
Do You Think I have been Post Whoreing?

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My advice:

Every time you make a post, before you click "Post", do this little ritual:

1. If the post actually has to do with skydiving, I mean REALLY something interesting or important about leaving airplanes in flight, skip to 3.

2. If not, flip a coin. If it comes up heads, close the window before clicking "Post". This will solve half the problem.

3. If the coin comes up tails, walk away from the computer for 5 minutes. Come back and read your post again. Ask yourself, "Will anyone who reads this care?" Be honest with yourself. If you can't imagine a lot of people caring, and I don't just mean one or two, close the window before clicking Post. Use your past performance as a training tool.

4. If you still think someone might care about what you have to say, spend a minute -- a WHOLE SLOW 60 SECONDS -- rereading your post for spelling errors, punctuation errors, doubled words, swapped words, unintended phonetic variations, etc. Fix them. No really, this isn't just elitist college graduate bigotry. Terrible writing really does diminish the final result.

5. If you've passed all these steps, think about the content ONE MORE TIME then click "Post." Prepare yourself for people who will object to your post. Be nice to them. Absorb their comments for your future decisions. Try to get better at this.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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No one is a complete authority on every topic but the people here are MUCH more experienced than the average "joe." ( No offense JTval!

He can't take offence to the truth!!;) (felt confident in making the joke knowing this thread will be deleted soon...)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Read the rules - no attacks

IF you review my content its valid....I'm not tryint to swoop by and rules

So that's what you think? We don't
It's like something out of that twilighty show about that zone

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You can Go FUCK A COW ( Or SHeep if its yor pref TOO). DAMN POST MANAGERS....

The Rules

In case you're too lazy to click the link -
"The rules are:
1) No personal attacks. None.
2) No jokes or references to pedophilia. None.
3) No advertising
4) Stick to the topics in the topical forums
Those are all the rules! Everything below simply plays to forum etiquette.

Some things will make you unpopular:
1) Spam
2) Mindless post whoring
3) Repeating yourself
4) Rudeness

Some things will make you popular:
1) Lurk. Spend some time before you storm in
2) Search before you ask
3) Punctuate and spell check
4) Help newbies
5) Be nice

Finally, a few good ideas:
1) Don't feed the trolls!
2) Substantiate your claims
3) Think before you post
4) Use your common sense
5) Don't run with scissors"

Don't like the rules? Don't like the community we have here? You know where the door is...

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FUCK YOU!!!!.....If spelling is your top priority then you shoud be an English major....I'm just try to provide a point of view.....Or shoud I say Go FUCK A COW!!!...

Skydiving is a rather small sport. The people you are swearing and cussing at today are the same ones who will be on the plane with you tomorrow. They are also the same ones who you'll be hoping to befriend to make this the coolest sport you've ever tried.

There's not a shadow of a doubt in my mind that you won't stand in front of ChileRelleno and call him these things to his face. That makes you a.... well... not a skydiver!
Safe swoops

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Wow... Clinton you need to avert your eyes now!!

And Void... get a few jumps in then start asking around more for gear. As for Postwhoring... you need to chill for a few days. Follow the advice above on rereading your posts before hitting post.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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You really are dragging up the past. That is just so funny.


Maybe you could use some of your antics on Void and loosen him up a little!


Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Skydiving is a rather small sport. The people you are swearing and cussing at today are the same ones who will be on the plane with you tomorrow. and the same ones who you'll be hoping to befriend to make this the coolest sport you've ever tried.

Truth. Beat me to it. Part of the sport is the people. Don't f-up your future by alienating some people that you may want as part of your life. Chill before you type. Listening to well-intentioned people has helped me in many ways.

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