
What are you labeled?

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DZ folks started calling me "Freak" when there were just a couple of us freeflying (or trying, I should say). Fortunately a guy named "Freak" came for a Boogie a couple of years ago - and never left - so they went back to calling me Cajones.
Here's an interesting twist... The DZO keeps teetering on the names issue. He feels it's "unprofessional" to call people "Freak" or "Cajones" and wants the staff to call each other "Jason" and "Ed." Whaddya' think?

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>He feels it's "unprofessional" to call people "Freak" or "Cajones" and
> wants the staff to call each other "Jason" and "Ed." Whaddya' think?

Unprofessional my ass! Calling people "Freak" and "Cajones" just gives the guys in question much more DZ-credibility. I bet the DZO is just jealous because he doesn't have such a cool name!B|

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Here's an interesting twist... The DZO keeps teetering on the names issue. He feels it's "unprofessional" to call people "Freak" or "Cajones" and wants the staff to call each other "Jason" and "Ed." Whaddya' think?

First off, people who come to a dz may want a little "atmosphere". They may
want to tell their friends that they jumped with "Cajones", not "Ed". Better story.
Second, if you call everyone Jason or Ed, your going to end up having to use last names too. ;)

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The DZO keeps teetering on the names issue. He feels it's "unprofessional" to call people "Freak" or "Cajones" and wants the staff to call each other "Jason" and "Ed." Whaddya' think?

Hell, at Spaceland I didn't know Hoop & Rabbitt's real names for ages. If your DZO has a hangup with nicknames I think you need to find an new DZ, cuz that's lame.

I agree with Bill. Particularly with one-timers, the nicknames are sort of what makes the experience, especially if they are interesting ones. ;)

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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If your DZO has a hangup with nicknames I think you need to find an new DZ, cuz that's lame.

Here Here. nicknames are so funny. Some of them have incredibly hilarious stories behind them.

"How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"

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We have a skydiver at our DZ who goes by the nick "Thumper", apparently because he hits the ground a lot. He refuses to tell me his real name. Anyway, it was my second jump and he was the instructor. We are on my jump run and he does the usual "How do you feel?" thing with low timers. To reassure him I'm good to go I decide to call him by name. Problem is, he didn't tell me his nick before we took off, so I had to read it off his shirt. His shoulder straps were over part of his name, so what I ended up calling him was "Humper";)
That made a pretty good storyB|

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I'm going for "Enormous Tool". There's no story behind it, it's just a rumor that I'm trying to spread.

And then the next post after yours, Thumper,then he winds up getting called Humper! OMG thats some funny shit!:D:D:D
See.............where would we be w/o nicknames?

"How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"

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Rabbit has a real name?

I'm labeled a red neck half the time. Rabbit named me "Cornfed" the first time I met him. For a number of years I was called "Colonel or "The Colonel." For a while I was called "Tackleberry" (you know, from police academy).
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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