
why does shit happen to nice guys?

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All i got to say the f***ing by-atch !!! I've been really interested in this girl, and she's just gone off with another guy. It's not like I didn't try or anything. nice guys ALWAYS come last. Sorry, but I've just had a load to drink because of this. I hate this shit !!! [unsure]B|[unsure][unsure]>:([unsure]
It's like something out of that twilighty show about that zone

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Seems like alot of poeple are having relationship (or lack thereof) problems these days.[:/]

That's because the summer is over. Deep down, the animal part of you is saying: "Uhm, is this the person I want to hybernate through the winter with?";)

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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Normally i'd say "fuck you". I'm fucking beat up over this

hold on there, hosse...

you're beating yourself up over this. take a few deep breaths, and dig deep to find that humor gland... you may have search for some of clay's posts (won't take long), but muster up at least a bit of a smile and just laugh.

really, it helps. B| (that implies i've soooooo been there)


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My only 2 friends B|


There are 10680 users on this forum!

Hang in there bud. All you ever hear from the guys is "Nice guys always finish last!" And all you ever hear from the girls is "Where are all the nice guys?" Whilst it may be true that the honnest ones "finish" last, believe me when I tell you that they get the best gals!!!

In the meanwhile, Be a bad-boy and get yourself some!!! j/k

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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It can be a frustrating game to play sometimes.

Which is why I quit playing. I'm perfectly happy having a bunch of guy friends without worrying about who might be "boyfriend" material. Makes for more "real" friendships, and should a relationship happen to come out of one of those friendships, so much the better.

What is it with guys anyway? If you don't have a girlfriend/wife/significant other, you're bummed out. If you do have a girlfriend/wife/significant other you bitch about her. I don't get it... ;)

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Which is why I quit playing. I'm perfectly happy having a bunch of guy friends without worrying about who might be "boyfriend" material. Makes for more "real" friendships, and should a relationship happen to come out of one of those friendships, so much the better.

This is terrific! Absolutely genius if you can pull it off... Beeing a woman of course, you would not have to worry about the "getting some" portion of your relationships.... If you want it, you can get it. On the other hand...


If you don't have a girlfriend/wife/significant other, you're bummed out. If you do have a girlfriend/wife/significant other you bitch about her. I don't get it... ;)

I would have to replace the "have a girlfriend/wife/significant other" with "get some" and the first sentence is correct.

The second sentece is perfect as is mind-you ;)

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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Shit happens to nice people, mean people, etc. Life is not perfect. Bad things will happen, maybe lotsa bad things. Why dwell on it though? Get back out there and have fun. Life is what you make it. Stand in the corner and sulk or get out there and cause nig noggery!!


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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don't feel so bad dude...could be worse...could be in a relasionship and not know how to get out of it withou breaking her heart which ya don't want to do.....(my situation rightnow) single is so much easier.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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It seems to happen on a regular basis, you know? I like someone, she goes somewhere else. It just sucks so much ass

I know it sucks. But beleive me, you're not the only one it happens to. It's not healthy to dwell on bad things.

Thats the last i'm gonna say about it on the forums. If you need someone to talk to, you're more than welcome to PM me.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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C'mon now Alex, this is the new chickie at the dz? Ever thought maybe she was just using you?
Don't let it change you though. Those people that open their hearts, once they've had them handed back to them a few times, tend to turn cold.
Dont let her change you!
Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

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