
What Should I Do With The Ring?

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Well as soon as my divorce is final I'm selling the engagement ring. Can anyone say AFF and rig??? B| But umm...that was not an option listed above:P.
Wait a few weeks before making this decision. Don't do anything rash that you'll regret later.

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If you can consider the ring to be just stuff, it's a sign you're moving past the divorce. Sell it, use the money for something good. Skydives, charity, a good dinner out, whatever.
Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I melted mine down and made a new ring that I designed, just for myself, from the gold.

When it came time to get rid of some of the other symbolic stuff, I gathered it together (some official papers, a photograph, a favorite hat, a voodoo doll) and flew over the crater of Mt. St. Helens. In it all went! Into the maw of fire.

Too much Tolkein in my youth? Naw...

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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First choice means holding onto it for another year....
I think you should melt it down and have a gold closing pin thing made......
Or a small pair of dancing shoes....;););)..


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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I like the option to nail it to the church door!

as they say, "today, we witness the joining of two as they become one..." FuCK that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that means one is giving up their life. GLAD YOU GOT YOURS BACK!

glad to see youre in SANE again! now sell that ring anD buy a cool new toy for yourself(rig? 100 jumps?)
dont get all philosophical about it and toss it...if you do toss it in an envelope addressed to me and Ill hock it!;)

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I threw my diamond out of the car window doing 100 one day when I was pissed. Now I wish I had sold it.

I took my gold band and gave it to my shrink who helped me through all the garbage that come along with the marriage/divorce for him to keep for me so that if I ever come back with some insane notion in my head about marriage then he could pull it out and shove it in my face. It has worked so for :D

Honestly, Zennie, don't do anything for a few days until you can sit down and examine your feelings. Then you come up with what is appropriate for you because you are going to be the one who has to live with whatever you do.


Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Great googly moogly! What's up with all the constant reminders?! Get rid of that thing somehow and move on! You are starting an exciting new time in your life. Don't dwell in the past. I don't think you need some stupid hunk o' metal to remember the crap you endured.:S

Fall in dove.

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