
Important Feminist Ideas

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Laugh if you want but the issue is not dead:

My girlfriend is in her last year of a flute performance degree. Immediately after we started going out, she was raped by this musicology candidate. She tried to report it, but the administration blamed her for it (this, after two other women have already complained about sexual harassment from this shithead), and now, one of her professors, who happens to be on this guy's dissertation committee, has started to trash her writing, her scholarship, and her potential for graduate work.

You think there are no important feminist ideas? I know this post was meant in jest, but until women stop getting raped, and until women stop being treated with condescension from the masculine hegemonic mainstream, I stand by feminism.
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You think there are no important feminist ideas? I know this post was meant in jest, but until women stop getting raped, and until women stop being treated with condescension from the masculine hegemonic mainstream, I stand by feminism.

Thank you! I'd have said something similar when this was first posted, but I didn't want to be accused of being shrill or something.
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Thank you! I'd have said something similar when this was first posted, but I didn't want to be accused of being shrill or something.

Did you miss this earlier?
Q: How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: That's not FUNNY!

Yeah, there are some important feminist issues, but the most important is a lack of a sense of humor.
You can make fun of any group on this forum and people will laugh. Blonde jokes? Men? Name a group that isn't hammered. We all laugh.

Ardent feminists have the sense of humor of most fanatics. None. Everything is an issue. Maybe they should get over it and quit being so reactive.

Bad things have happened to people. The attitude that "all men are prospective rapists" until they can all get their "feminist education" is as f-up as divorced guys classifying all women like their ex.
It is called prejudice, prejudging people based on their sex. Aren't feminists trying to stop that?

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