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Hello Campers

yeah I have had to earn my salary as well...

What a night.....skydiving, beer and fireworks!! Now if that isnt a kick ass weekend intro!! :)

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter

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Hello Campers

yeah I have had to earn my salary as well...

What a night.....skydiving, beer and fireworks!! Now if that isnt a kick ass weekend intro!! :)

Harumph.... While you bastards are out enjoying yerselves I'm the one that was chosen to keep the wheels of commerce turning. I might tell you that it's damn boring too. Three and a half hours into a twelve hour shit and it's aready got O L D....:(

Well don't let me interfere. Just go out and enjoy yerselves - it'd be a bloody shame if I was to put up with this purgatroy for no result.:)
From Mark F... in the depths of some data centre in Melbourne.

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While you bastards are out enjoying yerselves I'm the one that was chosen to keep the wheels of commerce turning.

Do not feel alone. I too am oe of the chosen ones. Yup, even on this Saturday night, some of us have a deadline to meet :|.

So what are you up to?

After three months of planning and a couple of months disaster recovery testing we had no choice but to move one of the largest data centres in Oz from one side of Melbourne to the other. We just couldn't put it off any longer.;)
I spent last night (it's 08:45 Sunday here) configuring near on 100 TB of disk (should that be tera-byte of terror-byte ??) in a disgustingly huge 'n fast (gotta love fibre channel SCSI) SAN which will be populated as and when required over the next month or so while the move is actually being done. The bottom line is that the online systems must NOT become unavailable. If they do then the whole of Oz loses internet connectivity. Hmmmm now that could be a bit of fun for a few minutes......perhaps not, then.:)
Mark F...

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If they do then the whole of Oz loses internet connectivity.

How fast is the internet in Australia? The norm here in South Africa is 56K dialup - anything faster costs too much for the ordinary Joe Bloggs. That said, most people are happy if they get more than 2k per second, even though the theoretical max is five :|.

So what is Oz like to South African visitors? I'm thinking of visiting sometime next year.


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If they do then the whole of Oz loses internet connectivity.

How fast is the internet in Australia? The norm here in South Africa is 56K dialup - anything faster costs too much for the ordinary Joe Bloggs. That said, most people are happy if they get more than 2k per second, even though the theoretical max is five :|.

So what is Oz like to South African visitors? I'm thinking of visiting sometime next year.

The usual method of connection here is 56K dialup but we are getting ADSL all over the place now. There's also two cable carriers - Optus (Optarse / sloptus who I'm with) and Telstra (hellstra). The mob I work for is a QUANGO that administers the whole of the Oz address space. Every DHCP lease is reported back to us and we do the smart routing, shaping and most importantly the billing for all off-shore traffic. The whole STOOOPID deal is because The Worlds Greatest Luddite, our Minister for Communications, Richard Alston has decreed that the internet shall remain under some form of government control and that we should keep all traffic. Little does he know...:):ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

South African visitors get treated pretty well. You drink beer and play sport with a "No Prisoners" attitude.:)
A QUANGO is a Quasi Autonomous non Government Organisation which means that when it all works OK the govt. gets the credit. No prizes for guessing who gets the blame when the govt. effectively directs us to fuck it up..:|

Now that I'm home I'm gonna have a couple of Bundys (OP of course) and a few cones and then in all liklyhood I'll pass out for a few hours...B|B|B|

Mark F...

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South African visitors get treated pretty well. You drink beer and play sport with a "No Prisoners" attitude.

Well, you guys generally managed to give us a good a$$-whuppin' in the last few encounters - we'll see how it goes with the world cup this year ;).


Now that I'm home I'm gonna have a couple of Bundys (OP of course) and a few cones and then in all liklyhood I'll pass out for a few hours...

Call me naive, but I have no idea what either of those are :P. But enjoy them anyway!


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Now that I'm home I'm gonna have a couple of Bundys (OP of course) and a few cones and then in all liklyhood I'll pass out for a few hours...

Call me naive, but I have no idea what either of those are :P. But enjoy them anyway!

