
effective use of run-ons

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warm soppy thanks to The Best Page In the Universe for my utter loss of bladder control this morning... B|

does stuff like this legitimize the use of run-ons? jessica? michele? :D


from The next person who tells me "You're never fully dressed without a smile" gets my foot up their ass.

Oh really? Apparently you didn't learn that everything written on inspirational posters is horse shit for mindless corporate ass kissing morons who wear suits and ties to work for the next 30 years so they can retire off of their shitty 401K plan and pay for some spoiled ungrateful bratt to go through school while they sit back and rott in front of countless Suddenly Susans until they finally become another unmemorable, faceless nobody in an obituary after their 70 year existence, while their dipshit kids having gone through college with their heads up their asses for 3 years, still not knowing what the hell their major is, sign up for some class that someone who knows what they're doing needs but can't take because there aren't any more seats so they get tired of being dicked around and drop out of college only to work for another shitty telecommunications company with MORE BULLSHIT INSPIRATIONAL POSTERS HANGING ON THE WALLS EVERWHERE WE LOOK, BEING SHOVED DOWN OUR THROATS UNTIL THE DAY WE DIE.

from Oh no! Not another douche commercial!

The young, independant, "I am woman, hear me roar" female of the '90's that has discovered a "revolution" in tampons, made by a "woman gynaecologist", and she giggles and loafs around an appartment frittering her life away on her trivial tampon concerns and her stupid date with some hot-shot jerk that drives a fancy red car that he couldn't afford in a million years in any other country because he was one of those idiots that played high school football and went to prom with the prom queen and goofed off in class while all the other people tried to pay attention so they could get a good enough grade to get into college and maintain a job to pay for their tuition while trying to muster up just enough time each day to eat without having to worry about being criticized by his peers when he doesn't have the time to "have a life" and be cool and go to parties with all the other rich little daddy's boys that can afford to piss away their lives on sexual experimentation, drugs, drinking, smoking and listening to mind rotting MTV and watching alanis morisette while feeling their way up their date's shirt and getting away with it EVERY time because they're rich little pretty boys that can bribe the sheep into keeping their mouths shut because they have no free will and tend to conform to whoever or whatever has the power like zombies because they can't stand to be individuals with their own thoughts for a change, but instead they let some overpaid jackass control them with multi-billion dollar advertisement campaigns with some starved fools that call themselves models do all the talking and force feed tampons, yeast infection treatment, hundred dollar sun glasses, pants, shirts, shoes and horrible music down our throats while we the consumers become consumed."

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