
Forum FAQ

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Heya all,

I've taken a first swipe at creating a Forum FAQ. The link is in the top navigation bar. Please take a look what's in there and refer new people there when you see a question asked that's answered in that file.

I'll keep on evolving the FAQ and create versions for the other sections of the site as well. Thanks all!
Safe swoops

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Yeah, I was just looking at the FAQ and saw the question on "How do I display an icon by my post" and I probably saw it when I first registered but didn't pay that much attention. So I decided to give it a try and had a co-worker take my pic with my pumkin hat on today and it took some doing to get it to the right size and everything, but voila I have a picture by my posts! Yes, I think the FAQ is very helpful.:P


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but voila I have a picture by my posts!

That would be a first and you know what that means BEER!!!! fork it over i'm thirstyB|

I did not use the f-word and you can't make me.:D But if you're a good boy I might give you a beer anyways.:$

I had to do it the hard way because I don't have fancy stuff like print shop. Not here at work anyways.:P


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I don't think the size (widthxheight) matters - mine was 120 across when I saved it, didn't have a problem. it does need to be less than 10 Kb though and jpeg format
It's like something out of that twilighty show about that zone

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