Bundaberg over proof rum and some quite fine Queensland Heads (dope) to smoke...:)
Mark F...

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I heard that he was dropped. I think you are right, they are a tough side if a guy that good does not make the squad.

His batting has been below par for a while now. The real problem is who to replace him with in the close in catching positions.

This last few days cricket has been bloody interesting. Shane Warne is bowling like a demon but so is another young Victorian. The young bloke took 4 for not many while Warne only got 3 for a few. Mark Waughs replacement, Darren Leahman, made a few but so did MW. Leahman is the current highest first class run scorer with around 18,000 runs on the board. If he gets going he scores a LOT quicker than Gilchrist. Speaking of Gilchrist he needs to look out for the Vic. 'keeper who keeps to Warne and the other leggie all the time and is really VERY good. A lot better than Gilchrist in the keeping stakes but without the batting skills.

If the poms can get it together it should be a good summer of cricket. The prolem with the poms is that they have a team of REALLY good individuals but they don't seem to play very well as a team.

Mark F...

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Woow, i'm out for four days, and i need almost an hour to read through new posts in this thread ;)

Good morning everybody, it's raining here in slovenia (again) and the snow is coming tomorrow [:/], but i still managed to make two jumps on friday :)

"George just lucky i guess!"

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Good Morning All

What is happening?

I went off to the DZ on Saturday for the scattering of one of our pilots ashes. He died of cancer a while back and he wanted his remains scattered over Citrusdal. It was really beautiful. His brother carried his ashes inside a jumpsuit and went for a tandem.

Once the tandem was over the DZ off old Don went, slowly fading away into the blue skies. A really cool end to a great pilot.:)
As for the rest, if I have to climb that bloody tower crane one more time to put a Kestril back up there I am going to shit.
Four birds trying to fly and not very good at it...it is like having children.[:/]

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>What is happening?

Not much, I just barelyt survived the partying this weekend...:D/B|

>As for the rest, if I have to climb that bloody tower crane
>one more time to put a Kestril back up there I am going to
>shit. Four birds trying to fly and not very good at it...it is like
>having children.

Your dedication to the little birdies is nothing short of remarkable, but how do you think they survive when there's nobody around lifting them up to the nest?

Think about it: You're living in Elbonia(why? beats me...), and don't speak a word of the language. You're raising a family there though. Then, the day comes when your son turns 18, so, with a smile on your face, you kick him out of the house. A few hours later, a police officer comes knocking on your door, with your son in tow, shoves him inside with a smile on his face and says a few words in Elbonian. The next day you kick your son out, again. And a few hours later he's returned back home.

You say you're tired of climbing the tower. How frustrated do you think the mother-bird feels?:D:P

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Good morning!
Kestrils, hee hee you sound just like that dude in the "SA emigrates to Canada" joke I posted ages ago:D
Just last week, you were cooing, and loving those birdies!!

Sounds like you had a nice weekend. Mine? Friday night got cornered by the guys at work - beer and curry :S .... the rest of the weekend was work work work. Pretty boring actually.


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Your dedication to the little birdies is nothing short of remarkable, but how do you think they survive when there's nobody around lifting them up to the nest?

Kestrils normally breed on cliffs. When the little ones try to fly they go a little way and then land on a ledge. The parents find them and feed them there.
This goes on for a few days until the babies can fly for themselves.
Over here in an urban enviroment there are cats, people and all sorts of unnatural (for them ) shit to contend with. So back up the crane they go. I don't put them back in the nest, just out of reach of the nasties on the ground;) Mommy and Daddy take it from there:)

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Last month, a world-wide survey was conducted by the UN.
The only question asked was:
"Would you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food
shortage in the rest of the world?"

The survey was a huge failure.

In Africa they didn't know what "food" meant.
In Eastern Europe they didn't know what "honest" meant.
In Western Europe they didn't know what "shortage" meant.
In China they didn't know what "opinion" meant.
In the Middle East they didn't know what "solution" meant.
In South America they didn't know what "please" meant.
And in the USA they didn't know what "the rest of the world" meant.

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