
BEER rules

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ok I have a question for you people who just HAPPEN to skydive here. you may have heard of this thing call a BEER rule for firsts!:S:P

ok at the dz I jump at now everytime someone walks in for a jump, 1 person in particular tries to get them to buy beer for their first jump at that dz.

that to me is bullshit. Ill give you the story of this weekend ,for one.(the guy woulda ended up buying beer anyway for something else but I let it slip)

a guy was TDY(work travel for military ppl) here for 2 weeks and wanted to jump. COOL I do the same thing. before the guy even pre pays Someone(who is a non jumper=NJ) says
NJ: Youre first jump in vegas?
TDY GUY: yup!
NJ: thats a case!
I thought to myself...FUCK YOU!!!

I ended up jumping twice with the guy who NEVER jumped from a cessna before (THATS WAS A CASE:P)
he was a lowerer timer then I, he had 30+ jumps

now isnt the beer supposed to be a celebratory thing for those you jump with PRimarily... and ALL THOSE WHO HAPPEN TO BE AROUND AFTER?!
I would never buy beer and not expect EVERYONE to grab one . BUT I MAKE DAMN SURE THAT THOSE I JUMPED WITH GET THIERS FIRST! then the rest are up for grabs!

the TDYguy got made sure I got beer
but this has been bothering me for awhile now.
b/c It hasnt been the first time I saw this NJ call for beer!
(those who know the dz I am talking abou tprobly know who I am refering to!:S;))
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To me, the "first jump at a new DZ" one is optional. Much appreciated if you do it, but dang, people who travel a lot wouldn't be able to jump.
And bugging people about beer for every new breath is a good way to prevent them from becoming regulars. At least if you sound fairly serious about it. The idea is to increase the camaraderie, rather than to get as much beer as possible in the beginning.
After all, if you keep that jumper, they'll end up with lots of firsts, and bringing beer back again and again.:D Turn them off early, and you only get beer that first time you guilted them into it.
Edit: I just picked up on that the beer-bugger is a non-jumper. He sucks.
Wendy W.

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glad everyone seems to agree. I was just making sure I wasnt getting too worked up here.
to me the 1st jump at a dz Is NO reason to buy beer.
if the ppl are cool(always are)

I FIND A first to buy beer.

I was trying not to judge this guy b/c Ive only heard stories and Im sure(I hope, at least) he's not as bad as I've heard but that just bugs me.
maybe its b/c I ve only heard the things that piss ppl of about him. well thanks for justifying my "gripe":P

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JT, went and checked out your pictures. Saw the "Full Ho" Chinese restaurant. Reminded me that in Chinatown in NYC there is a restaurant named "Big Wong". Tried to get a t-shirt, but they didn't have any. It's a gold mine waiting to happen.
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to me the 1st jump at a dz Is NO reason to buy beer.
if the ppl are cool(always are)

I think first jump at a new DZ is an excellent reason to buy beer! I would tend to think most jumpers would buy a case if going to a DZ they've never been to before just because.

What I don't agree with is being forced to buy it by a non-jumper... WTF is that all about? If a non-jumper ever told me "That's a beer" I'd probably say something like "Yeah, too bad your not getting any f*cking whuffo!" lol

j/k, I wouldn't be so harsh but I still don't like the concept.

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BTW - I've found that a case for first jump at a new DZ is a great way to make friends. I jump at a new DZ, go out after last load to local liquor store and get a cold case of the good stuff. Bring it back and pass around to anyone and everyone (making sure beer light is on first). Instant friends! B|

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JT, HI!:)This is interesting to me because I am new to it all~
I really don't drink. I did my first tandem back in AU last year and did NOT buy beer..I didn't know...whuffo gal that i was~:S
When I started my training, I brought hard lemonade, cuz that's what i do drink, if/when i do.
It was a HUGE hit at the DZ. Saturday, I DID bring a case (their favorite beer!) for my first solo...but what are the rules for all this beer if one doesn't partake? I'll still do it, for the "firsts", but was wondering about that...


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BTW - I've found that a case for first jump at a new DZ is a great way to make friends. I jump at a new DZ, go out after last load to local liquor store and get a cold case of the good stuff. Bring it back and pass around to anyone and everyone (making sure beer light is on first). Instant friends! B|

Hey I agree, like I said..I FIND A first to buy beer!;)

I will not hesitate to buy beer at a new DZ. when I was in australia. I didnt do any NEW kinda jumps so I bought a case and rang the bell "FOR MY FIRST JUMP IN AUSTRALIA!" it was just a made up thing you know. even though it WAS an acheivement!
but I think that yelling beer everytime someone walks in the door is ridiculous!

What chile said! like I said Im not sure if Im blowing this out of proportoin b/c i dont know the guy. from what i understand he did jump but has no real numbers. I usually try not to dislike someone until Ive given them a chance to prove that I need to; but I think I'll make an exception for this guy.
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Yelling beer everytime someone walks in the door is ridiculous....the rule is you buy the case for a "first"---I've found firsts and had firsts and happily made the trip to the beer store. Always give first to those you jumped with---then it's a free for all. If the guy is a whuffo, he shouldn't be telling people when to buy beer. Put his ass in the plane and see what kind of "firsts" he earns on his own....and then him buy 10 cases for it ;)

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