
Skydiver Stereotype

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I was talking to a guy at work the other day who I didn't know at all, and he saw my water bottle that has a skydiving sticker on it, and he says, "Is that yours??" I said, "Yeah..."
So he says, "Have you ever DONE that before?" I reply, "Yeah, a *few* times..." He looks at me REALLY quizzically for a few seconds, and then says, ".....you don't SEEM like a skydiver...!"
After I stopped laughing, I asked why not, to which he responded, "I dunno... you should have half of your head shaved or something..."
After I stopped laughing the *second* time, I started thinking about the stereotype that whuffos have given us. Does anyone here think they actually fit the skydiver stereotype, 'cause I sure as hell don't. :)btw- He says he'll go to the DZ with me this weekend to do a tandem. Hope he doesn't back out, 'cause he's kinda cute... :$

you shall above all things be glad and young / For if you're young,whatever life you wear
it will become you;and if you are glad / whatever's living will yourself become.

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Where I work, nobody really cares. It's just one of the things I do - it isn't thought of as unusual, weird, special, etc.

There are people who own Harleys, and there is one guy that is an amateur competetive bass fisherman. Go figure. "It takes all kinds" was what a former co-worker used to say whenever we encountered something or someone out of the ordinary during the course of our daily travels around the plant. Good words to live by.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I've gotten five guys do tandems since I started jumping four months ago. Maybe it's something about me; makes them want to jump out of airplanes... or kill themselves, maybe. :P

you shall above all things be glad and young / For if you're young,whatever life you wear
it will become you;and if you are glad / whatever's living will yourself become.

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Most people I talk to don't really care and wish I would shut up about it.

Yeah, like the way my ear canals tend to pinch themselves shut when the bass-fisherman guy comes in and starts droning on about that. Man, talk about the cure for insomnia!
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I don't think I fit into the stereotype either. But I do have a funny whuffo work colleague story.
I honestly don't know how accurate this story is, but if it is true, then the x-skydiver who told the whuffo his information should be publicly flogged at a DZ. You see, the whuffo tells me he knows this guy that used to skydive (back when nickles had pictures of bees on them ... LOL), and that this dude got out of the sport because all of his skydiving friends were dead. And the funny part was that it wasn't a case of skydivers pludging to their deaths with no canopy over their heads (what appears the #1 cause of skydiver deaths according to whuffos), nor was it a case of these dead skydivers slamming into the ground on a failed swoop. No all this guy's friends were dead because they walked into the aircrafts propellar blades and got chopped up. So here's this whuffo at work thinking I (as well as all my skydiving peers) am going to die one day because I'll get sliced and diced by an airplane's prop blades. Man not only does this guy not know very much about the risks in skydiving, but he obviously hasn't spent a whole lot of time hanging around a GA airport. :P

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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naw, they're trying to score and don't want to have a girlfriend that skydives and they're too scared to.
so they tandem to prove the point;)

Not the case; I didn't hook up with any of them. I think I scare guys. Or maybe it's the skydiving that scares them. Who knows? :P

you shall above all things be glad and young / For if you're young,whatever life you wear
it will become you;and if you are glad / whatever's living will yourself become.

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Yeah, there's a guy I work with who is going through scuba training and there are 2 skydivers in his class. So he starts talking to me about it. Funny thing is that he says that everyone in their class, including the instructor, had this opinion that, hey, they are skydivers so they won't have any problems with scuba. Turns out they both are doing scuba to overcome their fear of the water. I told him, people seem to have this larger than life image of skydivers, but most of them are just normal people. He said he was just getting that. I guess most whuffos never get it though.

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We had a guy walk into the prop at SD ATL before I got there 2 yrs ago. Danny Page also got hit in the head by his own prop...of course it didn't hurt him tooo bad cause he has a hard head. (just picking Danny)

Leave it to people in GA.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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I got $5 that says he isn't there. Oh, he won't -say- he's chickening out . . . maybe his mother is sick or something . . . but I bet he's a no-show.

Oh yeah. No show. Get the money up front for "reservations". They usually
let you know right then that "the plans are a little sketchy, maybe March would be better."

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Alright, you guys win... He just came into work and I asked him if we were still up and he says, "Maybe in the spring when it's warmer..." So I was like, "You're letting me down!" and made him read this thread... now at least he feels guilty. :P Damn whuffos. (I know, I know, skydiving chicks shouldn't date whuffos anyway...) Oh well. I was too good for him anyway. ;) (Besides, I think he has a girlfriend.)

you shall above all things be glad and young / For if you're young,whatever life you wear
it will become you;and if you are glad / whatever's living will yourself become.

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Hope he doesn't back out, 'cause he's kinda cute... :$

Bad Girl! You are supposed to bring your girl friends into the sport. There are already plenty of guys, and they don't appreciate your interest in non-jumpers.
-- Tom Aiello


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well during the summer, and on winter trips i would fit the stereitype kind of. i always color my hair a color. like bright yellow, orange, red, purple, teal, or royal blue. and some other colors sometimes. so i guess i would be one of those skydivers. or that freak that jumps out of planes.

but it's kinda funny that when you go to the dz everyone thinks it's normal, or no big deal.


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Forgive me if you think I'm crude, but - you must have big bazoobies, do you? That's the only thing I can think of that makes sense... You're right tho', you are too good for them!!!;)

If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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It always comes back to the boobies here at dz.com, doesn't it? :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

you shall above all things be glad and young / For if you're young,whatever life you wear
it will become you;and if you are glad / whatever's living will yourself become.

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