is a lot of fun and takes a certain amount of insanity.B|

BTW Were you at nationals this year?

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